Yeti GOBOX Collection

UN Gun Treaty

Currently, there are 2/3rds who are opposed, but who knows what the outcome of the upcoming elections will be? Can we count on that same 2/3rds still being in office???????

If anything, the R's will pick up a seat or two, so I'd say it's safe. Plus, being an election year, I doubt anyone, including the President, will come out in support.
Now that Mass. Senator Scott Brown, a Republican, is chumming close to NYC Mayor Bloomberg, I suspect the conspiracies need to be revamped and the political prognosticators must re-color their maps.

Wasn't Brown a favorite of the Tea Party crowd? NY Times has a piece this morning about the Brown-Bloomberg partnership, since both want much more stringent gun control. And both are coincidentally big backers of Wall Street running policy, insurance companies writing insurance law, and both have lots of friends in the banking world.

Politics surely does make strange bed fellows.

That's all I got to say about that.............................John
Ben, have you noticed Obama's latest comments on the topic of gun control? I'd say, he's becoming more vocal in his support, wouldn't you.

It does appear that the proposed UN treaty has been watered down, but can we really put any faith and trust in that organization? Let's get real! Iran joins the committee, along with China, Russia, France, and Germany!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Not to forget England, where gun control is already an established fact to a great extent!!!!!!!!!
Ben, have you noticed Obama's latest comments on the topic of gun control? I'd say, he's becoming more vocal in his support, wouldn't you.

It does appear that the proposed UN treaty has been watered down, but can we really put any faith and trust in that organization? Let's get real! Iran joins the committee, along with China, Russia, France, and Germany!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Not to forget England, where gun control is already an established fact to a great extent!!!!!!!!!

Here's what he's saying:

I certainly agree that mentally unstable people should not be allowed to own firearms. Currently, the form you fill out asks you if you are mentally unstable. Like everyone else, I answer no.

In terms of Aurora, the guy purchased all of his firearms and ammo legally. I don't know how you legislate a psychotic break. But I do think that if people stop with the hyperbole and actually have an honest discussion about how we keep guns out of the hands of criminals while maintain our 2nd amendment rights, we go a lot farther than when we call the President a gun hating commie mother #$@#%).

So, I oppose a new assault weapons ban, but I want to curb gun violence (all violent crime, really). So what options are left? How do we reduce gun violence and keep those rights?
Ben, have you noticed Obama's latest comments on the topic of gun control? I'd say, he's becoming more vocal in his support, wouldn't you.

It does appear that the proposed UN treaty has been watered down, but can we really put any faith and trust in that organization? Let's get real! Iran joins the committee, along with China, Russia, France, and Germany!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Not to forget England, where gun control is already an established fact to a great extent!!!!!!!!!

Rollin in the tinfoil.....

Here's what he's saying:

... but I want to curb gun violence (all violent crime, really). So what options are left? How do we reduce gun violence and keep those rights?

This research provides a decent answer: A wacko person is less likely to shoot and less likely to injure multiple people if he knows a concealed carry person might shoot back. This is supported by this research summarized below:

Multiple Victim Public Shootings

John R. Lott Jr.
University of Maryland Foundation, University of Maryland

William M. Landes
University of Chicago Law School; National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)

October 19, 2000

Few events obtain the same instant worldwide news coverage as multiple victim public shootings. These crimes allow us to study the alternative methods used to kill a large number of people (e.g., shootings versus bombings), marginal deterrence and the severity of the crime, substitutability of penalties, private versus public methods of deterrence and incapacitation, and whether attacks produce "copycats." The criminals who commit these crimes are also fairly unusual, recent evidence suggests that about half of these criminals have received a "formal diagnosis of mental illness, often schizophrenia." Yet, economists have not studied multiple victim shootings. Using data that extends until 1999 and includes the recent public school shootings, our results are surprising and dramatic. While arrest or conviction rates and the death penalty reduce "normal" murder rates and these attacks lead to new calls from more gun control, our results find that the only policy factor to have a consistently significant influence on multiple victim public shootings is the passage of concealed handgun laws. We explain why public shootings are more sensitive than other violent crimes to concealed handguns, why the laws reduce the number of shootings and have an even greater effect on their severity.

Number of Pages in PDF File: 46
Considering that there have been no mass murders committed in the US by "assault weapons" and private ownership of fully automatic weapons is already regulated, that part of the comment isn't relative to the discussion. If one looks at the actual statistics, it becomes patently obvious that violent crime has declined in the US in the last two decades. If one takes away the inner city crime and the drug related shootings, then those statistics drop even more. States where gun ownership is highest have the lowest crime rates in the nation. (See the latest figures released by the FBI this week) Will there be some lunatics out there who will slip through the system of background checks........absolutely. But why should all be punished because of a few????

And for you Jose, take your tinfoil and use it to funnel some more koolaid!!!!!!
They couldn't get a draft proposal worded to make everyone happy, so talks broke down and are disbanding...saw the article posted on facebook about an hour ago...I like how it's not main stream news (sarcasm)
It won't go away, but its delayed. NRA has some info. on it today. I'll have a celebratory drink tonight.

U.N. ATT Conference Comes to an Impasse

The Conference on the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (U.N. ATT) has broken down and will not report a draft treaty to the member nations.

This is a big victory for American gun owners, and the NRA is being widely credited for killing the U.N. ATT.

For nearly 20 years, the NRA has worked tirelessly to warn American gun owners about the United Nations’ efforts to undermine the constitutional rights of law-abiding American gun owners by putting in place international controls on small arms.

NRA became a recognized Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) and has monitored all U.N. activities that could impact on our Second Amendment rights. As a result, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre testified before the U.N. (2012 remarks, 2011 remarks) making it clear that the NRA would fight any international treaty that included civilian arms.

NRA worked with our allies in the U.S. Congress and successfully assembled strong bipartisan opposition to any treaty that adversely impacts the Second Amendment. On two occasions NRA was successful in convincing a majority of the U.S. Senate to sign letters to President Obama that made it clear that any treaty that included civilian arms was not going to be ratified by the U.S. Senate.

Yesterday (July 26), Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) gathered the signatures of 51 Senators on a letter to President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton opposing any treaty that infringes on our rights.

Prolly ought to tap out Tom before this gets much weirder.

I hate to say it, but isn't that post a strike against someones mental stability, since it suggests shooting someone. Were you thinking that is funny?

The research supporting that summary is very exhaustive. Its based on years of data from all over the US and considers many possible explanations that are ruled out.

Its the concealed carry that suppresses a wacko from going on a shooting/bombing/ whatever spree, to put it in a few words.
I hate to say it, but isn't that post a strike against someones mental stability, since it suggests shooting someone. Were you thinking that is funny?

The research supporting that summary is very exhaustive. Its based on years of data from all over the US and considers many possible explanations that are ruled out.

Its the concealed carry that suppresses a wacko from going on a shooting/bombing/ whatever spree, to put it in a few words.

I think the term "Tap Out" refers to MMA jargon. When you make someone "Tap Out" you win. It's a submission hold.
I hate to say it, but isn't that post a strike against someones mental stability, since it suggests shooting.
No Tom that is not what it means and if you have to ask then you are really lost.