Trade or sell Components.

I have plenty of primers (10K) (CCI bench rest lg/sm, mag pistol, small rifle (several thousand for AR with hard er cups to prevent slam fires), and various bullets /brass that will never get used by me so if you can pick up in SW Colorado I may be able to help with shortages. 50 years or shooting and reloading has left me with more inventory than I can ever utilize. just can't ship primers/powder/loaded ammo (if you need Camp Perry match ammo in 30-06 I have at least 200 rounds from the 70's I kept as a souvineer ) but bullets and brass are easy. Lots of 416 Remington , 458 win or Lott, 7.62 match and commercial brass federal and Winchester, at least 25 lbs of 556 mixed commercial and military brass, including odd stuff like 7X57 rimmed 32-20, 38-40. I can use 45 acp, 45 LC, 280 AI Norma, 338-06 headstamped brass, Barnes ttsx in 7mm and 30 cal, I can trade lots of Grand Slam in 30, 35 and 7mm, 556 in various flavors 50-55-62-77 grain bullets, M1 clips/ military ball, 338-378, 30-378, 300 , 270 Weatherby ammo factory, lots of 7mm Remington mag brass, 45-70 Rem brass, 358 Norma ammo factory, always open to trade or cash.

I would take some of the small rifle primers, and some of the 556 brass. I'm in Durango as well. I would have to give you cash. I have nothing you're looking for, let me know. Thanks
Looking for- H1000
IMR 4350
CCI-250 primers
.257 100 gr. Swift scirocco
.257 110 gr accubond

I have a pretty good assortment of stuff to trade, let me know what you are looking for. Or will buy for cash.
I have the following:
-.308 165gr TTSXs, qty 88 total, with 5 of these being pull-downs
-.277 130gr TSXs, qty 85
-.277 140gr Uncoated Failsafes, qty 65, with several of these being pull-downs
-.264 100gr Nosler Partitions qty 100 (ordered these thinking that they were 125gr, 2 full boxes not in picture below)

I’m looking for:
-.264 129gr Nosler ABLRs
-.264 125gr Nosler Partitions
-.264 120gr Speer Gold Dots
-.264 129gr Hornady SST or SPs
-.308 150gr NBTs, Hornady Interlocks, or SGKs
Due to the offer from rtraverdavis, I’d be will to take $80 TYD for all of the .277 and .308 bullets.

$80 TYD for the Partitions (I just gave $100 for them after tax and shipping)
I would take some of the small rifle primers, and some of the 556 brass. I'm in Durango as well. I would have to give you cash. I have nothing you're looking for, let me know. Thanks
Just traded 2500 small rifle, I think I have 500 more I can let go, as for 556 let me know how many pounds you want.
Let me know what you want for them My boy is ate up with WWII stuff right now and we are getting him a pretty nice collection of stuff so I am always on the look out for stuff
I will stuff a bunch in the smallest USPS box, send your address and just send me a check for the shipping, I think it is 7 bucks. I will look for anything ww2 like a M1 sling and stuff that in too if I can find it.
I neglected to find any handgun bullets while focusing on rifle components. Locating some today was a PITA. mtmuley
Anybody have any 44 (.429) Swift A-Frame? Any .308 or .358 Hornady Interbond? Any Sierra 30 cal. flat point?

I have 6.5 Hornady SST, and a bunch of cosmetic seconds (so Nosler says, they seem the same as any other bullet) of 6.5 and 7mm NPs
Probably have about 300 mixed hs once-fired uncleaned 30/06 brass too.
@mtmuley and anyone (everyone) else, i have several quart bags, of 270 Win brass, all once-fired by me, former factory ammo, decapped, Remington, Hornady, Winchester, Federal, all separated by brand. Over 100 of each (happy to count ‘em for whoever is interested). Willing to sell them or trade them. I need primers, preferably Federal Lg. Rifle Match. I have less than 100 so I’m dead in the water. I’m in NC near Charlotte. Feel free to PM me. Pete
Shot in the dark here...

Can anyone in Colorado spare some Vihtavuori N570? Let me know what you’re looking for in a trade, or how much $ you want for it.
Really need some 7mm Hornady Interbond 139 grain if anyone has some.
I will take the primers and 10lbs of the 556. Thanks. Let me know when and where we can meet, and how much cash to bring.
Ok 500 CCI 41 AR small rifle primers and 10lbs brass how about $70, I can easily meet you at the indoor range, pm me your number. It will be more than 10 lbs, I seem to keep making more!
Ok 500 CCI 41 AR small rifle primers and 10lbs brass how about $70, I can easily meet you at the indoor range, pm me your number. It will be more than 10 lbs, I seem to keep making more!
Hey man I started a conversation. Not sure if you received it or not. I can meet you anywhere most anytime. I'm taking a couple of months off off work.
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