Turkey broadheads


Mar 11, 2015
Alright boys and girls I need some advice I drew a unit 38 turkey tag here in Idaho which was shocking, but besides the fact I got access to about 20 acres along the Boise river full of birds so I have decided to try it with my bow let me just run down my set up real quick; Hoyt faktor 34 set at 64 pounds shooting a gold tip kinetic pierce platinum really like that small diameter shaft, but the question is broadheads since expandables are legal in Idaho for turkeys I wanna give it a shot. I have no experience with expandables before now I know the big names like rage, grim reaper are good heads but I just want some advice from everybody else of the best head possibly? I know you want a large cutting diamater I was looking at some rages that were 2.3 inches of cut, is that enough? Or do I need more or less? Or just shoot normal fixed heads? Just would like everybody else's two cents thanks!
NAP Gobbler Getters have 3 blades at 1.75" cutting diameter and a blunt nose to transmit power before pass through which are my first choice and my second is Rage 2.3" 2 blades since the NAP ones are quite hard to find.
There's a million opinions on this subject. Shoot what your bow shoots best. Fixed or mechanical will do the job. If shooting through a screen... expandables might be a problem. I shoot the same as I do for deer... Muzzy 3 blade, fixed.

have fun.

good luck to all
the dog
Congrats on drawing the tag. I've killed several birds using Muzzy Turkey Thumpers. Shot placement is paramount. I hope you'll hunt from a blind as moving around on the river bottom is next to impossible.
Yeah I'm pretty stoked about drawing the tag! Looking at the vitals it's pretty small I will be hunting in a blind hopefully April 15th I'll have a picture to show everybody!
I think on turkeys I would be more apt to consider expandables due to smaller vitals. I'm considering Gravedigger hybrid for gobblers but in the end time constraints has me grabbing a 12gauge.
NAP Spitfire Maxx or XXX's. A large cutting diameter expandable is perfect. Shot placement is crucial though. You only have a couple inches to work with. I have shot a fair number with my bow and no blind, but all 8-12 yards. Less room for error!
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