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Ukraine / Russia

Really, in three short posts we have added arguing about gun control, “stop the steal”, and immigration to the Ukraine thread? Should we add Roe v Wade, Ford v Chevy, vaccine mandates, and lead-free bullet mandates to the list?

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you forgot Depp/Heard

It has been reported that Russia has lost 15000 soldiers and that 35000 has been wounded, prompting them to eliminate the age limit for serving in their military.

oops, sorry, you posted literally at the same time I did. Your post has some interesting topics, which I will now read

Having now read all four, I thank you for posting them. I will read them again, but at first blush, I still think Russia will fight for a land bridge to Crimea and the war crime article is an issue that I want to understand better and how it would get to Putin. Those four articles did not mention another issue I am interested in. The strategic importance of the Black Sea--for NATO--for Russia--for several other countries that are not part of NATO. thanks for the articles
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Now they are saying that the 40B will run out by Sep. I guess by then we are in it so do we print so more? Don't think there is any easy answer but at what point do we bankrupt ourselves with all this printing.
Actually, Texas is spending tons of money securing our border, because the current administration in Washington will not.
Yeah they will, they are just waiting on that check the prior administration said they would be sending us to pay for it, i guess it must have gotten lost in the mail or made out to trump inc
Back to our original programming . . .

good reads, thank you.
My struggle is what is the "right" thing to do? I can't stand seeing kids harmed, and I thought everyone was in agreement that boundaries should be set. But I also don't want to start ww3 over putin, I mean he's like 70, death isn't that far off...
I think that you are being manipulated by our media. We are not hearing the true story. There's a Univ of Chicago professor that has a video on Youtube from way back in 2014. We sure are suckers for these politicians and media. Met a guy from Poland this week at the rifle range. He confirmed exactly what this professor was saying back in 2014. He said that this guy Zelinksy i s backed by a group in the Ukraine that its similar to Nazi's/Skinheads. He thought it was absolute garbage what we are hearing on TV. Total lies. Just FYI. I'm not naive about Putin, but these satellites were a pain in the ass for Russia. The last thing he wants to do is take them over. Would we want a Russian base in Cuba, or Mexico????? We almost went to nuclear war in the 60s over a base in Cuba. Putin is not crazy, another media perpetrated lie. Food for thought.

9 years ago we were hearing a crazy story about how democracy was being stolen in Egypt because of a military coup to throw out the Muslim Brotherhood. The MB put a guy to head the Tourism Bureau that murdered a tourist. Had you heard that on your news? They are shtbags. Yet the media were telling us how awful that the military threw them out. The media feeds us propaganda, and has an ax to grind.

We have driven the Russians into the hands of the Chinese! Dumb. You're worried about the Ukraine kids dying, how about the Russian kids that aren't getting food based on our misplaced interference? This Zelinsky group burned a building with a huge amount of people in it in 2014, and 80 kids and adults died in that fire and they were outside laughing. Be careful who you get in bed with. Do you want to send your kid over there to fight the Russians and die for this group. Hell no. Consider another side: maybe Putin was trying to rid the Ukraine of this garbage that was carrying out terrorism in the Crimea. Once he does that, he's out. We've stolen all their super yachts, and tried to screw them royally economically. we put sanctions on his daughters! Talk about poking him in the eye.
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I think that you are being manipulated by our media. We are not hearing the true story. There's a Univ of Chicago professor that has a video on Youtube from way back in 2014. We sure are suckers for these politicians and media. Met a guy from Poland this week at the rifle range. He confirmed exactly what this professor was saying back in 2014. He said that this guy Zelinksy i s backed by a group in the Ukraine that its similar to Nazi's/Skinheads. He thought it was absolute garbage what we are hearing on TV. Total lies. Just FYI. I'm not naive about Putin, but these satellites were a pain in the ass for Russia. The last thing he wants to do is take them over. Would we want a Russian base in Cuba, or Mexico????? We almost went to nuclear war in the 60s over a base in Cuba. Putin is not crazy, another media perpetrated lie. Food for thought.

9 years ago we were hearing a crazy story about how democracy was being stolen in Egypt because of a military coup to throw out the Muslim Brotherhood. The MB put a guy to head the Tourism Bureau that murdered a tourist. Had you heard that on your news? They are shtbags. Yet the media were telling us how awful that the military threw them out. The media feeds us propaganda, and has an ax to grind.

