Caribou Gear

Truck broken into in W CO, please keep an eye out for this gear together on other classifieds

Yeah I think the theory is that if you have sweet stickers it’s an indicator that you’ve got sweet shit in the car.

Basically I messed up and put a bunch of sweet ski hill stickers in the back window of my jeep and now I’m always paranoid that Jah and the west vail bad boys are gonna run my shit while I’m not looking.
I want to take them off, but it’s a soft top with a plastic rear window and I’m afraid that even if I warm them up with the blow dryer they might leave a bunch of glue and I’m scared to take acetone to that plastic window.
Use WD40 to remove the glue. Shouldn't hurt the plastic. Clean well with soap afterwards.
Two stickers, one US Flag and one elk silhouette. Probably a tipoff but I really enjoy looking at both. And the 10th Mtn veteran plates don't likely scare anyone away. I could just start keeping one of my beehives in my truck and suit up everywhere I go. That would get a bit tedious though...
We had a problem in our neighborhood with vehicle breakins, especially in the winter. One guy down the street got fed up and simply hooked the hot wire 110V to his car when he plugged it in at night. The vehicle is sitting on rubber tires so nothing happens till the burglar grabs the door handle. It worked. Forgot to ask the guy if the snow melted in the tracks ... or if it was colored yellow. I did the same thing to my vehicle left in the dark during the summer. Put the feed on a light 5 amp fuse. I think it worked because the fuse popped. The problem went away. I guess it's a good thing they weren't trying to siphon gas! Boom!
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I feel like I got lucky this year got halfway to CO before I realized I forgot my camper keys. But since I hiked in from camp 90% of the days my truck was right next to it so people might have thought I was in it. Good thinking on the stickers might have to take a few off.
Over 20 years ago I met my wife. A transplanted California girl who made it to Colorado. Got married and settled into our new home. First night I hear her setting the vehicle alarms, locking the doors and deadbolts, and even locking the windows. Didn't say a word since I am not completely stupid.

Next morning I walked her around the property. 40 plus acres, 10 horse barn, no neighbors for at least a half mile, national forest on 3 sides. As we approached the beautiful, full glass, front door I showed her the ground. Granite rocks everywhere to pick up. I asked her who she thought would hear her car alarms if they went off? Would this beautiful front door or windows stop any of these rocks if they were thrown at them?

It took her about a day to process what I had shown her. I knew she was already uncomfortable because I had a rifle near our bed even though she didn't say anything. Next morning before breakfast she went around and unlocked and opened the windows. In 20 years she has never locked them again even though we're in a different house. She realized that being in the mountains away from people there is the risk involved that some asshole could break into your home and no one would know or be there to help. We're armed and we take normal precautions.

People stealing your stuff from trailheads is nothing new. Unfortunately it's happening much more frequently. With every YouTube video and magazine article highlighting the need for hunters and hikers to get back "miles from the trailhead" we're seeing more and more of this crime near the more popular areas of Colorado. Expect it to get worse. Be aware of your surroundings and maybe try to find a parking place that is less accessible for the grab and go criminal. It's hard but there really isn't an alternative.

I am watching $250k and much more expensive rigs drive by our home to the OHV trailhead a couple miles away. Easy pickins for criminals. Local sheriff gets calls all weekend long. Nothing they can do except write a report.
Even motels are bad this time of year. Don't leave anything worth anything in your hunting vehicle overnight. The smash and grab jerks figure there's a pistol stashed somewhere ... and they're usually correct.
Just read an article about the “new thing” hitting Cali (will likely move right on up the valley to Seattle)
FLASH MOB ROBBERIES. Guess that 20-25 cars pull up next to high end dept. stores (Gucci, Nordstrom’s, etc) and break in the doors/windows, throw everything they can grab to those left outside and take off.
WTF is next for society?
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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