Kenetrek Boots


Nice cats
I wish! We dont have them here in Missouri. We can trap Bobcats, beaver, coyotes, red and gray foxes, badgers, otter, muskrat, mink, racoons, striped skunks, opossums. Spotted skunks are protected here along with weasels and ermines. Unlimited amounts on everything including bobcats and otters. These are my 3 cats I caught last season.
Nice cats! We are limited here to 1 fisher with a one week season, and we can’t trap or hunt bobcats in the east part of the state where I’m at, however we did just get an otter season but I’m not a water trapper so I don’t target them.

I'm way excited for trapping and can't wait for November 1st to come around. I'll be posting a lot on this section of the forum once it starts. I get all my traps prepped and ready to go in the spring right after the season ends. We don't deal with a lot of moisture, or need any antifreeze so I don't go to the extent of most with dying traps and waxing. Just clean them off and a quick dig in some full metal jacket to keep the rust off. Bobcats are my main focus which is how most Nevada trappers are. Last year my 3 year old tagged along all season and loved it. He definitly slows me down a lot and keeps me from trapping some prime areas that you got to hike far to but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I'm excited to have him trap with me this season as well. To keep him excited about, I'm going to target coyotes and grey fox as well. Our grey fox numbers in Southern Nevada are ridiculous so its not to hard to have some kind of fur in the traps. Ill attach some pictures from last trapping season. I love this Kid!!!


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I'm way excited for trapping and can't wait for November 1st to come around. I'll be posting a lot on this section of the forum once it starts. I get all my traps prepped and ready to go in the spring right after the season ends. We don't deal with a lot of moisture, or need any antifreeze so I don't go to the extent of most with dying traps and waxing. Just clean them off and a quick dig in some full metal jacket to keep the rust off. Bobcats are my main focus which is how most Nevada trappers are. Last year my 3 year old tagged along all season and loved it. He definitly slows me down a lot and keeps me from trapping some prime areas that you got to hike far to but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I'm excited to have him trap with me this season as well. To keep him excited about, I'm going to target coyotes and grey fox as well. Our grey fox numbers in Southern Nevada are ridiculous so its not to hard to have some kind of fur in the traps. Ill attach some pictures from last trapping season. I love this Kid!!!
That is awesome man! Way to pass it on to the next generation. We need them to keep our trapping tradition alive
Anyone have any book recommendations for someone wanting to give it a try?
The National trappers association has a couple of books out for beginning trappers. The one is kinda goofy but I still refer to it after 15 years of trapping on and off.
In terms of additional resources: if you google trapping radio 2.0 there is a lot of trapping-themed podcasts, hosted by Clint Locklear. He’s also hilarious, which helps.
For those who think that a skunk can't spray if he can't raise his tail, you are in for a fragrant education. Always try to shoot them in the vitals and never in the head. They rarely spray when shot in the vitals, but rarely do not spray when head shot.
For my money trapping is the most interesting thing you can do in the woods. Find a good trapper and you’ve found a good woodsman. I am not a particularly good trapper but I absolutely love it. If you haven’t tried you should, trappers tend to be surprisingly free with their information. I know lots of people who hunt that I’m not terribly interested in hunting with, but I’ve never met someone trapping that I couldn’t connect with on some level.
Hopefully I can get my K9 line set here next week after our late season archery and front loader season closes. Should be a good year as the ground isn’t froze yet. I have much better success before the ground freezes as I struggle with my footholds freezing.
Got some time off for Christmas so I got the line started this morning and will finish up the next few days. Started with a few K9 sets on some active badger dens. Got a few rockpiles to set tommorow then I might make a few weasel boxes.IMG_20191218_105613746_HDR.jpgIMG_20191218_104654451_HDR.jpg
Kenetrek Boots

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