Yeti GOBOX Collection

Ukraine / Russia

One should not have to argue to not piss money away in far off countries. I could care less about the Russian invasion at this point. Is that clear enough. We are not the world police nor are we the atm.

American infrastructure. Roads, bridges, dams, improving and securing power distribution, School system, put it into subsidies for nuclear energy.
That easy enough for you?

Never watched tucker or even rush, try again.
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One should not have to argue to not piss money away in far off countries. I could care less about the Russian invasion at this point. Is that clear enough.

American infrastructure. Roads, bridges, dams, improving and securing power distribution, School system, put it into subsidies for a nuclear energy
That easy enough for you?

Never watched tucker or even rush, try again.
So you see no purpose in foreign policy? We should just be NK
One should not have to argue to not piss money away in far off countries. I could care less about the Russian invasion at this point. Is that clear enough.

American infrastructure. Roads, bridges, dams, improving and securing power distribution, School system, put it into subsidies for a nuclear energy
That easy enough for you?

Never watched tucker or even rush, try again.
If you were worried about American should have been doing something about it 40 years ago.

Those you elected have had a long time to do something about infrastructure, you gave them a pass and now its a "priority" because you don't like lending a hand to Ukraine.

Once this pet peeve of yours blows over, you'll continue to give them a pass for doing, at best, the minimum about failing infrastructure.
If you were worried about American should have been doing something about it 40 years ago.

Those you elected have had a long time to do something about infrastructure, you gave them a pass and now its a "priority" because you don't like lending a hand to Ukraine.

Once this pet peeve of yours blows over, you'll continue to give them a pass for doing, at best, the minimum about failing infrastructure.
Well I was 2 forty years ago but I’m pretty sure I was pissed off about wasteful spending then as well. I’m sorry I should’ve voted different back then or maybe that was on you and your generation. I don’t believe I can take the blame on that one.
That is a hot take though BuzzH, that your generation failed to address the issues so now we’re just going to ignore them and then spend billions building roads in other countries. Thanks boomers. Lol
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So you see no purpose in foreign policy? We should just be NK
If you’d like to have an intelligent conversation try again. If you can find one point in anything I wrote that I said we should be North Korea I’ll gladly buy you a beer. Otherwise come on Jack. I’m pretty sure there’s somewhere inbetween dumping trillions of dollars into Third World countries or outrageously corrupt ones and being North Korea.
If you’d like to have an intelligent conversation try again. If you can find one point in anything I wrote that I said we should be North Korea I’ll gladly buy you a beer. Otherwise come on Jack. I’m pretty sure there’s somewhere inbetween dumping trillions of dollars into Third World countries or outrageously corrupt ones and being North Korea.

The role of the US military and our foreign policy is to protect our interests, which includes financial so to that end "dumping money" is a part of defending our hegemony.

I'm not saying it should be that way, whether it's moral, whatever...

But Apple, McDonalds, and Exxon definitely benefit from it... and if you have a pension/401k or any kind of brokerage you do as well.
If you’d like to have an intelligent conversation try again. If you can find one point in anything I wrote that I said we should be North Korea I’ll gladly buy you a beer. Otherwise come on Jack. I’m pretty sure there’s somewhere inbetween dumping trillions of dollars into Third World countries or outrageously corrupt ones and being North Korea.
In his defense, it's hard to have an intelligent conversation when you are dogmatic. Google is your friend. Tell me how much money we spend on roads, bridges, dams, improving and securing power distribution, school system, and nuclear energy. Geez, pick one. Look at results of schools for example. Is it working? Is lack of money the real problem or maybe something else? Intelligent discussion take two people thinking out their position. We could probably agree on Nuclear, but more in speeding the regulatory process and not subsidies.

In this case what you say is throwing money at Ukraine is actually throwing missiles at them so they can use for defense. Results? the Three-day war is going on three months. In other examples (Afghanistan, Iraq, Etc) those countries didn't show the willingness to want independence and sovereignty. I agree we spent too much money and too many live and stayed too long. Doesn't mean the exercise was worthless, as we learn more from failure than success.
In his defense, it's hard to have an intelligent conversation when you are dogmatic. Google is your friend. Tell me how much money we spend on roads, bridges, dams, improving and securing power distribution, school system, and nuclear energy. Geez, pick one. Look at results of schools for example. Is it working? Is lack of money the real problem or maybe something else? Intelligent discussion take two people thinking out their position. We could probably agree on Nuclear, but more in speeding the regulatory process and not subsidies.

In this case what you say is throwing money at Ukraine is actually throwing missiles at them so they can use for defense. Results? the Three-day war is going on three months. In other examples (Afghanistan, Iraq, Etc) those countries didn't show the willingness to want independence and sovereignty. I agree we spent too much money and too many live and stayed too long. Doesn't mean the exercise was worthless, as we learn more from failure than success.
Is that the correct link? I don't get the association with your comment.
Musk was planning on buying Twitter with his and other investors paper net worth, which has shrunk considerably in the last month, and will likely continue to shrink, so now he's looking for a reason to bail on it. Everyone is selling right now. Are you buying anything?
The role of the US military and our foreign policy is to protect our interests, which includes financial so to that end "dumping money" is a part of defending our hegemony.

I'm not saying it should be that way, whether it's moral, whatever...

But Apple, McDonalds, and Exxon definitely benefit from it... and if you have a pension/401k or any kind of brokerage you do as well.
I’m not Hunter Biden so I’m not sure what interest I have in Ukraine financially wise.

