

New member
Dec 18, 2012
Hey guys its second to last day of season over here. I just got back with my brother from hunting. I got a really nice buck earlier and we saw another nice one a few days later that my little brother wanted. We went out and we sat for about 15 minutes...the deer started to move early because of the snow so we thought this was the night. All of the sudden 8 deer came flying out of the woods. We couldn't figure it out but then what do you know there came 2 tresspassers onto our ground about 50 feet from our hut. There is a huge food plot and 4 huts. Its pretty obvious it is private ground. Well he ruined our hunt and we never got the buck now we just have one day left and they prolly scared him into hiding. We got them in trouble tho so thts 2 less to worry about. I would like to know you guys's thoughts and experiences with this
I had a 165"ish Mule Deer Shot out from underneath me by Trespassers in North Central MT. Infuriating at the time... I was 13, it was my second year hunting. It took me a while to get over that. Trespass is still an issue on this place. It's a piece of private ground with a funny state chunk mixed in, and the fences for the state are out of place...200-300 yds in some places. Its really difficult to figure out where anything is. Because of that, the people who have the cattle lease on the State land will not let us post or mark the fences for fear of the state coming down and saying that we are posting state land. Literally the only way to know is GPS, and with no fences; most of the hunters just go till they hit the next fence which is about 1800-2000yds onto private in places, and if you say anything they just play stupid. Any more... Report their vehicles to authorities and avoid them, its not worth conflict with armed people.
My dad and I went out hunting on Thanksgiving. My dad heard two shots then had two does run past him shortly after. The shots sounded really close, so he got down and walked around to check. Turns out there were trespassers sitting in one of our treestands! It was some guy who said the neighbor let him hunt on his land plus his kid. Obviously nothing was said to the kid, but my dad let the guy know he wasn't happy and booted them off our land. The guy claimed he didn't know he was on somebody else's land, but I am certain that is BS. It is very easy to know you are going onto somebody else's land there. The neighbor has a 40 acre crop field, then ours is the woods on the south edge of the field. There is a very good fence separating the two, and it isn't even that easy to cross the fence. Either the guy knew and was just BSing us (my guess), or he put absolutely no effort into knowing where he was hunting since simply asking the landowner would've let him know where the line was. I suspect he figured it was Thanksgiving and we wouldn't be down there. I know the neighbor has had problems with people he lets hunt on his land, so it doesn't surprise me. We didn't turn them in, but we're putting an end to letting the neighbor's buddies cross our land anymore. I have to say that the neighbor is a great guy, though. I know he wouldn't tell anybody to hunt in ours, and I'm sure he wasn't happy with the guy when he found out. If he had been sitting there with his son instead of this guy, we wouldn't have said anything.
Being that all the other neighbors load up their land with hunters and shoot more deer than their land will grow, it was very frustrating to see them hunting IN OUR STAND. The guy should be ashamed for putting his son in that situation.
My dad didn't ask what they shot at, so we will have to look this spring when we are shed hunting to see if we can find a dead deer in there. I am hoping they just shot at the does and missed.
On the other side of our property this year, we had people lined up on the fence waiting to shoot deer on ours. I wouldn't be surprised if they did. We weren't there to babysit them. Fortunately my uncle was there for the first day of the season and was able to shoot one right near where they were sitting. It was in a steep place, so he spent lots of time making lots of noise getting it out which wasn't helpful for their hunting and ended up saving at least one good buck's life.
We have had other instances with poachers and trespassers in the past too (which included deer being shot and left to lay or badly wounded), but these are the most recent instances.
I thought this was a site for the public land hunter who earns their animals with sweat and effort instead of orange post and no trespassing signs? Not a judgment, just a thought.
I thought this was a site for the public land hunter who earns their animals with sweat and effort instead of orange post and no trespassing signs? Not a judgment, just a thought.
I thought this was a hunting site and that most hunters realize that most hunting in this country is on private land. I figured most hunters taking the time to read and post here for more than 10mins would realize that not everyone every where has large and multiple tracts of public land available to them. Your post is prime example of the provincialism that gets quite tiresome. I have land that I bought for the sole purpose of hunting. I do not plan on letting anyone that wishes to hunt do so or to cross my land to the adjacent public land. You're comment was very much a judgement and a short sighted one at that. Just some thoughts...
you can also stalk and track deer in privet land too. the purpose of privet land is so other pple don't slaughter your deer and take all the little bucks so they cant get big. we have put our hard work into making good hunting land for years in our family. When someone messes all that up it definitely needs punishment.
I catch people every year trespassing . . .mostly in the spring turkey hunting or mushroom hunting. I have zero tolerance for trespassers! They have cost me more than once! Its always the same thing " We have permission from so and so" I have 3 farms that I hunt exclusively and I control who can and who cannot hunt each of them, so, when people tell me this I'm just amazed. To me, trespassing and poaching are the same as stealing/theft! I work hard to keep and maintain these 3 farms and when people just feel they can cross fences and do whatever, I get angry!! Anyone I catch trespassing usually has trouble leaving the property for one reason or another . . .gas to area to tresspass $25.00, camo everything to keep from being caught $ 125.00, mushrooms found while trespassing $ 40.00/lb . . . .having to walk to the farm owner and ask to use his air compressor to air up tires on your vehicle or his tractor to move the logs that have you pinned in and the farmer charging you $ 100-$ 150. . . PRICELESS!!!!!:D
the purpose of privet land is so other pple don't slaughter your deer

Your deer?

Before you break out the pitchforks, tar, and feathers I have to ask, is your property properly posted? Certainly, it's the hunter's responsibility to know where he is, but proper posting goes a long way in helping to keep stragglers out.
Too bad. The only thing that I can say is, "It happens".

