Turkeys in the Rain


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2019
New York
Ladies and gents, I’m new to the turkey hunting scene, and I’m already hooked! Great time of year to be out chasing gobbles and watching game.

I was wondering what people think about hunting turkeys in the rain.

Worth it or sleep in? (Either way, I’m going...)

Any strategies you guys like to use?

Let’s hear it!
They like to stay out of wet vegetation if possible. That may put them out along the edges of open fields if the grass is not tall, or into plowed fields if it is.

Turkeys seem to be where you find them - that's really all I know.
Rain can be a blessing. If it's a steady rainfall, the turkeys often stay in the roost until it's well after first light. Then you can see them pitch down. Also, recent rain dampens the sound of you walking around, and keeps some hunters out of the woods. I will periodically scrape the mud off the bottom of my boots to be even quieter. There are spots I will only walk into if it's wet, because otherwise the leaf litter gives me away to the birds. A great time to hunt is as soon as the rain lets up, especially if that is sometime between 8 AM and noon. This is how I killed my last bird earlier this week.

If the rain is really heavy, turkeys often take cover, don't move much, and are not seen out in the open a lot.
Around here it really depends on the temperature. If its rainy but still relatively warm turkeys don’t seem to mind it much. As has been said previously they tend to frequent fields and open areas more. If its a cold rain with wind blowing out of the NE it tends to shut things down.
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