Caribou Gear

UK Roe buck

Well i have been waiting for months for rain to bring up the Salmon, then 2 days after the season finished what did we get, rain!

So i went out after a deer instead, in the pouring rain i found a buck and doe, but they suspected something was up and did a quick exit, so i went back in the morning, this time the buck was unlucky, he wasn't with the doe so no extra set of ears, result!

The red and fallow deer rut has just started so i am out again this week.


First Roe Buck of 2014

Got my new camera all set up as the Roe Buck appeared, took the shot, checked the camera, forgot to press the bloody record button, so here is the result, click on picture to play.

Took out a buddy yesterday, he is new to hunting but loves it, we saw a nice roe buck and did a long detour to get on it, but on the way we saw a buck and doe, i told him how to approach them and i watched from a distance, i noticed the doe look up and she had spotted his big ass sticking up in the air, but it was too late, wallop, he nailed the buck at 115 yards, his first English roe buck.
Got this one today

Got up at 04.15 and shot this one at 04.45, back home at 05.15, it was a cracking morning here in the county of Devon, UK.
The buck was 150 yards away and downhill, shot it off my sticks as the grass is really long at the moment.
Looking at Dartmoor shrouded in mist makes me wonder why i am going to travel to Montana in October, then i remember, we don't have Elk or mountains where i live!