On the other extreme, I know landowners or their hired "help" that attempt to run hunters off of public land.

Unfortunately, it just takes a bad apples to ruin it for the majority.
I thought this was a site for the public land hunter who earns their animals

It is a site for that purpose, It is also for the DIY hunters out there. Regardless of the land we hunt, we want to earn our animals through hard work and dedication. I hunt as much public land as I do private, but there are parts of this country where there just isn't much public ground to hunt(if any). And much of the Private I hunt is in part to gain access to more remote public land, hard to get to forest service/blm, or state surrounded by private.
Opening day of whitetail season puts 700-800,000 hunters in the woods on opening day in Michigan. If your not on private land you are dancing in the mosh pit! I have worked hard for the private land I have to hunt. Why do my neighbors think it's ok to sit on the property lines?? And they call themselves "sportsmen"??!!??!!
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Your deer?

Before you break out the pitchforks, tar, and feathers I have to ask, is your property properly posted? Certainly, it's the hunter's responsibility to know where he is, but proper posting goes a long way in helping to keep stragglers out.

trust me smarandr, those signs don't mean jack to a trespasser. I have all of the land clearly marked as per state law and they still act like they aren't there.
purpose of privet land is so other pple don't slaughter your deer

First off, NO ONE owns any deer, there is no such thing as YOUR deer. Just because you paid for the bird seed to "grow big horns" does not mean it's yours. Might as well be a high fenced operation.

Second, if you can afford to buy land for the sole purpose of hunting, then you can afford to come out west and earn a real trophy. I know baiting isn't easy and it does take work to keep the deer fed and happy, but hunting out west and humping your ass up the hills in the deers' living room is where real trophies are earned. Trophies are earned, not made or grown. Filling up feeders and maintaining your blaze orange square inch requirement on the top of your fence posts to keep the trespassers out is child's play compared to the real work you will put in in the mountains.

I would consider dealing with the trespassers as part of the deal, since the most elevation gain you will make all season is 20 feet up your tree.

"On the other side of our property this year, we had people lined up on the fence waiting to shoot deer on ours." - Albeit, that is a lame way to hunt, and not how I would go about things, it's not illegal or wrong. To each his own.
Last week I watched two guys hop the fence (well posted) into a field I was watching. They spotted a yearling doe feeding on the othe end of the field and proceeded to wail away offhand at her, easily 300 yards. After about 12 shots they apparently saw me and beat a hasty retreat. About 10 mins later, the little doe came back out.
First off, NO ONE owns any deer, there is no such thing as YOUR deer. Just because you paid for the bird seed to "grow big horns" does not mean it's yours. Might as well be a high fenced operation.

Second, if you can afford to buy land for the sole purpose of hunting, then you can afford to come out west and earn a real trophy. I know baiting isn't easy and it does take work to keep the deer fed and happy, but hunting out west and humping your ass up the hills in the deers' living room is where real trophies are earned. Trophies are earned, not made or grown. Filling up feeders and maintaining your blaze orange square inch requirement on the top of your fence posts to keep the trespassers out is child's play compared to the real work you will put in in the mountains.

I would consider dealing with the trespassers as part of the deal, since the most elevation gain you will make all season is 20 feet up your tree.

"On the other side of our property this year, we had people lined up on the fence waiting to shoot deer on ours." - Albeit, that is a lame way to hunt, and not how I would go about things, it's not illegal or wrong. To each his own.

I love posts like these. Managed to get about everything in it including "bird seed" feeders, high fence, baiting, tree stand hunting, etc.. Bashing the way people hunt in other states while making the way they hunt in their own state out to be the holy grail of hunting. Keep up the good work.
I love posts like these. Managed to get about everything in it including "bird seed" feeders, high fence, baiting, tree stand hunting, etc.. Bashing the way people hunt in other states while making the way they hunt in their own state out to be the holy grail of hunting. Keep up the good work.

Haha, you hit the nail on the head. But was any of my post incorrect?

I also might add that elk are the new white tail, and a Rocky Mt. Elk hunt IS the holy grail of hunting right now, incorrect?

Sorry, it just really grinds my gears when people think they own deer and bitch about keeping people off of land that no one else gets to hunt.
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First off, NO ONE owns any deer, there is no such thing as YOUR deer. Just because you paid for the bird seed to "grow big horns" does not mean it's yours. Might as well be a high fenced operation.

Second, if you can afford to buy land for the sole purpose of hunting, then you can afford to come out west and earn a real trophy. I know baiting isn't easy and it does take work to keep the deer fed and happy, but hunting out west and humping your ass up the hills in the deers' living room is where real trophies are earned. Trophies are earned, not made or grown. Filling up feeders and maintaining your blaze orange square inch requirement on the top of your fence posts to keep the trespassers out is child's play compared to the real work you will put in in the mountains.

I would consider dealing with the trespassers as part of the deal, since the most elevation gain you will make all season is 20 feet up your tree.

"On the other side of our property this year, we had people lined up on the fence waiting to shoot deer on ours." - Albeit, that is a lame way to hunt, and not how I would go about things, it's not illegal or wrong. To each his own.

Haha, you hit the nail on the head. But was any of my post incorrect?

I also might add that elk are the new white tail, and a Rocky Mt. Elk hunt IS the holy grail of hunting right now, incorrect?

Sorry, it just really grinds my gears when people think they own deer and bitch about keeping people off of land that no one else gets to hunt.

I think Jordan is all about 14 or 15 years old. So your post probably comes off to a kid in a negative way. Just a guess that Jordan didn't really mean to imply that it was "his" deer and based on some of his other posts he probably understands that the deer can be on any property at any given time.

I do think a lot of your post was incorrect in the sense that it was all based on your own personal opinions.
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