Ukraine / Russia

I tend to agree with your general fiscal conservatism but I think you might be being a bit penny wise pound foolish.

Whether you like it or not you have to add up the potential costs of letting Ukraine fall, which includes Taiwan, NATO in general, our trade relationships, etc. Now does it add up, I'm not sure but this isn't happening in a vacuum.

On the student loan front the inconvenient truth for republican demagogues;

1. There is a massive amount of bad debt that is just never going to be repaid and needs to be written off, forgive it, allow bankruptcy, but we need to write it off, because we are spending more administering it than we will every get back
2. Red southern/midwest states have the most of these delinquent loans, it's not WAGS degrees it's unfinished degrees at Junior Colleges in Georgia, South Caroline, Ohio, Florida, etc.

... the inconvenient truth for dems here is that Biden created this mess when he helped craft legislation that did away with bankruptcy protection for student loan borrowers.
To be clear, I don’t care what the degree is for. Student loan Forgiveness should not be a thing. Someone is paying for it, just not them.
To be clear, I don’t care what the degree is for. Student loan Forgiveness should not be a thing. Someone is paying for it, just not them.
To be clear, I didn't dig the hole our road. Your saying you shouldn't have to fill the hole and I'm saying... ok well, but we got this hole here now soooooo....

Loan sharking by the federal government to pay for healthcare shouldn't be a thing... yes we agree lol
Dems only go after poor people? or Rich people, but rich people don't get forgiveness. So poor people... so Republicans are the party of the Rich ;)

^ This is the stupid logic of politics I hate.

Yes any one who get forgiveness is probably more likely to think dems are doing good.

But what I think the main problem here, which is similar to Ukraine, is that rhetoric has gotten so insane that we've totally forgotten about trying to find solutions to problems.

We've made everything scoring points.
No, I think both parties try to throw money at the middle class first - making them less independent and more dependent on govt policy and largess. The Dems then come up with hamfisted efforts to buy votes from the poor that tend to in the long run keep them poor while the GOP comes up with hamfisted efforts to pander to the upper middle class' and the white poor's sense of losing position/power. Both pander to the uber wealth - GOP via tax policy and Dems via performative social policy stuff. Both also fully dig into crony-capitalism. I have plenty of disgust and dismay to spread around - BG cannot be put in a political box, unless that is the box of complete disgust and near surrender.
To be clear, I didn't dig the hole our road. Your saying you shouldn't have to fill the hole and I'm saying... ok well, but we got this hole here now soooooo....

Loan sharking by the federal government to pay for healthcare shouldn't be a thing... yes we agree lol
Using the hole in the road analogy. I might use that road. I don’t mind throwing a little change to maintain it.

I don’t get to use other people’s college degrees.
Those I do (Doc’s for example) seem to be doing very well.
Cliff note version;

Policy that would actually help folks must be stifled lest it be attributed to the wrong jersey. We must do our best to proliferate the stranglehold of the two (and only two) ruling groups.
Good lord!! 201 pages in and someone finally pins it down. Thank you sir!
To be clear, I didn't dig the hole our road. Your saying you shouldn't have to fill the hole and I'm saying... ok well, but we got this hole here now soooooo....

Loan sharking by the federal government to pay for healthcare shouldn't be a thing... yes we agree lol
The real culprit are the colleges that realized once the fed govt loan ponzi scheme was in place, that they could completely untether their spending from any sane boundaries and dramatically increase spending in amenities over actual education and just passed all the costs to clueless 18 yos spending "free money". If the top 100 college presidents were CEOs we would be calling for criminal sanctions. They have been far more fraudulent and culpable than the payday loan folks and the rent to own folks.

I think the student loan crisis is simple. The debt can be discharged by bankruptcy in the normal course with the lending bank/long servicing company disgorging any profits from such discharged loans and colleges making up the difference out of their coffers. They are the ones who benefited, they are the ones that should pay. And maybe then would then be less enthusiastic about pushing $200,000 diplomas in the field of Scandinavian poetry to 18yos and their families.
Using the hole in the road analogy. I might use that road. I don’t mind throwing a little change to maintain it.
Right but the road you use is impassible.

Several hundred billion in debt that will/can never be collected, what do you do about it.

Ukraine was invaded by Russia...

you have to do something, because nothing is actually something and has a cost as well.

The real culprit are the colleges that realized once the fed govt loan ponzi scheme was in place, that they could completely untether their spending from any sane boundaries and dramatically increase spending in amenities over actual education and just passed all the costs to clueless 18 yos spending "free money". If the top 100 college presidents were CEOs we would be calling for criminal sanctions. They have been far more fraudulent and culpable than the payday loan folks and the rent to own folks.
100% Agree.

The debt can be discharged by bankruptcy in the normal course with the lending bank/long servicing company disgorging any profits from such discharged loans and colleges making up the difference out of their coffers.
The lender is the federal government, servicers just charge a fee for a service. Right now MOHELA is charging us via the Fed to manage accounts that have been in default for years.

Also that's not how bankruptcy works, colleges don't hold the debt. You can't make them pay, unfortunately.
The lender is the federal government, servicers just charge a fee for a service. Right now MOHELA is charging us via the Fed to manage accounts that have been in default for years.

Also that's not how bankruptcy works, colleges don't hold the debt. You can't make them pay, unfortunately.
Bankruptcy courts absolutely can make claims to recover funds defrauded from the debtor and direct the recovered funds to pay off debts. Bankruptcy courts are possibly the least constrained courts in their scope and authority - it's pretty shocking when you really dig into it. And of course my rant probably stretches even that authority a bit, but a few lines of statute crammed into an omnibus spending bill fixes that in a New York minute.
I too have dabbled in plain candies. Now I'm in the big leagues, we play with ice cream bars. Snickers, twix, butter fingers, drumsticks, buster bars, hall of Fame stuff. Nice try though rook.
I thought the fight was Snickers vs Reese’s. Now you’re moving it to all ice creamed chocolate candy, no! I’ll also claim freezer Kit Kat on the Reese’s side.
Likewise, cram it yourself ya dick. I am already in the loan forgiveness as a LEO. My wife is in loan forgiveness as a practitioner saving children’s lives.
You people sometimes hail us as heroes and laud praise because that doesn’t cost anything. When it comes time to pony up for something that benefits this country, well…
I cam praise someone a hero and not feel inclined to pay for there college loans they took out.
Bankruptcy courts absolutely can make claims to recover funds defrauded from the debtor and direct the recovered funds to pay off debts. Bankruptcy courts are possibly the least constrained courts in their scope and authority - it's pretty shocking when you really dig into it. And of course my rant probably stretches even that authority a bit, but a few lines of statute crammed into an omnibus spending bill fixes that in a New York minute.
I think the “defrauded the debtor” part would be the tough to prove.

And again if your making folks deal with loans via bankruptcy you’re not collecting from Harvard, you’re collecting from some tiny community college in Alabama, someone with a degree from Harvard in whatever will chose a different route.

Who is we?
Tax payers… folks need to realize money is out the door. It’s not going to cost us anything, we already paid. This is trying to recoup the money.

You loaned your buddy $100 and he got drunk at the bar, doesn’t have a job and can’t pay you back, everyone’s acting like we are talking about paying down his tab, not the case.

For decades politicians on both sides kicked the can down the road and it’s just spiraling.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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