Caribou Gear

U.S. Debt Ceiling. 31.4 Trillion!

Books can (and have) been writting, but in a sentence . . .Unions in the 60s and 70s successfully blocking early automation attempts, and destroying incentive for quality of workmanship, in auto and steel industries handed those industries to Japan. That was the beginning of the de-industrialization of America.
How firm a believer are you with politically sparked kangaroo courts?
Politics has no shame. But not sure how this is relevant to my initial post or my most recent reply. The list of presidents I referenced are well known in general history to be misogynists and/or have serial workplace relationships with "power disparity". Not saying they should be imprisoned or civil damages paid (I leave that to the courts), just saying I believe that makes them unfit to be president - there is no constitutional right for a jury to protect one from being considered an immoral ass.
A jury trial is the standard for imprisonment/govt action. Personal judgment of whether someone is a complete ass has no such bar.
Now you're changing the discussion. You may think someone is unfit, and "an immoral ass", and I agree with you on most of the examples. I think the world would have been different if JFK had lived, dismantled the CIA, and not gotten 60,000 kids killed in Vietnam for nothing, his treatment of his wife, Marilyn Monroe, and others notwithstanding. But I digress.

But that is far different from disqualifying them on a sexual harassment CLAIM, which was your original statement. Anyone can claim anything against anyone, and often does, and if Republican, which you claim to be, and tried in DC, will be found guilty. Same in NYC. There is simply no way for a fair trial of a political figure in those venues.

So, I think we have to be careful with "claims". That's why, although ridiculed at the time, Mike Pence was actually smart not to meet one-on-one with women.
Why more and more people are thinking starving the beast is our last best option.
But they aren't - everybody has their pet thing SS, Med, mortgage deduction, public lands, education, veterans, military, etc. There is simply no meaningful (>15%) alignment on any meaningful changes in how we spend. Even on the verge of default neither party will touch any of this. And work for welfare, return of unspent covid $ are a trivial amount (even if logical) - makes good headlines in some towns but fiscally meaningless in the big picture.
Now you're changing the discussion. You may think someone is unfit, and "an immoral ass", and I agree with you on most of the examples. I think the world would have been different if JFK had lived, dismantled the CIA, and not gotten 60,000 kids killed in Vietnam for nothing, his treatment of his wife, Marilyn Monroe, and others notwithstanding. But I digress.

But that is far different from disqualifying them on a sexual harassment CLAIM, which was your original statement. Anyone can claim anything against anyone, and often does, and if Republican, which you claim to be, and tried in DC, will be found guilty. Same in NYC. There is simply no way for a fair trial of a political figure in those venues.

So, I think we have to be careful with "claims". That's why, although ridiculed at the time, Mike Pence was actually smart not to meet one-on-one with women.
I put no such weight when I thumbed "claim" into that post. I could have just easily thumbed "understood to be" and captured my sentiment. That aside, in general, the "innocent beyond all reasonable doubt" is a good standard before imprisonment, it is way to high for almost all other purposes - I am fine with "the general understanding", "common belief" and "public sentiment" for lots of things that are not imprisonment. To much shit gets a free pass in this country because folks hide behind an irrelevant standard designed for an entirely different purpose.

[added: For example, in my opinion, OJ is and always will be a murderer, even though I agree with the jury that the stupid prosecutors allowed reasonable doubt to carry the day. OJ is innocent of the California crime of murder and therefore was not imprisoned for that offense. But that is very different than accepting a common sentiment that he did kill those two. What happens in a court room is generally divorced from the full reality we live in and should only apply to those narrow purposes.]
Unions don’t take money out of the pockets of ceos, they set silly work place rules that make businesses in effective and unable to compete. 2023 unions are mostly just partisan political actors, they are not the unions protecting coal miners.
This is an overly broad and inaccurate comment
I put no such weight when I thumbed "claim" into that post. I could have just easily thumbed "understood to be" and captured my sentiment. That aside, in general, the "innocent beyond all reasonable doubt" is a good standard before imprisonment, it is way to high for almost all other purposes - I am fine with "the general understanding", "common belief" and "public sentiment" for lots of things that are not imprisonment. To much shit gets a free pass in this country because folks hide behind an irrelevant standard designed for an entirely different purpose.
So, likely half the "public sentiment" thinks you're a racist and misogynist if you're a Republican. You OK with that?

That's why I don't like claims without evidence, and not just in a court of law. Saw exactly the same thing in the whistleblower hearings yesterday. Guilty of "thought crime" and lives ruined.

Anyway, pretty far from the debt, which as far as I can tell is the same as when we started this thread.

Longbow out.
So, likely half the "public sentiment" thinks you're a racist and misogynist if you're a Republican. You OK with that?

That's why I don't like claims without evidence, and not just in a court of law. Saw exactly the same thing in the whistleblower hearings yesterday. Guilty of "thought crime" and lives ruined.

Anyway, pretty far from the debt, which as far as I can tell is the same as when we started this thread.

Longbow out.
I didn't say without evidence, and don't accept the twitter-sphere as the broader public, but your milage may vary.
I am skeptical about term limits - especially when short - as it further shifts power to staff, lobbyists and adminstrative leviathan. Age limits are a no brainer. So, I could live with 15 yrs of cumulative govt elected service at all levels (18 if 2 term president) and age 70 cap (74 if second term president).
Just saw this on my news feed as well.

Sen. Feinstein Health Struggles

It brings up another point for me about age. We do a disservice to the elderly in our nation when we let them publicly deteriorate and embarrass themselves. Someone should be protecting them, not exploiting them or allowing them to be exploited.

We're all bound to lose some mental capacity as we age. And I hope our families and friends love us enough to allow us some dignity by keeping our mistakes and struggles out of the public eye.
Just saw this on my news feed as well.

Sen. Feinstein Health Struggles

It brings up another point for me about age. We do a disservice to the elderly in our nation when we let them publicly deteriorate and embarrass themselves. Someone should be protecting them, not exploiting them or allowing them to be exploited.

We're all bound to lose some mental capacity as we age. And I hope our families and friends love us enough to allow us some dignity by keeping our mistakes and struggles out of the public eye.

sounds like the senators need a union
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