Caribou Gear Tarp

Turkey scouting

I don't have a ton of experience but the bird I just shot was really henned up, so after sneaking to about 40 yards with the flock just on the other side of a small rise and even though he gobbled like crazy he wouldn't come in. Eventually, the lead hen started yelping so I just imitated what she did louder and she came to look and so did the tom.
I try to mimic other birds too. Turkeys make 26 different sounds, there must be something to it. Lol
I like to hunt midday when they are henned up. You don’t get the action like at first light, but if you get a gobble point your gun in that direction cuz he’s coming in and usually fast. I yelp wait for a few minutes,slowly advance to where I can see good, yelp again, and continue that pattern. I have good luck from 10-3:30 doing that.

Yup. I prefer the same midday hunts are the best.
Monday was a tough hunt. Hours of run and gun turned up 1 Tom pacing a timbered ridge gobbling his head off midday. Tried to get in close and fool him with a yelp. He shut up and took off. I think I called too loud or he saw me. With 15 mins left to hunt at 5PM I saw a Tom 20 yards on private. Snuck in close and yelped quiet. He fanned out and came 5 yards of the boundary, then hung up and joined 11 more turkeys feeding on private.
Good work to the successful hunters. Wisconsin's first season opened today, it was a cold one. I was bummed out to not get the first season (I got the second), but looking at the weather maybe not so bummed out anymore

I couldnt agree more. I would not at all say I am a fair weather hunter. I hunt ducks in some miserable conditions.

There is just something about the spring turkey woods when they are warm that I just love. I think it is because I see the end of winter weather. I sure like taking a nap on a nice warm tree too.
The weather is going to be getting warmer now according to our forecast. Saw a Tom trying to breed a hen this morning. I can’t hunt again until April 29 but I will still go out and listen 3 or 4 times a week on my way to work. And I may be able to call or go with some people a few times.
been going out the last couple evenings trying to listen to roosted birds; found one hen all by herself roosted up is all.
How often will toms gobble before dark?
I did bring my coyote howler call to try to get a shocker out of one but no luck so far.
Will try again tonight, found a nice piece that abuts to a ag field
I've been keeping after them, getting out in the mornings. Most of the birds I scouted have dispursed. The one gobbler I heard was henned up and not moving. They only talked from about 6 to 7, then nothing. Might just be too early here, I'm not sure. I'll keep trying!
I don’t usually go out at dark to listen. They aren’t as reliable in my area. I do watch fields about an hour before dark to see where they are at figuring they are roosting nearby. I like to listen in the morning about 45 minutes before sunup is when they are still in the roost seems to be the best time in our area.
I don’t usually go out at dark to listen. They aren’t as reliable in my area. I do watch fields about an hour before dark to see where they are at figuring they are roosting nearby. I like to listen in the morning about 45 minutes before sunup is when they are still in the roost seems to be the best time in our area.
Seems like around here you dont see turks in the fields early evening but we dont have that many turkeys around vs the southern half of the state; My son and I checked out one of our spots I had cameras out and had one flock walk by yesterday morning 2 toms and 3 hens; walking back to the truck we ran into 2 younger guys doing some
All I'm seeing are lone hens on public. I'm not really sure what that means?
I'm hoping the toms start roaming more later in the season but I also dont really know what to expect as this is my second year. Right now I'm just hiking around with a bow it feels like. I haven't heard any gobbling on public. I can see them on private on the way in but today they weren't talking much.
Went out turkey hunting with my dad this morning. We spooked a bird off the roost on the way in. I assume it was a hen because there were still a few gobbling in that area. After talking back and forth with 2 or 3 at a distance we moved 200 yards, yelped and had 2 hot gobblers over the ridge. We quickly set up. From the sounds of the gobbles they were about 50 yards out over the ridge and through a thick mess of brush. They circled around back of us and we heard that excited put, put,put and I knew the gig was up. We moved to anew area and set up about 9:30. Nothing but the wind! We were close to where I harvested my turkey on Monday and I had seen others strutting midday a few times previous. After about 45 minutes I started to get up to move and caught a redhead 75 yards out through the trees. There was actually 2. I was 10 feet in back of my dad and tried to get his attention to put his gun up, but he couldn’t hear me. Just like that they were gone, but a hen appeared on the edge of the timber about 60 yards out feeding towards us.i figured the two toms would be behind her but they never appeared. We chased a few gobbles and did a few blind sets but the wind was brutal. We gave up about 1:30 after walking according to my iPhone 4 miles and 58 flights of stairs.
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