
Turkey Fan Mount DIY


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2016
I used some scrap plywood I had lying around and put this together. It's not great, but for my first one, it turned out ok.

It's a little lobsided because some other yahoo shot off the last feather on the right (turkey's left). The beard is thin as well because a pellet cut about half of that off too. I suspect that he was the victim of some non-fatal long range buck shot from a road hunter, but that's just a guess. My shot was up close and personal and didn't hit anything other than the head and neck.
On the couple I have done I split the difference on the sides, that way neither side is parallel to the ground. Helps out my ocd
On the couple I have done I split the difference on the sides, that way neither side is parallel to the ground. Helps out my ocd
I debated doing that, but elected to go with the 'real' look instead of trying to make it artificially perfect. It's far from perfect in several respects, so maybe I'm just lazy ;)
I debated doing that, but elected to go with the 'real' look instead of trying to make it artificially perfect. It's far from perfect in several respects, so maybe I'm just lazy ;)
Mount looks great!

I just went through this dilemma on my 2019 bird - it has a missing tail feather (2 away from the ‘middle’) from a fight (the ‘stub’ was still there in the fan base but there were only a few inches left) I have a couple Jake fans in the freezer that I could have poached a feather from but went for the ‘real life’ look.

Sidebar: I usually get state-shaped wood plaques from a guy in MN, but seeing as how CO is a boring state, shape-wise, and that I’m a horrible woodworker, I ordered plaques from these guys that will overlay a digital picture onto the plaque. Should be here Wednesday, will see how it looks in real life
Sidebar: I usually get state-shaped wood plaques from a guy in MN, but seeing as how CO is a boring state, shape-wise, and that I’m a horrible woodworker, I ordered plaques from these guys that will overlay a digital picture onto the plaque. Should be here Wednesday, will see how it looks in real life
Wow, $30 seemed like a good deal...but the additional $20 for S&H put it out of this cheap bastard's price range.
Wow, $30 seemed like a good deal...but the additional $20 for S&H put it out of this cheap bastard's price range.
Yeah - I noticed that also but it stung less when ordering 2.

They showed up yesterday. They look better than I was expecting for 30 (really 40) bucks.
You MUST clean the muscle and fat form the tail base or you'll have bugs and rancid smells for some time. Once clean just rub down and coat well with 20 mule team borax!
I don't know...I live in the arid west. I put a ton of salt on there when it was fresh and it's dry as a bone (see what I did there) and it has zero smell, so I don't think I'll have any problems, but definitely next time I will do better.
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I have done what Wally dog says above with cleaning and used bondo at the base of tail feathers once i have it pinned to the shape i want on a board. That way wont move after its dry. Then just screw to your back board and if using a front wood piece screw through back board into back of front board so no screws show. hold up good and get a real clean right side to left side for the ocd of hanging on wall.
Beautiful mount. Want to do that with my wife's turkey when she gets one this year.
Climate/region plays in to things. I've done over 45 tails in Montana...clean the hub, salt and let it dry. No problems...other than I ran out of wall space many years ago. ;)
Climate/region plays in to things. I've done over 45 tails in Montana...clean the hub, salt and let it dry. No problems...other than I ran out of wall space many years ago. ;)
I don’t have that many but have done 6 in CO the same way with no issues.
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I haven't done one fan mount since I move out west, seeing all of yours, makes me want one. Nice job!

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