University of Minnesota develops CWD field testing capabilities


Well-known member
Aug 7, 2018
I haven't seen anything lately on this particular subject but it seems like the University of Minnesota is ready to deploy field testing sites for CWD and would be able to give CWD test results within 24hr this fall in several locations throughout MN. I think this is great news and a massive step in the right direction for future "home kits" which would allow hunters to do their own testing. This new approach may be the key towards a better understanding of and approach to, CWD. I hope this capability spreads like wildfire and am looking forward to reasonable testing deadlines in the future, as of now, it can take months to get results in Saskatchewan.
Takes months and months in TX. I don’t eat anything until I get results, but I find it unlikely that very many people wait. Faster results seems like a big plus to me.
Takes months and months in TX. I don’t eat anything until I get results, but I find it unlikely that very many people wait. Faster results seems like a big plus to me.
Agreed, I see a lot of "meh, I don't care, it takes too long" on social media.

People are lazy, you have to make it easy for them. The current system in Sk is to register online your sample, print one reference sheet per sample, double bag and bring to one of very few drop off sites in the Province.

Most people don't own a printer and don't want to make a 1hr trip or longer to drop off a sample. Also, they only started taking in disected samples last year, prior to that you had to drop off the entire head minus the skull cap for bucks, to the test site. I sent in several letters and phone calls to argue that this was a silly process which reduced the already small sample size. I personally never submitted a buck head prior to this year as I like to keep the complete skull!
Agreed, I see a lot of "meh, I don't care, it takes too long" on social media.

People are lazy, you have to make it easy for them. The current system in Sk is to register online your sample, print one reference sheet per sample, double bag and bring to one of very few drop off sites in the Province.

Agree but if G&F researchers want the hunters to do their data collection it should be streamlined and simple.