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Ukraine / Russia

what if he is?

I am sure the people making the calculated risk decisions have far more information than we do, and certainly aren't just operating off of open source and Putin's public statements. I suspect we might be reading Russia's mail or have some other insight into Putin's calculus that is emboldening the West.
I am sure the people making the calculated risk decisions have far more information than we do, and certainly aren't just operating off of open source and Putin's public statements. I suspect we might be reading Russia's mail or have some other insight into Putin's calculus that is emboldening the West.
As a veteran from the days when USSR was our primary opponent, my perspective is that we know that he knows our M1 Abrams, air power, artillery, missile systems, anti-aircraft, drones, GI Joes & Janes, indomitable US Marines & Naval power could kick his arse any day of the week. Speaking of week; his military might is declining into further weakness every week the Ukraine's hold steadfast. Employing nuclear weapons on his part would swiftly end his reign and his life, as well as any hopes of Russian return to world power.
I am not sure what the leadership of NATO (to include us), have learned in the last month, or so, but we are currently escalating against Russia. 2 months ago we seemed far more concerned with providing Putin a soft landing, now it seems like the west is willing to see if Putin is ready to die on this hill....

IMO, at first we all thought Putin was going to roll over Ukrainian armed forces and there wasn’t anything we could do about it. The resolve and success of the Ukrainians in bloodying Putin’s nose has shown the world that the Russian bear isn’t as prepared and adept at conventional warfare as we had assumed.

Ukrainians without a large additional influx of NATO weapons stopped Putin’s advance. That makes it a lot more reasonable to ramp up NATO resupply to drive him back to Russia in hopes he’ll not try anything like this again.

The question we don’t know yet is whether he remains rational enough to not resort to MAD out of frustration and sense of impending doom to accept being driven back to Russia. Are there any in Moscow who can act decisively to change the course towards MAD if he’s desperate enough to go that route? Is he still sane enough to have any sense of self preservation and show restraint?

I think only that unknown has kept NATO from boots on the ground/ planes in the air joining in of drubbing the Bear.
I am sure the people making the calculated risk decisions have far more information than we do, and certainly aren't just operating off of open source and Putin's public statements. I suspect we might be reading Russia's mail or have some other insight into Putin's calculus that is emboldening the West.

100%, not only does NATO have eyes on the ground, ie intel shared by Ukraine if not local SOF assets collecting it, but NATO has been flying a multitude of AWACS along the Ukrainian border and the Black Sea. These planes remain in Int'l and NATO airspace and can still see deep inside Ukraine and gather intel.

This moment/war has been decades in the making with tons of preparation. The battlefield could've been anywhere and NATO was/is still prepared for all scenarios.

The NATO/Ukraine relationship is most definitely two ways; they're getting the weapons/equipment/money they need and NATO is getting real-time intel on the conflict and battle damage assessments and effectiveness of Russian weaponry.
I can see what's in in for Russia. It's harder to see it "saving any face" for Ukraine. So for Russia getting land by force, Ukraine promises not to partner with allies that would help protect it. Got it.
I suppose, at that point the “carrot” for Ukraine would be avoiding total infrastructure destruction over the next year or two.
so what the heck are we gonna do about hungary?

can't quite kick em to the curb, even though we want to. can we? should we?

is a bastard child better on our side or theirs?
So, how much of their country is Ukraine supposed to give up so Putin can save face? Putin started him saving face his problem.

He has succeeded in turning parts of Ukraine into rubble. HE has succeeded in forcing millions to flee their homes. He likely will succeed in triggering a food crisis. I have a very hard time giving him some gift so he can save face.

If the Ukrainians are willing to fight for their country and the west is willing to supply the needed munitions, I think Russia is going to have an increasingly difficult time sustaining their munition supplies.

Our biggest mistake with Putin is we let him get away with many bad acts in the past, because we didn't want to provoke something larger.
If the Ukrainians are willing to fight for their country and the west is willing to supply the needed 2 billion a month, I think Russia is going to have an increasingly difficult time sustaining their munition supplies.

Fixed that for you.
If the Ukrainians are willing to fight for their country and the west is willing to supply the needed 2 billion a month, I think Russia is going to have an increasingly difficult time sustaining their munition supplies.

Fixed that for you.

Sounds like a bargain to me. The alternative is not desirable on many levels.
I suppose, at that point the “carrot” for Ukraine would be avoiding total infrastructure destruction over the next year or two.
That's what reparations are for. That is a difficult calculus. Enough to help Ukraine and let Russia know there is a price for being an a$$. But not so much to where Russia is put where Germany was coming out of WWI.
Is it morally wrong of me to hope that the reports of Putin having cancer are accurate and understated?

I haven’t been able to quite reconcile some of those issues with my personal faith and basic desire to wish well for everyone.

I find myself arriving at the hopes of something terminal and swift for the sake of hopefully ending the misery of all the suffering he’s caused for the victims of his war, without undue personal misery so I can preserve an idea that I am not personally vindictive or that I take pleasure in suffering.

Does anyone else think about things like this?
I can only hope he suffers 10 times what my folks did. And soon.

I have hope.
simple fix.
$100mil bounty on his head. Open contract. Payable any way you want,where you want. No questions asked.
Hell, half his cronies will chip in the pot.
Oh, american companies get their tax break,maybe,if they chip in.
Sounds like a bargain to me. The alternative is not desirable on many levels.
It’s anything but a bargain. It’s pissing away $2 billion a month that could be spent on improving America.
I am sure the people making the calculated risk decisions have far more information than we do, and certainly aren't just operating off of open source and Putin's public statements. I suspect we might be reading Russia's mail or have some other insight into Putin's calculus that is emboldening the West.
So much this...
simple fix.
$100mil bounty on his head. Open contract. Payable any way you want,where you want. No questions asked.
Hell, half his cronies will chip in the pot.
Oh, american companies get their tax break,maybe,if they chip in.
BEST solution I've heard

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