Trying New Things at 52


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2024
God's Country (Montana)
Greetings to all. I've been on the forum now for a week, and thought I should make some effort to introduce myself. Having no experience with social media, and being technically challenged, hopefully this works. I've been hunting for the past 4 decades, and progressed to the point where I measure things based on memories made instead of tags filled. Anymore, I get as much reward out of challenging myself to still get to the places I want to in a reasonable time and physical condition as I do pulling the trigger. I'm accumulating enough points to start drawing some good permits, and those hunts have been the exception, in that I still want to get it done when my efforts find me in the right place at the right time. Only now, I recognize my blessings and all the little things that truly matter while I'm working to get there.

My main hunting partner is my son, who amazes me everyday in who he is as a person and how much he has grown as a hunter. We're pretty much on equal ground in the woods now days, and I really enjoy that. I also hunt a lot with my brother, who is exactly what you would hope a brother would be.

2024 has been good to us. This is my son's 6x6 from last week, taken in one of my favorite hunting spots. He made all the decisions on this hunt; I simply provided information, when appropriate.


We also drew antelope, which we haven't been able to do for a few years, and made good.buck1.jpg

And, our greatest moment in hunting this year came when we were successful on a nice Montana billy!bigdream.jpg

I've sat on the sidelines with HuntTalk for a while, and finally decided if I was going to be involved with something, this was certainly a group I can relate to. I've always been one to help where I can, and I've been humbled enough to realize I don't know everything.

I look forward meeting like minded people, enjoying good stories, and learning a thing or to. My biggest accomplishment so far is creating a post, with images embedded, without asking my bride of 31 years or any of my 3 children for help!
Welcome aboard from Oklahoma! Can't wait till me and my son are on equal footing in the woods. Mainly so he can carry and drag the heavy stuff 🤣. I think you're gonna fit right in.