Kenetrek Boots

University mascots

I’m not offended by a badger, but I did run one over once - in Wisconsin no less. Tried to miss him, but the trailer got him. Got him mounted (after getting the proper permit from DNR) and he looks great in the rec room.
I’m not offended by a badger, but I did run one over once - in Wisconsin no less. Tried to miss him, but the trailer got him. Got him mounted (after getting the proper permit from DNR) and he looks great in the rec room.
Picture or it didnt happen
SFC B . We have a friend in El Paso that was a Hoosier fan and whatever time Larry Bird was in Boston, he was a Celtic fan, then went back to supporting Houston when Larry retired. Were you a Larry Bird fan as well or just football ?

My grandfather was never in Chicago in his life but he enjoyed watching the Bears play when Butkus and Sayers played ( I think I have their names right )

I got a bit off mascots, sorry about that April.
Bird played at Indiana State- the Sycamores (although he was originally enrolled at IU he dropped out after a month there). I will make an almost heretical statement now as a Hoosier- I don't really care for basketball :) I am much more of a full contact sport guy. I will say that Bird is about the most perfect embodiment of what Indiana basketball is all about though.....almost all of his game was the result of ridiculous hard work and determination.
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Graduated from WVU our mascot is the Mountaineer and he shoots a muzzleloader after every touchdown, quarter, half and end of game. He also shoots at halftime and end of game in basketball and other sports. The muzzleloader has been banned in some venue since guns are not allowed on campus. Our mascot in this picture also got into trouble with the pc crowd when he used the muzzleloader to kill a bear in 2012
Also a WVU grad.
My team Syracuse changed their name from the Orangemen to the Orange with the input from Nike in 2004. Just more of the whole PC culture that we have to deal with nowadays. Another reason that you’ll never see me in anything Nike.
Any "Seminoles" here ? If so, great game. Obviously Dirtclod and I are glad the Sundevils won, but t was a great game.

SFC B 5 degrees from one University in one family. You guys bleed "Hoosier". (-: Congratulations to your family

Mrelkhuntress, why did they do that. The first two dont seem to be offensive--to me anyway. But as I said, I think the entire PC thing is a joke ! I agree with the post made by Hillkackoutlaw

noharleyyet. If I was a longhorn alumni I would love that clip, well actually I do anyway. Randi. Speaking of Dick Butkus. Watch what the bulldog does when the Longhorn comes at him. Thats what running backs did when they saw Butkus coming (-: Seriously, I remember him, he was an animal.

SFC B---you like contact sports. Did you ever watch a game between the Detroit "Bad Boys" and Bird's Celtic's (-;

Good luck to everyone whose team is in a post season game and thanks to all for your posts
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Of course the Sundevils are going to win in the SUN bowl!👹
Was there ever any doubt? 〽💥
Got on this late, but another WVU guy here. Tough to beat leather, coonskin and a muzzleloader. Unless it's 90 degrees in September.

But yes, besides the horrors if having a firearm, there has been groups that think it's offensive to Appalachia and there had always been a tendency to use men though there have been a few ladies don the coonskin.
Had to get home from the beach trip to post this so I could get pics , Our home town high school is called the BRAVES , and was an American Indian logo , 4 years ago someone filed a complaint with the state and said there so a fended that all high schools in our state halve to change , oh and it’s was filed by white teens , after a lengthy battle with the school board and in the newspapers, the snowflakes won , and all the schools state wide had to change , with the exception of our town school, a local native Indian tribe stuck up for our town.

We were able to keep the names BRAVES but change the logo because it wasn’t an Oregon native American Indian but one from the eastern US , and the local tribe got to design the logo and as part of the deal our school was asked to sponsor an American Indian Club at the school for students . With the thought toward what’s been discussed here , just erasing history the best idea , and no longer have anything Indian anymore or keep things but make slight changes to be respectful. Without the local tribe going to bat for our town the name BRAVES would halve been gone forever.

the old logo the school used for almost 100 years

and the old helmet logo

the design the tribe came up with is shaped like an Arrow head with double B’s for the name BANKS BRAVES, and is now on our football helmets and clothing etc
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Had to get home from the beach trip to post this so I could get pics , Our home town high school is called the BRAVES , and was an American Indian logo , 4 years ago someone filed a complaint with the state and said there so a fended that all high schools in our state halve to change , oh and it’s was filed by white teens , after a lengthy battle with the school board and in the newspapers, the snowflakes won , and all the schools state wide had to change , with the exception of our town school, a local native Indian tribe stuck up for our town.

