Unreal R/C video

Take that thing out by one of the military bases and see how long it takes a SAM or F-14 to show up....
Seeing as they've all been retired be a long time before an F-14 Tomcat showed.

I think its really cool.

Wish I had the video but last winter a RC Model club had a setup in the mall some of these planes are huge and took thousands of hours to build. But its the video they were playing that caught my eye. Call it a Blooper Video for the 1/2 hour I watched must have been a hundred clips of these planes encountering solid objects at a high rate of speed and dissintegrating into thousands of pieces. One rather large model of an ME-109 went head on into a Ford pickup; took out the headlights, hood, grill, radiator, all the belts, and waterpump. Had to have been 4K in damage to that truck.

I just watched some thing on the one of the discovery type channels a few months ago... :)
Thats awesome schmalts...thanks for sharing it.
RE:.....this guy has way too much time on his hands to build this thing, but too cool
We don't realize it...but that's what people say about all of us...scouting, hunting, camping, reloading, sighting in, putting up stands, caping trophies, hangin out on OYOA etc...LOL!
Least we get something we can eat...LOL!
Caribou Gear

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