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Truck broken into in W CO, please keep an eye out for this gear together on other classifieds

Dang it sorry to hear this happened, hope they catch whoever did it.
Sitting on the pot first thing in the morning reading this, the only thing that I can say is “Ain’t that some shit.”

I can give you a little laugh and lot of
sympathy. Sucks, man. Hate that that happened.
That’s infuriating.
Random but serious question.
Do you have any hunting or outdoor related stickers on your truck?
I dont have stickers but what does stickers have to do with getting broke into ? Do they assume its full of hunting gear or are they non hunter animal rights making a statement ? Had to ask because I've seen that same question on another post from a fb hunt group im in thanks .
Stickers are a sign that big value items might be in the vehicle. Could be animal activists but my guess is that it is just vehicle burglars looking for drug money.
I dont have stickers but what does stickers have to do with getting broke into ? Do they assume its full of hunting gear or are they non hunter animal rights making a statement ? Had to ask because I've seen that same question on another post from a fb hunt group im in thanks .
Yeah I think the theory is that if you have sweet stickers it’s an indicator that you’ve got sweet shit in the car.

Basically I messed up and put a bunch of sweet ski hill stickers in the back window of my jeep and now I’m always paranoid that Jah and the west vail bad boys are gonna run my shit while I’m not looking.
I want to take them off, but it’s a soft top with a plastic rear window and I’m afraid that even if I warm them up with the blow dryer they might leave a bunch of glue and I’m scared to take acetone to that plastic window.
Yeah I think the theory is that if you have sweet stickers it’s an indicator that you’ve got sweet shit in the car.

Basically I messed up and put a bunch of sweet ski hill stickers in the back window of my jeep and now I’m always paranoid that Jah and the west vail bad boys are gonna run my shit while I’m not looking.
I want to take them off, but it’s a soft top with a plastic rear window and I’m afraid that even if I warm them up with the blow dryer they might leave a bunch of glue and I’m scared to take acetone to that plastic window.
I gotcha, thanks that makes sense it sucks ya cant go hunt or ski without having to worry about ur shit what what damage ur truck is gonna have from these sorry pieces of shit .
@DouglasR you worried about that soft top in general? The only time I’ve had gear taken from me was when I had (many years ago) camped in a tent trailer, bastards used keyless entry (knife) to relieve me of quite a bit of archery shit including my backup bow. My bad for not locking it in the truck but hell it might have saved me a window by not doing so?
Yeah I think the theory is that if you have sweet stickers it’s an indicator that you’ve got sweet shit in the car.

Basically I messed up and put a bunch of sweet ski hill stickers in the back window of my jeep and now I’m always paranoid that Jah and the west vail bad boys are gonna run my shit while I’m not looking.
I want to take them off, but it’s a soft top with a plastic rear window and I’m afraid that even if I warm them up with the blow dryer they might leave a bunch of glue and I’m scared to take acetone to that plastic window.
Two stickers, one US Flag and one elk silhouette. Probably a tipoff but I really enjoy looking at both. And the 10th Mtn veteran plates don't likely scare anyone away. I could just start keeping one of my beehives in my truck and suit up everywhere I go. That would get a bit tedious though...
@DouglasR you worried about that soft top in general? The only time I’ve had gear taken from me was when I had (many years ago) camped in a tent trailer, bastards used keyless entry (knife) to relieve me of quite a bit of archery shit including my backup bow. My bad for not locking it in the truck but hell it might have saved me a window by not doing so?
I don’t want to jinx myself, but honestly I don’t think I’ve ever had anything stolen from me.
I also never really had anything worth stealing before a few years ago though so 🤷‍♂️
Some of the stories from here have made me a bit nervous I guess.
And yeah I’m a bit concerned about the soft top.
Especially since the rear window is designed to be removed from the outside with no special tools or keys.
Don’t tell anyone 🤫
I feel like I got lucky this year got halfway to CO before I realized I forgot my camper keys. But since I hiked in from camp 90% of the days my truck was right next to it so people might have thought I was in it. Good thinking on the stickers might have to take a few off.
That hurts. Sounds like you're taking it well. Hope they find the guys.
A quick update. No gear or dirtbags have been found. But many people, including some here, have reached out offering to give or lend gear which has been absolutely awesome. I'm humbled. Also, after a post in a Seek Outside FB group, SO reached out directly and offered a new tent from their scratch-and-dent pile with a discount. I love those guys and cannot recommend them enough. Their tents are great, packs are great, and they're great folks. I'm proud to count them as another growing business in my hometown.
Check the pawn shops in Montrose? Just a thought. Sorry to hear about your losses.
I could just start keeping one of my beehives in my truck and suit up everywhere I go. That would get a bit tedious though...
It's very cool that you can keep a sense of humor about this. I hope this doesn't keep you from hunting, that would be an even bigger loss than all the gear.
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