We were able to keep the names BRAVES but change the logo because it wasn’t an Oregon native American Indian but one from the eastern US , and the local tribe got to design the logo and as part of the deal our school was asked to sponsor an American Indian Club at the school for students . With the thought toward what’s been discussed here , just erasing history the best idea , and no longer have anything Indian anymore or keep things but make slight changes to be respectful. Without the local tribe going to bat for our town the name BRAVES would halve been gone forever.

the old logo the school used for almost 100 years
View attachment 124235

and the old helmet logo
View attachment 124236

the design the tribe came up with is shaped like an Arrow head with double B’s for the name BANKS BRAVES, and is now on our football helmets and clothing etc
View attachment 124237
That's an awesome story and great design.
My hometown was the Cattle Feeders. By the time I was in school the name was changed to the Mavericks. The mascot rocked a couple revolvers and that got a principal riled up. There was a big campaign to keep the mascot unchanged and the principal removed. I'm not sure she lasted an entire school year.

I started college at SDSMT as a Hardrocker and finished college at BHSU as a Yellow Jacket.
My highschool was Stonewall Jackson High School, home of the Generals. Used to have the 2nd Confederate battle flag hung in the gym. I believe it was first used at his funeral or something. Our letter head had a silhouette of Stonewall riding a horse holding the flag. Still going today but not much longer I figure.

True story. I was at the state track meet waiting in for the 4x100 to start and a rather tall and athletic looking African American pointed at my jersey and said isn't Stonewall Jackson that Confederate guy. Without batting an eye I said nope, this is a different one.
I graduated from the University of Illinois and I was never a big fan of Chief Illiniwek. While I was in school I heard about a donation given to the school by a Native American tribe to help establish a Native American studies program and foster a greater cooperation (similar to what the Seminoles did I believe). In true Illinois fashion, the university spent all of the money on a search for a faculty member to lead this new department, claimed it couldn't find one and ended the effort. This naturally soured the relations with the donating tribe and pretty much told me that the University of Illinois has no interest in honoring their use of a Native American symbol as their mascot.

They did however retire the Chief from active participation in the athletics department. But I wish they would take the next step and adopt a true mascot. I'm a big fan of wildlife as mascots: badgers, hawks, bison, gophers, etc. Further, I applaud any team or institution that can evolve and set aside stances of symbols that present a barrier to participation by their fans or potential fans.
I agree "wildlife" mascots such as the Sundevils are good for our communities and we party...I mean,
support all the participation we can get! 〽💥
My hometown was the Cattle Feeders. By the time I was in school the name was changed to the Mavericks. The mascot rocked a couple revolvers and that got a principal riled up. There was a big campaign to keep the mascot unchanged and the principal removed. I'm not sure she lasted an entire school year.

I started college at SDSMT as a Hardrocker and finished college at BHSU as a Yellow Jacket.

Condolences on your Yellow Jacket status <grin>...Hardrocker family here too. Now, in our offices full of engineers around the west, we frequently compare mascots. SDSMT Hardrockers' Grubby the Miner and the NM State Aggies' Pistol Pete always waive around the fact that our mascots are still proudly armed in the face of all this modern PC-ness! I get an unprofessional amount of satisfaction in teasing the CO Mines folks about their, umm, burro.

My high school was the Scoopers, I'm not even going to go there. And, from time to time, we faced such intrepid mascots as the Irrigators and the Moguls. That's probably part of the reason why today I get amused by people who are so fragile as to get offended by anyone's mascot.
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I started college at SDSMT as a Hardrocker and finished college at BHSU as a Yellow Jacket.

Played 4 years of football and graduated from Tech back when things were not so politically correct. Got banned from the local radio station for a few games for some not too appropriate cheers at basketball game versus BH (I.E.: Typewriter Tech). 😂
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