Uses for old phone


Apr 3, 2024
My previous Samsung phone sits in a drawer. It's still a highly loaded device, just not connected with a cell plan now. I can't help but think it ought to be kept charged & in my truck. What are some creative ideas you guys have found as a reason to keep this phone handy?
My previous Samsung phone sits in a drawer. It's still a highly loaded device, just not connected with a cell plan now. I can't help but think it ought to be kept charged & in my truck. What are some creative ideas you guys have found as a reason to keep this phone handy?
Literally none. Donate or sell it. Could call 911 i guess. But not much use beyond that.
Yeah - that's the sort of wisdom I'm after. Thanks for contributing.

I’ve thought about using the video camera on the phone somehow to project to a monitor and have it set up over my Dillon reloading press to make sure powder is in every case while I’m working the lever but I think I’ll end up doing a small web camera for that.
I pack my old phone alongside my binos, with a magview plate on's now essentially my magview phone.

Cleared it, deleted about everything I could. Airplane mode on, everything else off. Max battery life. Works well for now depleting my (primary) phone.

Best of all, I've paired it to my (primary phone), dicked around with some apps and use it to watch through the binoculars from a more...relaxed position...within reasonable distance. 2 sets of eyes is what I tell my self...

Purely lazy fun.
If you have one of the auto tricklers you can have the old phone for BT to the trickler and act as your dedicated reloading /podcast device.
I was told by my AT&T store that they take old cell phones and donate them to battered women's shelters. The phones can still call 911 without a paid plan so the woman can call for help while she is in (at) a safe house but the bad guy can't track her down. Not sure if it's true but it sounds like a good idea if you have a phone that you can't use for anything else.
My sister uses an old phone for temu purchases. She did a factory reset and created a new email address, etc.