Caribou Gear Tarp

Tree removal price


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2018
Two days into the rising sun
What’s the rate in your area for a single big tree removal? I just had a 60+ foot oak, about 26” DBH (more like 36 at base) cut down for the “friend of a friend” price $1600. Close to my house, double leader, huge tops. Two guys - a climber and a floor man. Told them to leave me the firewood and then I left for work. They hauled away the slash. Came home to probable tons of wood, all a bit long and strewn about, lower rounds unmoveable (500 lbs). had to buy a new chainsaw to work it smaller myself, and humped uphill to my side yard to temporarily stack. Saw cost me $475. So now I’m in over 2 grand. Still, it was a ton of work, tree is down safely. Too much extra work on my back but I am a new Stihl saw ahead now. Hard to feel like I overpaid, but what do you all think?
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Well I just found a reason not to complain. I had two that size and about a 30 ft willow oak taken out for $5,200. One of those was between the house and shop so came out piece by piece and they hauled everything off and ground the stumps
It all depends. I own a tree business in denver. If that was for a tree in the middle of the yard with nothing underneath it and they left all the wood where it lies that seems a bit steep. Any obstacles underneath or how far they had to drag the brush makes the price go up quickly. When asking to leave wood it is important to specify if you want it a certain length or stacked. As a business owner I usually have a thorough discussion of what the property will look like when we are finished so there are no surprises when people want us to leave wood.
What’s the rate in your area for a single big tree removal? I just had a 60+ foot oak, about 26” DBH (more like 36 at base) removed for the “friend of a friend” price $1600. Close to my house, double leader, huge tops. Two guys - a climber and a floor man. Told them to leave me the firewood and then I left for work. They hauled away the slash. Came home to probable tons of wood, all a bit long and strewn about, lower rounds unmoveable (500 lbs). had to buy a new chainsaw to work it smaller myself, and humped uphill to my side yard to temporarily stack. Saw cost me $475. So now I’m in over 2 grand. Still, it was a ton of work, tree is down safely. Too much extra work on my back but I am a new Stihl saw ahead now. Hard to feel like I overpaid, but what do you all think?
It all depends. I own a tree business in denver. If that was for a tree in the middle of the yard with nothing underneath it and they left all the wood where it lies that seems a bit steep. Any obstacles underneath or how far they had to drag the brush makes the price go up quickly. When asking to leave wood it is important to specify if you want it a certain length or stacked. As a business owner I usually have a thorough discussion of what the property will look like when we are finished so there are no surprises when people want us to leave wood.
Yeah it was no obstacles except care and caution for the house. They backed vehicle right up for the slash. I probably wasnt clear enough regarding “leave me the firewood” and just used my hands to estimate 16” or so. Some of these logs were 2-3 feet in diameter and 3-4 feet long, including pieces with limbs coming off or at crotches. The smaller stuff was all cut up about 24-36” and at least I could haul it but I have a lot of recutting to do. I’m not mad, just wasn’t really expecting this level of work other than collecting, stacking and splitting. Bottom line though, tree removal is expensive. It’s also hard and dangerous work.
Would you ever come down to Conifer for work? We are likely going to need to remove some trees at the new house (post fire mitigation)
For a HT’er yes. Usually don’t go that far south for anyone. Pm me
Sounds about right. I paid $2300 I think to fell a huge tree over my shed, plus trim damage from another huge tree. I bought a chainsaw and chopped up and hauled off everything.
Was that from the Derecho? I heard there were people paying 5-7k for a single tree cleanup after the storm. Highway robbery.
We had a tree service out Friday, taking down a dead locust tree, and trimming some overhanging Bradley pear limbs that were threatening the roof. The locust was leaning towards the fence and the neighbors yard, so I was very happy to have professionals do this work. They used a lift with a basket that just fit through the gates to get to the backyard to get up in the air, and did a nice job of cleaning up the debris (chipped on site into their hauler). $2k was the charge with three guys working for 3.5 hours total on property time.

The original plan was to take care of other dead or dangerous limbs, but the company is down three employees, and working on only the "urgent" work for now, and in theory will return to catch the other work including grinding the locust stump later this summer.

Temps were 96-98 degrees with high humidity and barely a breeze.
Neighbor had a row of junipers taken down a few weeks back. Went out and talked to the two guys doing it, asked what they’d charge for the 8” diameter aspen to come down in my backyard. They said they didn’t know, have to get their boss out blah blah blah. I said cash right now, how much? Poor kids said $20 each. Deal. Dropped that sucker in a 3’ gap between the fence and swing set. Gave them $40 a piece and never lifted a finger. Spent $80 on wayyy dumber stuff than that.
Was that from the Derecho? I heard there were people paying 5-7k for a single tree cleanup after the storm. Highway robbery.
Yes. We had some friends get scammed by fly-by-night “arborists” from out-of-state. A lot of people were desperate b/c their house was not livable d/t a tree fell on it. We waited 4 months to have the work done in order to have a local company do the job.

Re: out-of-state contractors, some were genuinely helping people, but there were bad actors mixed in too. I told my wife I could make a lot of money just driving around offering to do chainsaw jobs. It’s my community though, and it just seems wrong. Instead we coordinated with a church from Pella to come do the whole neighborhood in 1 day, everything except the dangerous professional jobs. About 25 people, 5 chainsaws and a skid loader. Made for real quick work.
I don't do tree work anymore but the homeowner is paying for expertise and a lot in equipment.
If the crew makes it look easy, be glad you paid what you did.
Countless times finished jobs for people that tried themselves or hired the wrong crew.
It all depends. I own a tree business in denver. If that was for a tree in the middle of the yard with nothing underneath it and they left all the wood where it lies that seems a bit steep. Any obstacles underneath or how far they had to drag the brush makes the price go up quickly. When asking to leave wood it is important to specify if you want it a certain length or stacked. As a business owner I usually have a thorough discussion of what the property will look like when we are finished so there are no surprises when people want us to leave wood.
Dsnow9, I agree with your comments concerning specifying the terms of the wood to be left, in particular. I have had good experiences with tree services for tree removal, etc. The call for a second visit from a particular service is absolutely driven by the outcome which is guided by the discussions you outlined. If I lived in the Denver area, you'd be on my list to call for tree services.

Along those lines, when you are looking for such home services, I have found it invaluable to know the good realtors in the area. They can guide you toward tons of reputable help/services.
I had 3 taken down in my yard here one was about a 30" white spruce about 20ft from my house. The others were smaller and beatle killed. I think it was $1800, they hauled off the limbs and cut rounds out of the rest. They where here about 3 hrs. They almost took out my fence with the top of one, but otherwise money well spent. I think it was $1200 for the big one and they gave me a deal on the others.

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