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TX controlled hunt

Keep your head on a swivel. Record acorn crop this year, the drought, and the freezes of the past 2 winters have changed the game. Deer are much less likely to linger at the feeders in this part of Texas this year.Find your lanes and ranges and be ready!
Keep your head on a swivel. Record acorn crop this year, the drought, and the freezes of the past 2 winters have changed the game. Deer are much less likely to linger at the feeders in this part of Texas this year.Find your lanes and ranges and be ready!
Almost exactly what the hunt manager said.
The golden cheek warbler only nests in those impenetrable western juniper stands, so that’s what you’re popped into. Ironically, that “cedar” is an invasive species that chokes out the native oak and yaupon, and steals surface water before it can nourish the native flora or recharge ground water. So the preserve is preserving a pestilence.
The golden cheek warbler only nests in those impenetrable western juniper stands, so that’s what you’re popped into. Ironically, that “cedar” is an invasive species that chokes out the native oak and yaupon, and steals surface water before it can nourish the native flora or recharge ground water. So the preserve is preserving a pestilence.
Hate! Hate! Hate me some “cedar”
That “das goat” fire earlier in the year west of San Antonio was basically my mom’s place, wasn’t “fun” but it sure did clear out a bunch of that crap!!
Just down the road from me.
Good luck, I didn’t even know they held hunts there.
Post a pic of a gc warbler will ya, never seen one ..
Holler if you need help with a packout and I’ll send a boy right over :D
Appreciate the offer but with these Texas deer pretty sure I can just throw it over my shoulder like a grain sack😆.
This morning was warm and muggy with clear skies and a bright moon. It's actually gotten real overcast and cooled of a bit sense sunrise. My brother and I went a little to hard last night between the beers and the "Texas spud" I had before bed my stomach is killing me.20221209_054959.jpg20221208_193855.jpg
Talk to the hunt manager this morning and received permission to hunt out side the blind. This should be a gamechanger. It's obvious the deer aren't touching the corn as it's piling up under the feeder and the acorns are thicker than I could have imagined.20221209_102116.jpg20221209_090710.jpg20221209_083450.jpg
Give you a idea what I'm up against.
Bunch of 2 tracks all over plus a dry creek bed where I found some very fresh sign. Plans to still hunt keeping the wind in my favor for the rest of the trip. Having fun exploring a new place found some of the largest cedars I've ever seen.20221209_082210.jpg20221209_093932.jpg20221209_094425.jpg20221209_101059.jpg
I look at those pictures and if I squint I can see the apartments, drive-thrus, and grocery stores that will inevitably defile that landscape. There's too much Austin grift at stake to leave that in its natural state. :(

There are deer there. Sit over the sign and you have a good chance. Only thing working against you now is the moon.
Yesterday afternoon I finally sighted my first deer. No shot opportunity as it busted me still hunting and I just got a glimpse of it's rear end going away waiving it's white flag.

Was able to sleep in a bit this morning no reason to be bumping around in the dark. Unfortunately the temperature is not cold although it's definitely the coolest temperature.20221210_064402.jpg
Had a close call with a skunk about 5 minutes after I left the truck. We scared each other had a bit of a stand off but eventually he went on his way. This section of the old road was covered with chewed up acorns and deer poop. Gonna hang out here for awhile or until I'm bored. It's 111 yards to the end of the lane.20221210_080351.jpg
The only deer sighted on my hunt was on the last day as I was leaving the property. He was probably 200 yards from highway 71 a busy 4 lane highway cutting through the Preserve. I had been hunting deeper in maybe I shouldn't have. Anyway I had fun exploring a unique piece of woods nestled in the big city. Also had a blast with my brother we don't get to spen as much time as we'd like together now that we live 2 hours apart. Although the early mornings and late night's caught up with me. Between the moon, temps, acorns, and shortness of the hunt I'm not shocked I didn't kill anything but I'm still calling the trip a success. I'd also like to thank TPW the nature conservancy and the property manager Brandon for allowing me the opportunity to hunt the Texas hill country. Back home now cold front coming in Wednesday and I'm planning on chasing the big boy on my property pretty hard till our season ends January 15th.IMG_1824.jpg
Nice buck. So close to 13” I’m not sure I’d have taken him even if he was away from the road.

So glad you got family time and a chance to see our part of the state. Hope y’all can come back soon and would love to get together when you do!

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