unwritten rules of hunt talk

Is it written or unwritten that I have the sexiest legs on this website?

Certainly understood if not unwritten
It is also unwritten that although there may be challenges to the reign of CSEH, ……………………it will never be honestly toppled.

It is also unwritten that although there may be challenges to the reign of CSEH, ……………………it will never be honestly toppled.

When it was left up to a vote of Hunt Talkers....I won the popular vote :D That's ok, though, the title will be mine at some point....I have flip flop cred :hump:
When it was left up to a vote of Hunt Talkers....I won the popular vote :D That's ok, though, the title will be mine at some point....I have flip flop cred :hump:

Rule number 1................you have to have killed at least one bull elk:eek:

Oh no he dint, oh no he dint
Perhaps another truism of HuntTalk and not an unwritten rule, as evidenced above ^^^^^ this afternoon, if Dinkshooter and/or JohnCushman are involved, it gets funnier.
Don't help anyone out by posting a response.If you want to give imfo, I guess it has to be done by pm only.I know the whole board had a heart attack when I posted about and easy unit for Wy antelope and where to go hunt.It was my bad though as I got confused that this place was for hunters to help other hunters.I still help anyone that asks,but thru pms now.Unfortunately, its become a place to post pictures of kills and hide any and all imfo.I do get some imfo but that's because people know I'd help them in a heartbeat.So if you want imfo, be prepared to share what you know or have learned
Oh yeah, if your from the east coast the western hunters only appreciate that we keep their license costs down and hope we don't actually show up to hunt.Don'targue the fact that a NR never deserves more then 10% of any tags even if we would be hunting on the federal land we ALL pay tax on,not just the whining residents
That's all I can think of for now.There are some great guys on here and can teach you some hunt tips.Just never never ask about particular areas, it taboo.And be agreeable that all tags belong to residents and be thankful they are willing to share some but only if sharing keeps their fees at the same price as a case of beer
You can only complain about nonresident tag fees if you repeatedly use "imfo" in place of the word information in your post to keep it light hearted.
Don't give any advice to hunters from overseas, they end up taking your advice and shoot your elk and deer:D
One of the things I've found on this site is that you will find some of the greatest friends you will ever find in your life on here. I have met and hunted with several guys from here and have plans to meet up and hunt with a few more in the near future. I have some other guys on here that I haven't met that I still consider to be good friends. I never imagined that the broke down, crazy, sometimes a little slow, fat, loud, obnoxious, sarcastic, unholy, combat vet that swears too much would be so readily accepted and welcomed into a community. Thanks, everyone!!
You can only complain about nonresident tag fees if you repeatedly use "imfo" in place of the word information in your post to keep it light hearted.

Maybe we could make some "imfo-mercials" telling non residents exactly where to hunt.
Come on guys lets all try to be nice.

This isn't a rule but more of a fact:

Big Fin will be fighting for our rights in DC and elsewhere while we act like big kids on this site. Me included.
Rule # 1. Even though this is hunt talk, remember it's still the Internet.

Rule # 2. Get involved!

Now which one of you pansies wants to argue today?
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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