
Upping the broadhead weight

kiwi hunter

Well-known member
Jul 21, 2013
My friend was over(new hampshire)with his compound to hunt a hog deer here in Aussie, got that but we missed out on a sambar unfortunately. The neighbour next door gave me a hot tip where they where but forgot to mention it's a no hunting part of the national park, luckily we sussed it all out before being jailed. Anyhow we discussed my recurve v his compound and the type and weight of our arrows, his are 27 inches long with 100 gr montec,pretty quick. Mine 30 length and a 125 gr head, now I mentioned that I would like to up my weight to 175 gr for the broadhead as I'm drawing 50 lb against his 70 draw. He likes speed whereas I'm a bit behind the queball and need the weight. Before we got too far down the road re our discussion he flew off to hunt nz before heading back to usa. Today I had a fairly easy day by my standard and got to thinking how to try out a heavier system. Grabbed an arrow, out with the hacksaw and took the end off an inch, rescued the female part and inserted two 33 gr hammer projectiles and put the female back and used a 125 gr practise head. So that gave me an extra 66 gr which comes to 191 gr of weight up forward. It flew off and seemed not to be any slower but definitely heard a much more improved whack, hit the bull too. Unfortunately the glue I used hadn't dried out and the front weights are still buried in the haybale. If it flies that well maybe I can just go to a 200 gr broadhead? Care to comment?
30” arrow with a 125 may not give you adequate FOC% or adequate total arrow weight depending on your arrow’s specs. And with you shooting from a recurve, I’d expect you want to shoot the heaviest arrow you can accurately deliver (within reason). I’d definitely size up from 125, but not sure about 200. Arrow weight, spine, all come into play probably everything will need to be re-tuned.
Bit the bullet and got 2 three packs of vpa three blade. A 175 and a 200 gr. Should be here waiting for me when I get back from my hunt in nz.
Well the vpas were in the letter box when I got home. Tried them this morning and flew wonderfully no need for a tune other then shifting the sight down later when I go hunting, the 200 gr was defo lower.
Last week ordered some(3) 2117 shafts cut to 29 inches and cut down the middle to make a takedown arrow. All three landed next to my carbon?? About 18 yrds so a dead elk. Look forward to having more play.
I shoot 200gr Valkyrie Blood Eagle broadheads out of my compound and the same out of my #55 recurve and 60# long bow. I am impressed with the set up.
I shoot 200gr Valkyrie Blood Eagle broadheads out of my compound and the same out of my #55 recurve and 60# long bow. I am impressed with the set up.
Those things look mean, but not that much different to the vpa.
To be truthful , no.
Im not going to sharpen them until ready to hunt.
I picked up two packs and none of mine were sharp. I can toss them hand to hand three at a time without getting cut, similar to shaking dice. . With all the stellar reviews on the VPA broadheads I assumed my two packs were a fluke, that's why I was curious if yours were sharp. Good to know, thanks.
Those things look mean, but not that much different to the vpa.
I wanted to shoot VPA since they are made in my home state but couldn't find them in stock back in 19 when I made the switch. I wanted to try some Ozcut broadheads as well but ran into the same issue.
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Shot them this morning and again at lunchtime, I put a 200 gr practice point on one and it seems to be much more positive and hits the bull with authority. That said they group well, although ive lowered my poundage a wee bit as my shoulder was starting to feel the strain.Looking forward to this evenings session.
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There was an English program called, some mothers do have em.
IMG_2325.jpegSwitching to a recurve this year so upped the weight…went w a 200grn cutthroat…got em yesterday n sharpening em up now! Just need my bow to get here to shoot ‘em!!!
Can't wait. Back in nz I have some beautifull pieces of walnut, been thinking of making a riser, be interesting.
With regard to total weight of an arrow, I recently listened to a couple podcasts on Remi Warren's pod cast, Live Wild. It was an interview with a guy who explained (from an engineering-like standpoint) on weight of arrows/broadheads. Really technical. Good listen and good info if you have the time.
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