Ukraine / Russia

Who knows what's BS vs. facts. It's way worse than CNN/FOX. I saw one missile strike video that I would have guessed killed more people than have been reported killed in Ukraine. And allegedly they've killed 4000+ Russian troops? Why am I doubting that? They are providing news that is provided by some of the military leaders..
Chess game is a bit easier when empathy and the welfare of your common man isn’t a variable you have to consider.
He wasn’t a genius before this mess. He has failed to develop the Russian economy despite having great natural resources. Things like life expectancy, suicide rates, alcoholism, education, etc are abysmal. I wonder why folks are so quick to like a tin pot dictator (abroad or at home) and confuse bullying with genius. Seems like some people just naturally gravitate to bullies I guess. Lord of the flies with nukes.
It's as though Russia has forgotten the rag-tag poorly armed Afghanistan gang that drove them crazy for years, then drove them right out of the country. It was a costly lesson for Russia.
The downside for the Ukraine resistance is geography- a lot harder to wage an insurgency in the open plains. Crazy mountains and godawful jungles did a lot for the afghans and Vietnamese.
I've been thinking about this. What does Putin do if he acts out of desperation if the invasion continues to not go as he planned? mtmuley
We have yet to have a nuke fired from bunker of failed and crazed dictator yet, but I fear it will happen eventually- even if not now. Some of the “if Russia isn’t first it would be better dead” suicide pact type messaging out of Moscow this week isn’t promising.
The downside for the Ukraine resistance is geography- a lot harder to wage an insurgency in the open plains. Crazy mountains and godawful jungles did a lot for the afghans and Vietnamese.
It will be in the cities, and that is just as F'ed up a place to have that same kind of fight.
We have yet to have a nuke fired from bunker of failed and crazed dictator yet, but I fear it will happen eventually- even if not now. Some of the “if Russia isn’t first it would be better dead” suicide pact type messaging out of Moscow this week isn’t promising.
If people way smarter than me though that was true the DOW would have dropped 30% by now and gold and bitcoin would double. Just sayin
Not a joke, honest speculation, but I wonder how long this takes hunting tourism options off the table for non-Russians. I know they have a few hunts like Kamchatka that are popular with certain crowds. Have to assume all that's over with indefinitely, no?
Not a joke, honest speculation, but I wonder how long this takes hunting tourism options off the table for non-Russians. I know they have a few hunts like Kamchatka that are popular with certain crowds. Have to assume all that's over with indefinitely, no?

With the value of the should be affordable to everyone.:cool:
He wasn’t a genius before this mess. He has failed to develop the Russian economy despite having great natural resources. Things like life expectancy, suicide rates, alcoholism, education, etc are abysmal.
Why would you think any of that was on his to-do list?
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