Towing Fees

I think they're trying to stick it to an insurance company.

I rolled my 4 runner in CO in November. Mine was a little different, it was sitting right next to the highway on its top in the ditch. The truck had about a 40 mi run, and was called by the Hwy Patrol. Rolling it over took 20-30 min, and then they took it back to their yard. Due to a miscommunication with my agent (my fault 😣 ) I did not have collision insurance on it, so I paid out of pocket. No storage, as I had them run it to a salvage yard that afternoon.

Recovery and towing back to the yard cost me about $780.00, and the 50 mi trip to the salvage yard cost me about $275.00, for a total of about $1,050.00.
Probly was a drip of gas or oil that landed in the river so they figured they could hose you for a few more grand.
It's odd that they charged for hazmat, yet left a shitload of debris and truck parts, tailgate, the entire tookbox laying along the river bank for me to pick up the following day. Litter including the redbull cans they were drinking, etc. I guess if insurance is covering, no questions asked?
The truck is totalled, let the towing company fight it out with your insurance.. not your problem as long as you had full coverage.
Not sure what state this happened in, but towing companies are regulated by the DOT,Highway Patrol, or similar in most jurisdictions and those prices look suspicious
The truck is totalled, let the towing company fight it out with your insurance.. not your problem as long as you had full coverage.
Not sure what state this happened in, but towing companies are regulated by the DOT,Highway Patrol, or similar in most jurisdictions and those prices look suspicious
My insurance claims rep will likely try to negotiate the whole package, including the value of my truck to the best advantage to the company as that’s thier job. Getting absolutely pfhucked by the towing company isn’t going to do me any favors on what I get for my truck. Robbery is robbery.
What a chitty way to wrap up your hunting season .
Ha. I spent the last 5 full days hunting, seeing wolf tracks, a TON of coyote tracks, one lion track, a fresh moose track, one coyote and a couple does. That was the wrap up, after totaling my truck. I’m alive and not in a wheelchair though.
My son recently totaled a car. I asked the insurance company how they determined the payout. The adjuster says they try to find vehicles of similar model, mileage, etc that have sold in the area within the last 6 months. They find three, average the amount and that is the payout. In my case my son drove the car for 4 years. Put 40,000 miles on it and i got $1500 more than i paid for it.
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