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"Truck Dump" video - How I rig my hunting rig

I keep all kinds of crap in my truck. Most everything has been mentioned except I keep extra head and tail light bulbs.

Also keep various sizes of zip ties. they come in handy.
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As "Lefty 315 stated.

My experience with BFG A/T K.O. tires are that you get what you pay for.
Last 2 sets of 4 tires each has taken me 70K each time I shelled out $1000.
I have always gone with the 10 ply tires in Load Range "E" 265/70/17
They do have plenty of 18" rim varieties for you guys with modern rigs.
Never yet had a flat in 150K of service with these tires.
Whether at 15 psig on the beach or in mud up to the bumper= no problems
20"of snow without chains

one thing I did to the back of my truck cap on the inside, went on Amazon and purchased a green led light strip about 12-14' long that has the 3m tape,ran a hot wire to the back with a fuse and a small toggle switch. So bright you can read a newspaper! Draws hardly any amps and goes on instantly. Tape has held up 3 years now to my surprise, cost under 25$ for everything.
Now that I need bifocals I have cheaters in every vehicle. And in my hunting "rig" (craigslist special beater) I have more than one pair in case one gets broken/lost. Trying to see which fuse has burned out under the dash is an impossibility without them.

I'm a little surprised you haven't yet added auxiliary lighting for your truck. Having a bank of lights illuminating your camp sight area as you set up in the dark is a nice.

And in the off chance you were considering this portable blind second story addition option, a little welding and carpentry.......... Park this baby on that alfalfa field, and no deer is safe.

Yeah, we cut that section for the sake of brevity. Along with the section about how I don't wash my rig, how I seldom vacuum, and how you should never buy a used truck from me.

I clean my truck once in the spring and once in the fall. The dog hair is unreal.
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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