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Toyota Tacoma TRD, etc...Seller's Market!

Boss got his Bronco Sasquatch on Wednesday. Underwhelmed. mtmuley

I got my Bronco last month. It's a good start, like any vehicle. Several mods to make it fit my needs and it will be better. Certainly not worth a year and a half wait and what some are paying for them, but I felt my price point ($37K) was where the value was.

That said, for the money you can get a lot more vehicle in something else, but if it's offroad capable you want, it's a good place to start.

Also, I couldn't believe what used cars are going for and the trade in values. My wife and I have both bought new cars in the last month as the used cars we had were gold, even one with over 150K miles. Dealers are giving stupid money on trades.

For now I'm hanging on to my 2012 Tacoma, as it does stuff the Bronco doesn't, but I could sell it for way more than it's worth.

bronco (2).jpg
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Anyone purchase the new tundra yet? Dealer informed me If I put down a deposit it would be delivered in February. Thought it was funny that they don’t have a single tundra to test drive between now and February. Who they hell pays $50k+ For a vehicle they can’t test drive?!

I'd consider it for that truck in this market, but I'm buying a tractor instead...because I'm 40 and responsible now
Anyone purchase the new tundra yet? Dealer informed me If I put down a deposit it would be delivered in February. Thought it was funny that they don’t have a single tundra to test drive between now and February. Who they hell pays $50k+ For a vehicle they can’t test drive?!
I payed nearly $50k for my new Tacoma and didn’t test drive it. I knew what I wanted and did the research. The actual drive seemed irrelevant. I haven’t regretted my choice yet.
I'd consider it for that truck in this market, but I'm buying a tractor instead...because I'm 40 and responsible now
Y'er one of those guys, huh?

Test drove the new Tundra today. Huge improvement over the last generation. Went inside to do paperwork and the car salesman states that they tack on a market adjustment. I looked at the fine print and they wanted 10k over MSRP. I walked out

Heard Ford was doing that with the Broncos too, think it's the individual dealerships making the 'adjustments', that sucks.
Sellers market. I've been verbally quoted the hybrid Tundra limited will run me 65k! Surprised as that's approx msrp.

Verbal is tougher than waiting for wet ink to dry... if it does.
I just got a 22 Tacoma trd off road for exactly msrp. I put in the order of options I wanted back in July. They had used tacomas for more money than the new one. I’ve learned through this process which dealers are crooks and ones that will be fair. Market adjustment pricing is something people should remember about certain dealers when the shortage is over
This was a shady dealer here in Virginia near my in laws. In the dozen of emails we exchanged, they never once mentioned a market adjustment. I just put down a deposit with our local Toyota dealership here in Montana for a 22 Tundra for MSRP. Just a waiting game now.
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Sellers market. I've been verbally quoted the hybrid Tundra limited will run me 65k! Surprised as that's approx msrp.

Verbal is tougher than waiting for wet ink to dry... if it does.

My three year lease on my Ram 1500 expires at the end of January. I was offered 35k for it and my buy out price is $27,500. Crazy times…
Sellers market. I've been verbally quoted the hybrid Tundra limited will run me 65k! Surprised as that's approx msrp.

Verbal is tougher than waiting for wet ink to dry... if it does.
That sucks, I really want the hybrid limited but not for 65k.
This thread is a sad read. Wife totalled her '03 tacoma with 235K on the odometer last week (she's fine, somehow). Already preparing for the insurer to low ball the replacement value, and ugh, how do we find something to replace it?

Need to tow a small trailer and use the bed regularly for whatever supplies, so another truck makes sense, but the pickings are slim. Any advice for used small/mid-size trucks in the $20-25K range?
It's a tough pill, I agree @mountainlaurel3 .

Probably a decent start to get your bearings on today's market.

I snockered in. Cut my losses with the wait for the awesome i-max Tundra. Bounced over to the hybrid f150 w/ 7.2 kw outlet @ rear truck bed... something Toyota does not offer.

Then, reading "Best 2022 1/2 ton trucks..." I purchased and now drive the Fiat RAM 1500 5.7 etorque Laramie. It's plush and sexy inside.
I'll either hold over for the long weight list F150 (or Sasquatch) or... drive in luxury.

I'm very surprised by the reviews!

#1: RAM 1500

#1: RAM 1500

#2 RAM 1500

#1 RAM 1500