Kenetrek Boots

Tracking down someone to ask permission....


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
I love OnX, but struggle with taking private owner info to a contact ability. Often times the land is owned by a trust, or LLC or ranch and the owner shows a "tax address" which is often a PO box, not a physical address.

What paths have you used to take that info and get it to a contact point for an individual?

Does US mail to the PO box work?
@onX Hunt if you added a contact feature and were able to get phone numbers for landowners, you could double your price and I along with many would pay it!

@Bob-WY If it's a trust, I'll find the closest house and talk to them. Often times they know whose land it is. That or they'll tell you someone in CA owns it and they never see them. That can make a hunt difficult when land access is an issue.
Kind of depends on the situation. When traveling and coming across a piece that looks like I want to hunt it (spotted antelope on a property), I will check the map to make sure which house is actually on the parcel and go knock on the door regardless if they are the owner or not. They may be the owner, or a property manger, or they may give you a phone number to call.

If I am e-scouting with OnX and find a promising looking property that has an LLC as ownership and no house on it, I will go to the State Corporation Commission - or whatever business registration entity the state has and look for the registered principal's address. If they are local I will go there and ask permission, if they are elsewhere (like California or even an hour away) I probably list that property as a no and move on.

I have tried letters and have never gotten a response.
Google works for me. Some times I have to go down through a couple of pages but usually something comes up with a contact person. Some states have a list of corps within their state and it will have the contact person.
I have googled a LLC name and address to find a owner's name , sometimes even just a random pic online will pop up with a name, like a branding at a ranch posted to social media.
Local cattle associations may have info online for members.

pm sent
I have had the best luck with talking in person to neighboring property owners. I try to always have a paper map or print out of the area and when I find a ”nice” landowner (most are) I’ll show them the map and ask if they know who owns what properties and if they have contact information. Even if a property owner says no to letting you hunt, which is common, most will still help with information on neighboring properties from my experience.

It’s important for me to be able to write that information down right there with the landowner so I don’t forget it when I get back in the truck. Oftentimes I’m asking about multiple sections or properties. Then when I call, either in a voicemail or if I get a live person, I always mention the name of the landowner that I talked to and got the information from.

I find I have much better success if they know I’ve talked to their neighbors and am not just someone that found their information online. Tougher to do this remotely before the hunt though.
Kind of depends on the situation. When traveling and coming across a piece that looks like I want to hunt it (spotted antelope on a property), I will check the map to make sure which house is actually on the parcel and go knock on the door regardless if they are the owner or not. They may be the owner, or a property manger, or they may give you a phone number to call.

If I am e-scouting with OnX and find a promising looking property that has an LLC as ownership and no house on it, I will go to the State Corporation Commission - or whatever business registration entity the state has and look for the registered principal's address. If they are local I will go there and ask permission, if they are elsewhere (like California or even an hour away) I probably list that property as a no and move on.

I have tried letters and have never gotten a response.
I've had luck with the California people on a couple occasions. If you can get a phone number and call, they say yes sometimes!
The Google machine! I put the trust in and start scrolling. There is a bread crumb there somewhere. The last one I did had a Lawyer firm mentioned. I called them and inquired who handled X trust. Left them a message saying I didn’t want to trespass in the trust land but wanted to inquire about crossing the corner. A week or so later I was put in touch with a very nice lady in AZ who headed the trust. She thanked me for trying to do it the right way and gave me the ranch management cell number. She said she had called them and they were expecting my call and thanks again.

I turned out great and cut about 4 miles off the route I was planning on taking.
This year I gained access to hunt private LLC lands with my son by sending a letter to the tax address. I included the parcel numbers and a highlighted map of the property with aerial imagery. I stated my desire to hunt the property as well as a willingness to meet with them or their local designee to discuss any stipulations or restrictions. I also included a photo of my son and I and that was ultimately what led to us getting permission to hunt. If I was just trying to get permission for myself I have no doubt that i would have been turned down.
For LLC's owning land in WY, I believe they have to have a real person with a real street address as the registered agent. That real agent/address could be different than the tax address. Worth a shot, WY has a handy business entity look up tool that provides pretty good details. I'm no expert in this topic, but am in the process of setting up a WY LLC with a tax address in a different state to buy property in WY so passing along what I've come across the last few weeks.
Honestly anyone that owns land should have it in trust or an LLC.

Like was said. The google machine is your friend. Even if all you get is the registered agent, that's someone that can put you in touch with someone.
I could tell you but then I would have to kill you.. There is nearly always a way to track down the landowner with the info from onX. You just have to think outside the box a little. There are lots of places I have permission that others have failed to contact the landowner for the Reasons you describe. I would not necessarily want to share that info in a open post, well because then everyone would be doing it. But it’s relatively easy if you search the right thing.
The reason on x doesn't list contact information is because they are concerned about bots farming the information and absolutely abusing the landowners with robo calls and such.

That being said, it's easy enough to track people down with Google being what it is.
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