2021 US provided 22BCM of gas, Russia provided 155BCM

The EU just said that it would provide a stable frame work to insure the US would have a market for 50BCM of gas per year for the next decade.

1 BCM = 35,310,734.46 mmbtu
1mmbtu = $32.62 today on the European Gas index

Shipping costs are like < $2mmbtu, let's say all the production costs are another $1.5mmbtu, and then say prices in Europe stabilize to $20 mmbtu.

A US company makes $16.5 per mmbtu shipped.

So US companies just secured ~ $22 Billion a year in profit for the next 10 years.

Further, it allows us to get gas out of our market which stabilizes it so instead of $2.75 domestically prices will be at least $5.50. Which means increased profits at home.

Plus most oil wells produce gas, but with prices so low the gas isn't worth anything so people flare it... but if it's now worth a lot of money that encourages people to sell it which is good for global warming, and it makes wells that produce some oil and lots of gas more economic so more oil wells... which means lower the price at the pump.

Now I'm making a lot of assumptions... but the point being you can calculate some crazy benefits for just one industry from support Ukraine and supplanting Russian trade to Europe.
I’m not Hunter Biden so I’m not sure what interest I have in Ukraine financially wise.

View attachment 222437

If you have money in the stock market or a pension plan you do ^ see above.

So this is pull from the financial statement for 2021 from the Michigan State pension plan.


They have $92 million, invested in Warwick Energy, which is an Oklahoma oil and gas company in the SCOOP. Their assets is mostly of the gassy side of the basin. By opening up European markets to LNG and raising the price from to $7-8 Warwick will make a ton of money this year and provide the Michigan pension fund with a nice dividend check.
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Musk was planning on buying Twitter with his and other investors paper net worth, which has shrunk considerably in the last month, and will likely continue to shrink, so now he's looking for a reason to bail on it. Everyone is selling right now. Are you buying anything?
Twitter wanted cash. Musk sold a bunch of TSLA stock late last year and early this year, so the decline TSLA shouldn’t matter much. People have been debating the seriousness of the bid since day 1. Seems like a coin flip to me, but apparently he has money backers for the cash necessary to do it, and last I saw there is a $1B break fee. This latest claim of “too many bot accounts” is kind of funny. A lot are probably Russian and Ukraine so I guess it goes in this thread. :)
Edited with correct ticker. hat tip @ajricketts
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Well I was 2 forty years ago but I’m pretty sure I was pissed off about wasteful spending then as well. I’m sorry I should’ve voted different back then or maybe that was on you and your generation. I don’t believe I can take the blame on that one.
That is a hot take though BuzzH, that your generation failed to address the issues so now we’re just going to ignore them and then spend billions building roads in other countries. Thanks boomers. Lol
I'm not a boomer but OK and I wasn't able to vote 40 years ago either. But that's not the point.

The point is, while politicians are distracting us with all kinds of meaningless stuff...and blowing money much larger and much less important than stingers, we give them a pass on infrastructure. Even infrastructure packages are political footballs with grandstanding via the fringe of the political parties trying to kill funding for it.

The money we're spending in Ukraine, IMO, is money well spent. Nobody comes out ahead with worldwide instability and like has been stated, we have lots of interests that are impacted by that same instability.

I understand and appreciate your concern with spending, but IMO, its misguided on this one.
Twitter wanted cash. Musk sold a bunch of TSLA stock late last year and early this year, so the decline TSLA shouldn’t matter much. People have been debating the seriousness of the bid since day 1. Seems like a coin flip to me, but apparently he has money backers for the cash necessary to do it, and last I saw there is a $1B break fee. This latest claim of “too many bot accounts” is kind of funny. A lot are probably Russian and Ukraine so I guess it goes in this thread. :)
Edited with correct ticker. hat tip @ajricketts
I wouldn't pay a billion for Twitter, but I would pay billion to not have to pay 44 billion to buy this turd. Musk is having some regrets right now it appears.
Musk was planning on buying Twitter with his and other investors paper net worth, which has shrunk considerably in the last month, and will likely continue to shrink, so now he's looking for a reason to bail on it. Everyone is selling right now. Are you buying anything?
He may change his mind due to EU reg warnings, second thoughts on a rushed deal, his generally random approach to business or legit due diligence concerns, who knows. But it will not be due to some broader economic concern about “paper money”.

Seems like some on this thread just pick every news item and stuff it into one or two pre-set doom narratives/grudges. Rinse and repeat. SMH.
2021 US provided 22BCM of gas, Russia provided 155BCM

The EU just said that it would provide a stable frame work to insure the US would have a market for 50BCM of gas per year for the next decade.

1 BCM = 35,310,734.46 mmbtu
1mmbtu = $32.62 today on the European Gas index

Shipping costs are like < $2mmbtu, let's say all the production costs are another $1.5mmbtu, and then say prices in Europe stabilize to $20 mmbtu.

A US company makes $16.5 per mmbtu shipped.

So US companies just secured ~ $22 Billion a year in profit for the next 10 years.

Further, it allows us to get gas out of our market which stabilizes it so instead of $2.75 domestically prices will be at least $5.50. Which means increased profits at home.

Plus most oil wells produce gas, but with prices so low the gas isn't worth anything so people flare it... but if it's now worth a lot of money that encourages people to sell it which is good for global warming, and it makes wells that produce some oil and lots of gas more economic so more oil wells... which means lower the price at the pump.

Now I'm making a lot of assumptions... but the point being you can calculate some crazy benefits for just one industry from support Ukraine and supplanting Russian trade to Europe.
Just being a smart ass. So we are fighting this war for gas and not oil