Truck or Car

Lately, trucks, I am about to buy my 3rd 4x4. I still have the other two. Yah, I like trucks, Good Luck, JLG.
Right now I'm vehicle poor...the only thing I don't have is an airplane or helicopter. :D

Once you own a truck, you can never just drive a car. Then again, you never knew you had soooo many friends, till you bought the truck! LOL!
Pickup, I plan to never own a car. Unless I win the lottery or something ;)
Funny how you Guys and Gals Stateside gotta have them BIG trucks, SUV's whatever you call them, usually one person up, tray empty and tailgate down to help fuel economy,Old Siggy Freud would have a field day, we have a 5 door hatch Toyota for carting the dogs and general mucking around and a MX5 for Janet and I in the weekends
I have a Ford Expedition, I lay the seats down put the dog box right in the back, I got the marine band mounted in there to. Its a great looking vehicle, but it's not made for show. It pulls out the Chevy's and dodge's : pretty good.
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