Caribou Gear Tarp

Upland Bird plans for this year???


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2000
I'm actually gonna do a bit of hunting for birds this year. I'll be chasing forest grouse, sage grouse, chukar, and if I can find some, huns here in UT. Success won't be too great as I don't have a dog yet, but should get a few. Then permission and time willing I'll be going to ID for chukar or quail. November a co-worker and I are heading to Pierre, SD for Greater Prairie Chickens and Pheasants. So, what's your plans for birds?
Upland birds opens here on the first of Sept. I will be chasing a few huns and sharpies on Thurs. and Friday. Just counting days to pheasant, waterfowl and big game to open.

I'll be out Wednesday for upland birds , and every Wednesday till big game season
1-pointer. I have a Female Springer named ANN. I need to find a new home for her. She is a titled Junior hunter. She could have gone farther but she started to point part time. Spaniel rules say that is a no no. She is line steady and hunts well. She was steady to wing and shot for a while but she could use a tune up. She does blind retrieves and hand signals. She is whistle trained to turn, sit, and come. She is house broke and she is,,,, FREE! if you would like her.
She is not getting along well with my GSP so she needs a new home. She is 6 years old and she has lived in our home. We have a day care in our home and she gets a long well with all 12 kids. If you would like her I need to know soon. Ron
Ron- I'll run it by the wife! The only caveat is that we already have two dogs in the house, so if she's okay with it we'd have to see if she gets along with our current dogs. Does she get along with most dogs and just not the GSP or doesn't like other dogs? For me that's the $1 million question.
I imagine we'll be making 3 or 4 trips to Kansas again this year. My 1 y/o GSP, was killer on quail last year. I spent alot of time getting her steady on birds this spring and summer. Can't wait to get back out w/ her on some wild birds. Hopefull she'll transition into the pheasants as well this year. She seemed to be a lil' intimidated by their size last year. Something tells me that shouldn't be a problem anymore.


There's a reason Idaho, is getting rid of the Spaniel, and keeping the GSP! :D Right there should tell ya, which dog you need to get. You won't be sorry!!! IMO, there isn't a better breed out there especially for upland birds.
My truck is packed for "Dove Camp", 11:30 departure today.
This afternoon/Tonight 10 of us will enjoy the moon, many cocktails, hand cut 1# rib-eyes, corn on the cob, Idaho bakers, all the trimmings, then some sleep.
Tomorrow marks the passage into the fall seasons.
This season oughta hold Quail, chukar, huns, blue grouse, maybe a ruffed grouse or 2, sage grouse, hopefully none of those running roosters and that's just the upland side.
As posted earlier young Jaeger will have multiple opportunites to be around birds. Only time and exposure will tell what she's made of.
Oh, did I fail to mention that my 12 year old daughter is actually looking forward to doing some bird hunting this fall?
Just another fall filled with great expectations.
The reason the dogs don't get a long is food. The spaniel is a glutton. She will fight for food. She should be in a one dog family. She is a very well behaved dog. But she is a little touchy with her food.
OSOK, For quail and pheasant the ESS does well. I hunt mostly chukar. The GSP ROCKS at chukar. Ron
I called my wife right away and we've decided that we can't handle a third dog right now. Plus, the food thing is a worry as we have an auto feeder for the dogs so they can have food anytime they want. Again, thanks for the offer, but right now is just not the right time for us. I hope she finds a good home.
Hey Tyler, why don't you call your wife and see if it is alright to use the bathroom. ;)
Hey miller, I have GARUNTEED ***** in the house at all times! ;) Besides, who do you think is funding my trip to AK next year.
Idaho Ron I would probably be interested in your dog . P.M me if you would like , we can feel each other out if you know what I mean LOL.