Caribou Gear Tarp

trying to make muzzleloader shooting experience more enjoyable/hard to seat bullets

Year old thread, but I started it. Barnes T-EZ solved the hard to load problem and are as accurate as what I was using before. It sits in the safe for now as I have no short term muzzleloader hunt plans, but it shot nice. Thanks for the input.
Didn't read all the replies but I'm guessing you need to try different sabots because the combo you're using now is oversized for your bore. The right sabot/bullet combo will load easily, I promise. T/C's are notorious for tight bores. My CVA Optima bore measures at .502" and I use a bullet/sabot combo that measures .503" and it's a pretty firm but easy fit.

As for the Triple Seven, I have never used pellets but I understand they are pretty bad for the crud ring after just one or two shots. I have used loose T7 powder (3F) for over a decade with no issues and superb accuracy, swabbing between each shot at the range. In a hunting situation, I can load a second or even a third if I need to, and have many times. But my range routine is a wet patch down the bore after each shot, then a wire up the flash hole (they make accessories just for this) on every shot and it actually makes range time pretty fun. The great thing about T7 is that it's water soluble which means you can just stick a clean patch in your mouth and then run it down the bore, pull it out, flip it, run it again and you're gtg for your next shot. It literally takes me less than 10 seconds. And it's a nice pause between shots, especially for heavier loads.

I've gotten to the point where I really enjoy range time with my ML (just wish the bullets weren't so expensive) because I can load it down to just 70 or 80 grains of powder and it just gives me a big push. 70-80 grains is more than enough for whitetails inside of 150 yards. I've shot a bunch of them with 70 grains of T7 and 240-250 grain bullets and they all went down quickly. Best part is that big slow bullet doesn't mess up much meat. When I was culling does on a ranch years ago, I often brought the ML just because I knew the shots would be close and that it would not mess up much meat. Great combo and fun to shoot.

I hope you find the combo that works for you. When you do, it will put the fun into shooting your ML


(PS I moved away from BH209 due to the cost and the fact that I needed to use solvents. T7 is actually easier to deal with and more affordable, IMO)
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