We have driven the Russians into the hands of the Chinese! Dumb. You're worried about the Ukraine kids dying, how about the Russian kids that aren't getting food based on our misplaced interference? This Zelinsky group burned a building with a huge amount of people in it in 2014, and 80 kids and adults died in that fire and they were outside laughing. Be careful who you get in bed with. Do you want to send your kid over there to fight the Russians and die for this group. Hell no. Consider another side: maybe Putin was trying to rid the Ukraine of this garbage that was carrying out terrorism in the Crimea. Once he does that, he's out. We've stolen all their super yachts, and tried to screw them royally economically. we put sanctions on his daughters! Talk about poking him in the eye.
Putin is an animal. Russia is a threat to all nations so long as it yearns to "restore the glory of the Soviet Union". I get why he doesn't like NATO at his doorstep and why he may try to change that, but he is a thug and the free world needs to stand resolute. I actually have relationships with folks in Ukraine and Russia and your narrative is the one that is a manipulation. Putin (and Xi) thank you for your support.
Putin is all those things, and he is going to continue to grind them down. But this has showed Russia is not the big bad wolf everyone thought they were. Yes they have nukes, but a poorly run, corrupt country, 1/3 their size battered the heck out of them. Anyway we work with a lot worse. Cough china Cough.
Support for Ukraine is starting to wear thin. Especially was things at home are going so poorly.
If Ukraine is smart they would get back to the negotiation table.
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I think that you are being manipulated by our media. We are not hearing the true story. There's a Univ of Chicago professor that has a video on Youtube from way back in 2014. We sure are suckers for these politicians and media. Met a guy from Poland this week at the rifle range. He confirmed exactly what this professor was saying back in 2014. He said that this guy Zelinksy i s backed by a group in the Ukraine that its similar to Nazi's/Skinheads. He thought it was absolute garbage what we are hearing on TV. Total lies. Just FYI. I'm not naive about Putin, but these satellites were a pain in the ass for Russia. The last thing he wants to do is take them over. Would we want a Russian base in Cuba, or Mexico????? We almost went to nuclear war in the 60s over a base in Cuba. Putin is not crazy, another media perpetrated lie. Food for thought.

9 years ago we were hearing a crazy story about how democracy was being stolen in Egypt because of a military coup to throw out the Muslim Brotherhood. The MB put a guy to head the Tourism Bureau that murdered a tourist. Had you heard that on your news? They are shtbags. Yet the media were telling us how awful that the military threw them out. The media feeds us propaganda, and has an ax to grind.

We have driven the Russians into the hands of the Chinese! Dumb. You're worried about the Ukraine kids dying, how about the Russian kids that aren't getting food based on our misplaced interference? This Zelinsky group burned a building with a huge amount of people in it in 2014, and 80 kids and adults died in that fire and they were outside laughing. Be careful who you get in bed with. Do you want to send your kid over there to fight the Russians and die for this group. Hell no. Consider another side: maybe Putin was trying to rid the Ukraine of this garbage that was carrying out terrorism in the Crimea. Once he does that, he's out. We've stolen all their super yachts, and tried to screw them royally economically. we put sanctions on his daughters! Talk about poking him in the eye.
I'm supposed to believe your imaginary friend from the rifle range?

Good grief....
Man we have over 20 years worth of people that have been fighting in wars. I really hope it doesn't come to another big war, was really hoping my children would not grow up in a war time environment.
Rewatched the Richard D. Winters (506th Easy Co) "Hang Tough" documentary today to contemplate D-Day. Remember that VE day was May 8, 1945.

Clear goals, country united, some good leadership.

I think that you are being manipulated by our media. We are not hearing the true story. There's a Univ of Chicago professor that has a video on Youtube from way back in 2014. We sure are suckers for these politicians and media. Met a guy from Poland this week at the rifle range. He confirmed exactly what this professor was saying back in 2014. He said that this guy Zelinksy i s backed by a group in the Ukraine that its similar to Nazi's/Skinheads. He thought it was absolute garbage what we are hearing on TV. Total lies. Just FYI. I'm not naive about Putin, but these satellites were a pain in the ass for Russia. The last thing he wants to do is take them over. Would we want a Russian base in Cuba, or Mexico????? We almost went to nuclear war in the 60s over a base in Cuba. Putin is not crazy, another media perpetrated lie. Food for thought.

9 years ago we were hearing a crazy story about how democracy was being stolen in Egypt because of a military coup to throw out the Muslim Brotherhood. The MB put a guy to head the Tourism Bureau that murdered a tourist. Had you heard that on your news? They are shtbags. Yet the media were telling us how awful that the military threw them out. The media feeds us propaganda, and has an ax to grind.

We have driven the Russians into the hands of the Chinese! Dumb. You're worried about the Ukraine kids dying, how about the Russian kids that aren't getting food based on our misplaced interference? This Zelinsky group burned a building with a huge amount of people in it in 2014, and 80 kids and adults died in that fire and they were outside laughing. Be careful who you get in bed with. Do you want to send your kid over there to fight the Russians and die for this group. Hell no. Consider another side: maybe Putin was trying to rid the Ukraine of this garbage that was carrying out terrorism in the Crimea. Once he does that, he's out. We've stolen all their super yachts, and tried to screw them royally economically. we put sanctions on his daughters! Talk about poking him in the eye.
This war was totally avoidable, how tragic for the Ukraine people and the rest of the world. Our news media is not reporting all the facts. Putin ( a ruthless leader) had given many warnings to the West but he was ignored. With the US Obama Biden endorssed overthrow of the Ukrainian President that was pro Russian in 2014, the possiblity of Ukraine joining NATO and having missle sites 600 miles from Moscow thus giving immediate 1st strike capability to NATO with no response time from Russia was just to much for him to swallow… A pro Nazi brigade of Ukraine fighters in the east, the Russians absolutely hate the NAZIs having lost 10s of millions of soldiers and civilians During WWII to their conflict the eastern front.
I personally do not think this conflict would have ever happened if Trump would have remained in office. I think the disagreements would have been worked out and a compromise reached without the terrible blood shed on both sides…. This war will destroy Ukraine, cripple Russia and destroy the value of the US dollar as we print more money to support Ukraine.
I have no doubt there is more to this story then what has been reported on. Probably wont find out for another 20 years when some schmuck makes a documentary about it.

is QAnon a thing anymore lol
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