Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Trade or sell Components.

Good price. BTW from the pic that box looks to be somewhat old [yellow tape], so it might not be kosher to charge current pricing.
Found small rifle primers today that had just came in for $80 per thousand. Don't use them so they are still there
Sportsmans Warehouse in Fairbanks has no rifle, shotgun or pistol primers,
no rifle, shotgun or pistol powders. Pre-pandemic they had a aisle of those components.
The only waterfowl loads they have are 10 gauge.
I don't know how long it takes to make a lot/batch of powder from start to finish, but I would guess that it's the limiting factor as far as component availability goes and that a lot of it is spoken for by the ammo loaders.
I don't know how long it takes to make a lot/batch of powder from start to finish, but I would guess that it's the limiting factor as far as component availability goes and that a lot of it is spoken for by the ammo loaders.
A lot of it is imported from places like Australia, Sweden, Switzerland, etc. and just packaged and labeled here. Not sure if it is because we have regs here that make the production too expensive/full of hassle or if there are other factors.
Sierra GameKings
.243 dia 100 grain. 100 in box. $30
.257 dia 100 grain. 76 in box. $25
Prices include shipping. Also will trade for 6.5 mm 123 grain SSTs.

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