trophy wyoming mule deer

@appaloosa. More “opportunity” for us would require better quality deer herds. Western Wyoming is not the onLy place the game and fish have failed to bite the bullet and make some general units into limited quota. Eastern and central wyoming are in worse condition. The majority of residents may want opportunity, and my kids may want candy for breakfast, but sometimes you gotta be the bad guy. Opportunity isn’t just higher deer numbers, but also some better bucks. Letting an unlimited number of people kill every spike, forky, and 3x in the unit every year has done its damage. Allowing doe’s to be killed just because a kid is a youth, ridiculous. I’m sure my kids will thank me later when they have their own teeth to chew with, as well as wonder what it was like to hunt deer in the good old days. Not saying that the condition of the deer herds is 100% the fault of the game and fish, but it is in part. I know they don’t have all the answers, and neither do I. But this is what I’m seeing.
Now can we please see some pics of those bucks???
@appaloosa. More “opportunity” for us would require better quality deer herds. Western Wyoming is not the onLy place the game and fish have failed to bite the bullet and make some general units into limited quota. Eastern and central wyoming are in worse condition. The majority of residents may want opportunity, and my kids may want candy for breakfast, but sometimes you gotta be the bad guy. Opportunity isn’t just higher deer numbers, but also some better bucks. Letting an unlimited number of people kill every spike, forky, and 3x in the unit every year has done its damage. Allowing doe’s to be killed just because a kid is a youth, ridiculous. I’m sure my kids will thank me later when they have their own teeth to chew with, as well as wonder what it was like to hunt deer in the good old days. Not saying that the condition of the deer herds is 100% the fault of the game and fish, but it is in part. I know they don’t have all the answers, and neither do I. But this is what I’m seeing.
Now can we please see some pics of those bucks???
Google me....

@appaloosa. More “opportunity” for us would require better quality deer herds. Western Wyoming is not the onLy place the game and fish have failed to bite the bullet and make some general units into limited quota. Eastern and central wyoming are in worse condition. The majority of residents may want opportunity, and my kids may want candy for breakfast, but sometimes you gotta be the bad guy. Opportunity isn’t just higher deer numbers, but also some better bucks. Letting an unlimited number of people kill every spike, forky, and 3x in the unit every year has done its damage. Allowing doe’s to be killed just because a kid is a youth, ridiculous. I’m sure my kids will thank me later when they have their own teeth to chew with, as well as wonder what it was like to hunt deer in the good old days. Not saying that the condition of the deer herds is 100% the fault of the game and fish, but it is in part. I know they don’t have all the answers, and neither do I. But this is what I’m seeing.
Now can we please see some pics of those bucks???
Going limited quota is a very BAD idea and won’t help things much but would kill any aspirations for future generations of hunters and just force more pressure on the remaining General units. There could be a compromise where 143/144 go limited and keep all the rest General. The very few youths who harvest a doe are few and far between, not having any big picture impact on the overall herd size. If you don’t want 2 points shot then don’t shoot one. Many of those areas have had Antler point restrictions (APRs) but they never really make a long term difference. The massive oil and gas development on winter range, drought, predators, bad winters, exploding elk herds way above objective and competing for the same range along with a myriad of other reasons have caused the problems, it’s very complex. Most residents hunt but do a good job of restricting themselves from harvesting a small buck as a cow elk eats many times better.
Still trying to come up with a plan to use my 8 pt's for a 2023 mule deer hunt. Got in touch with some outfitters and there either booked thru 2024/25 or they said don't use my pt's in there area. I appreciate there honesty. Sounds like the deer #'s are down in western,WY and haven't recovered from the 2016/17 winter kill. don't really want to burn those pt's on a 2/3 pt unit. Live to far and getting up in age to scout or do a DIY hunt, so will be looking to go with an outfitter. Suggestions appreciated.
Might want to look at Savery Creek Outfitters in region W.
Hello All, Hope all enjoyed there Holidays, After diligent research and many phone calls. I decided to use my points and booked with an outfitter for 2023 mule deer hunt in area 34 or 89. Luckily he had some openings and I won't be leaving any points on the table. Maybe it's meant to be, as I have stayed in Casper and familiar with the area from a past antelope hunt. With that said, is there any good trout fishing in the Casper area? Thanks for the conversation and info. Jim
Hello All, Hope all enjoyed there Holidays, After diligent research and many phone calls. I decided to use my points and booked with an outfitter for 2023 mule deer hunt in area 34 or 89. Luckily he had some openings and I won't be leaving any points on the table. Maybe it's meant to be, as I have stayed in Casper and familiar with the area from a past antelope hunt. With that said, is there any good trout fishing in the Casper area? Thanks for the conversation and info. Jim
Platte River, Miracle Mile, Seminole, Pathfinder, Alcova etc. All well known and great fishing.

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