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Urine May Fight Spinal Cord Injury


New member
Nov 28, 2001
Compound in Urine May Fight Spinal Cord Injury

TUESDAY, Feb. 15 (HealthDay News) -- Uric acid, a metabolic breakdown product found in urine and blood, may help reduce damage from spinal cord injury, researchers say.

In research with mice, scientists at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, found that uric acid helped lessen some of the secondary cellular damage that occurs following spinal cord injury. This secondary damage is caused when the body's inflammatory response releases potentially harmful chemicals that exacerbate the injury.

Mice given uric acid just before and after they suffered a spinal cord injury recovered motor function quicker, and to a greater degree, than mice receiving a simple saline solution. In cell culture tests, the researchers discovered that uric acid protected spinal cord neurons from damage caused by a compound called peroxynitrite, which is linked to cell damage caused by inflammation.

The findings, reported in this week's issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, might someday help in the development of new treatments for spinal cord injuries, the researchers say.

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I love it when they find cures which harken back to basic home remedies. Of course they are going to package the snot out of it, give it a rediculous name, and sell it for $1000 an ounce. :rolleyes:
weird all i can say and ya cost bunch money or alot people have cures by now prob have cure for aids only one have enough buy it be president or goverment it wrong for people who need cures bad that dont have money to get it or be in hospital on time just ur rich jerks lie i said above :bleep:
It would be great if they could come up with an aid to spinal cord injures.
I know a bit about this as my brother suffured a spinal cord injure 10 years ago. He was shot at point blank range with a 22. His spinal cord was in tacked but because of the inflammation damage he in know a parapalegic. at the time of his injure he was only 16 and they did not have much here in the way of help with spinal cord injures. It alway amazes me at the advancements in medicine that have taken place in the last 10 years.
I am glad to see that there maybe some advancements and"cures" in the near future.
Sorry about the spelling, its not the greatest I know.
wow huntinfool sorry to hear i hope the cure works to help ur brother other like him hf sad but yes upgrades keep upgrading :cool:

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