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Mar 28, 2001
Ohio but my heart is always in the woods
TE won the 100 by 15 feet over the second place fiinsher(his lead man on 4x100). He was the anchor for the 4x100 that won by yards, he finished 3rd for the discus. Not bad considering it was only second time he did it.

LittleNut finished 4th in his heat of the 100. Where he ended up palcing is anybodys guess. He finished 8th at discus. I dont think he did too well at the long jump(placing for points)

But they had fun and TE got hugged by a girl in front of me!!!!!!!!!!! :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
Congrats to TE and Lil' Nut...

In other Sports News, in U-10 soccer a close fought game between the Lt blue team and the other blue team was called at halftime because of excessive rain. The Littlest Gunner was held scoreless. After game treats were the soft Chips Ahoy cookies and Capri Sun....
Too bad about the rain. The boys used to do soccer and played on a green team and a yellow team . ;) I ended up paying a couple times for ice cream.

The boys took a shower and had ham and potatoes after the meet tonight and I then taught TE on how to fart properly. :D

I also had a converstaion with a parent (son was on wrestling team also). He is deaf and it is hard to make out what he says. But I think I got invited for a fishing trip on the lake.Either that or he wants me to swim in a pond? :confused: ;)
Nut said:
But I think I got invited for a fishing trip on the lake.Either that or he wants me to swim in a pond? :confused: ;)

That's funny!!!

I had a green tarp in the trunk ( the 8x10 for $5.00), so I took it over to the bench and tried to shelter a 1/2 dozen lil soccer players. They still got drenched. 10 minutes after they called the game, the rain stopped and it got nice.

What was TE's time tonight in the 100?
Go Team Nut! :D

But they had fun and TE got hugged by a girl in front of me!!!!!!!!!!!
I've got the same problem! I went to watch Boy Number 1 play soccer with his fellow six year olds this weekend; unfortunately, he was more interested in chatting with a pretty young lady than chasing the ball. More than once I watched the ball roll right past them while they stood yukkin' it up, oblivious to the world. hump :rolleyes: ;)
Enjoyed the kids' athletics posts...TE's probably got the football coaches drooling if he's that fast and strong enought for the discus...Gunner, my longest season was my son's soccer year...DGibson, your son has his priorities straight.

Good stuff
Way to go and major kudo's to all the boy's of the proud fathers who post their exploits here... :)
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