Upland Shotgun Shell ?


New member
May 24, 2011
NE Nevada
It is time for me to buy a flat of shells for chukar, huns, and sage hen. I have been shooting the Kent Fast lead 2 3/4", 1 3/8 oz # 6 shot. I have not had any problems with them, and would rate them well. However, I have also been looking at the Fiochi Golden Pheasant and the Federal Prarie Storm. Do any of you have any experience with these other two shells?

Kent - $140
Fiochi - $165
Federal -$183

Is it worth stepping up or am I wasting a tank of gas money?
I've read some good things about Prairie Storm...but I don't think it's worth another $43. Unless you find that the Kent's are somehow malfunctioning, stick with what you know.
I use the fiochi golden pheasant everywhere I can lead and in my opinion they cann ot be beat. For me they pattern well, have been 100 percent reliable, and are deadly on game. Was sceptical at first if the nickle plating would really make a difference, but after 4 seasons using them, I am sold on there terminal performance. They work especially well on the big late season pheasants on public land in Montana. Opportunities can be few and far between and shots can be long, other conditions I have found the fiochis to shine above all else. Hope this helps.
Stay with what you've been using if you have had no problems and are happy with them like you stated. I just use the high base #5 Estate loads in my 30" O/U Beretta that has very tight modified and full choke fixed chokes for pheasants in ND. They are killers at unreal distances in my gun and I see no reason to go up to the high-priced stuff when I don't need to. IMO the same goes for you.
I use Kent too. No complaints. I don't shoot enough to tell a difference between shells so I'd probably stick with the cheaper option.
well I am pretty late, the flat is prolly bought and half shot by now! I have been using the Federal Premium 2 3/4" #5, 1 3/8 oz, 1500 fps loads for the last 10 years or so and they just plain rock. According to my records (yes, the anal engineer in me keeps track of such stuff), between my Dad, brother and I, we have shot approximately 500 roosters in the last 10 years with those shells. Just from my opinion from shooting those birds, the number of one shot kills recorded, and the number of cripples lost, those shells really deliver.
I bought my last case of Kent. Will never shoot it again. Performance is good but is is some of the dirtiest loads you will find. Snow goose hunting I would get powder burns in my eyes daily. Shooting a semi auto you will just have to be more diligent at cleaning your gun. For the price difference I now just shoot the more premium loads from Winchester and Federal. No complaints. Too reduce costs my favorite loads are hand loads lead #5's but we shoot mostly pheasants. You can hand load 2 3/4 AA hulls really easily and get a great shell for a reduced cost. You can get a good MEC reloader pretty cheap used and they last a long time. I had the SizeMaster and loved it. I just dont shoot enough shotgun anymore to keep it.
This load, that load......much of it simply plays to the mfrs marketing.
I think if more people would spend more time shooting, skeet, sporting clays....just shooting we wouldn't have the need to get caught up in this load-that load conversations.
Shoot the gun, learn the gun, pattern the gun get it fitted if need be. Shoot more and I think you'll do just fine with cheaper loads.
my 2 cents.
I lucked out when I lived in Reno and stumbled into 5 flats of brand spankin new Federal Hi Brass in 7.5 shot at a garage sale.

It's my preferred load for chukars and early season pheasant/sharptail. With I/C choke it's very difficult to miss.
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