Unit 551 CO


New member
Oct 7, 2023
I have an opportunity to go elk hunting in the western side of unit 551 and was wondering if anyone has had any experience in this part of the state and what the terrain is like.

The unit is high elevation on the east side, and drops off as you go west. The western part of the unit is where the big mountains transition to sage brush hills. Elk live there, and the orange army will be marching in force. It can get real cold, and there is always the potential for snow.
Typically, posting Unit numbers in a thread or asking specific questions on specific areas is frowned upon.

You may find that doing some research and then posting a vague, general question like- "elk/deer hunting in western CO this fall, any tips on weather above a certain elevation?"

This way, you aren't spot burning a unit, and then if someone is willing to private message you about an area, then go for it.

Just a suggestion.
Idk what is more comical guys who post specific unit #s or guys who complain on every single post that has specific units on it. Thus boosting the post.

551 is 546sq miles with 87% public. Doubt someone posting it is going to spot burn it 🤣

I don't understand how posting Unit #s is so frowned upon. These units are HUGE and they ALL hold elk so who cares? Units I hunt get posted all the time have yet to see a mass influx of people.

The real issue is people who film western hunts and promote them and tell everyone where they went or post video with prominent land features yet crickets about that.
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I live near 511, you'd be wrong...
So you are saying 1 person asking about the terrain of a unit will burn that whole unit? Guy didn't ask anything about elk numbers or asking for any spots. Just simple what's the terrain like?

I would argue the comments made by @enbhunts (that he makes on every post that has a unit #) would burn it more bc it makes it look like someone has something to protect.

This unit is super close to the airforce base and a good sized town doubt a post on HT is hurting it. Now if someone comes on and posts pictures of what they shot or saw with unit #s and or prominent land features I would agree it would burn it.
So you are saying 1 person asking about the terrain of a unit will burn that whole unit? Guy didn't ask anything about elk numbers or asking for any spots. Just simple what's the terrain like?

I would argue the comments made by @enbhunts (that he makes on every post that has a unit #) would burn it more bc it makes it look like someone has something to protect.

This unit is super close to the airforce base and a good sized town doubt a post on HT is hurting it. Now if someone comes on and posts pictures of what they shot or saw with unit #s and or prominent land features I would agree it would burn it.
I have an opportunity to go elk hunting in the western side of unit 551 and was wondering if anyone has had any experience in this part of the state and what the terrain is like.


1. Read his post again, that's not all he asked. Just because Colorado GMUs are large doesn't mean the crowd gets dispersed evenly, there are plenty of access constraints in that unit.
2. If you think one post on the internet doesn't expose spots your doubt is misplaced again.
First off, I'd like to acknowledge where we agree.

YouTube videos, meat eater hunts, shoot, even go hunt has very specific information about units. I hate watching a video and seeing "today, we're hunting in 'such and such' national forest in SW Colorado". I agree that is a very big issue.

I actually find these issues one in the same. Listen, if everyone talks about a unit, says specific info about the unit, gives there personal experience to every Tom, Dick and Harry on HT, how could it not get more popular?

Obviously, it isn't the only thing that is affecting the number of hunters hunting these units. I just don't think it's super helpful to post about it in a public way. Just do your own research, and find maybe you might be able to PM someone on the unit and then it's at least not in a public forum for everyone to see.
I can 100% appreciate everything you posted. I would venture to guess this guy got 1 or 2 PM by posting this.

I don't see forum unit #s as a problem like you do but can respect it.
1. Read his post again, that's not all he asked. Just because Colorado GMUs are large doesn't mean the crowd gets dispersed evenly, there are plenty of access constraints in that unit.
2. If you think one post on the internet doesn't expose spots your doubt is misplaced again.
Explain what else he asked? He never posted a question mark so I read it as has any experience in this part of the state and what the terrain is like? Therefore he's asking anyone with experience what can he expect for terrain.

Not here to argue grammar tho. Best of luck to you the rest of fall and hope nobody posts your unit(s) so you can still find a parking spot.
I thought I heard @ShootsManyBullets has been there a time or two.
You'd be correct!
Deer hunting is better north of U.S. Highway 50 and big trophy bull elk hunting is better south of U.S. Highway 50. There is mostly public land with good public access for the elite hunter willing to lace em' tight, has camo gaiters, carbon fiber trekking poles, and the willingness to work for it.

Some mountains are steep, while others have moderate inclines. As ridges drop toward the north and the west, they are covered with timber before breaking into the open at low elevations, creating foothills and flattened creek bottoms. The unit is really two different areas separated by U.S. Highway 50. North of the road are steep 13,000-foot mountains, while south of the road there are many open sagebrush hills and cattle ranches although some mountains south of the highway still reach 12,000 feet. The elite hunters generally choose to stay north of Hwy 50 as it separates the men from the boys & the raghorns and forky horns from the mature bulls and bucks.

U.S. Highway 50 and State Routes 114 and 76 lead to many dirt roads that provide good access to the biggest mature animals for the elite hunter with premium European glass. Once you get into Creedmore Country where it's steep and rugged, you'll need to lean into the slope and trust your primal instincts and ultra lightweight setup to harvest the buck or bull of a lifetime.
A blanket of snow combined with rut activity can make this a very successful season if you chain up and drive hard. A hunter who has drawn one of the limited tags might see two or three mature bucks if they work hard, cover a lot of ground, and glass thoroughly with high-quality European optics. As an elite master hunter I saw 3-4x that many bucks each day hunting steep and deep near Tomichi Dome, ultimately harvesting a true monarch buck near Old Monarch which made for great banter around the campfire.

The best thing you can do is bring chains, shovels, straps and everything your vehicle needs to go where others won't.
Explain what else he asked? He never posted a question mark so I read it as has any experience in this part of the state and what the terrain is like? Therefore he's asking anyone with experience what can he expect for terrain.

Not here to argue grammar tho. Best of luck to you the rest of fall and hope nobody posts your unit(s) so you can still find a parking spot.

I you want to keep beating the horse, let's forget grammar and start with reading comprehension: He asked for information about a portion of one specific OTC unit, which happens to be in one of the most crowded regions in the state for hunting, but you started spouting off about an entirely different unit, also OTC and also crowded, which will draw attention to that one in addition to the one the thread started about. This is how these threads grow legs.

Units I hunt get posted all the time have yet to see a mass influx of people.

I'm happy your spots haven't been blown up, lucky you! Which units do you hunt? I'd love to have an uncrowded OTC experience! Nobody really cares about him getting PMs, but I bet there are 100 sets of eyeballs reading every thread for every PM he receives. Also, based on his total 11 posts, which appear to be one-word, up-my-count-so-i-can-PM-and-get-unit-info type posts, I doubt we'll ever hear from the guy again once he gleans some free intel and goes hunting, never to contribute again. Happens every fall...
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I would like to say thank you to everyone that is being helpful your advice is much appreciated.
I can attest that there are at least four elk in that unit because I saw them. Some areas are very steep and some are rolling sage hills. I was there on my first elk hunt and second Colorado hunt.

I did a ton of research on elk and their habits as well as how to e-scout. I had some guys here give me some advice but I was also a known, contributing member.

If you’ve never been on an elk hunt just go have fun, fail and learn for the next one.
I have an opportunity to go elk hunting in the western side of unit 551 and was wondering if anyone has had any experience in this part of the state and what the terrain is like.


Is it a private land hunt? The western 1/3 is pretty heavily private. The eastern portion is almost all public. Its steep and pretty rugged as it is where the Monarch pass crosses over the range.

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