
took the plunge


New member
Feb 28, 2016
and bought a bow. not just any bow, but a bear wild bow. i found it on sale at the local shop, $150 for the bare bear. so, now begins the long journey of outfitting the pride and joy. it may not be the best bow, but i'm new to deer hunting, and even more new to archery, and this seems like the kind of deal i need. looking forward to assembling my best value set up, and getting practicing. happy thanksgiving folks.
i just bought a Bear Attitude, ready to replace the accessories, and prepare for at least 1 hunt next year
Good on ya!
I shoot a Lights out I bought new in 2008. It gets the job done for a fifth the price. Learn to execute a proper shot and you'll be golden.
I started with a Bear Whitetail and killed deer with it. Get it fitted to you and do your part. You will never shoot better than the cheapest bow out there. You are the variable.
congrats on your purchase! you will find yourself falling deeper in to this new addiction!
I loved my Bear Strike till I got my Mathews Halon 32. Welcome to the club, you're gonna like it. Woods are less crowded, weather's nicer and you get closer to the animals.
i appreciate the support, its going to be outfitted shortly after the new year. i spend a lot of time on the road, so hopefully i can throw a target into the truck and shoot whenever possible.

get a box that's about 18 inches cubed, fill it with wadded up pallet wrap (that heavy duty cling wrap) that you can salvage from behind most stores that receive goods on pallets, and shoot it. Works awesome and is lighter than any target you'll buy. I keep replacing boxes (you can use feed bags like for bird seed, dog or horse chow, etc), but the stuffing never needs replacing. had I known this 8 years ago I'd have saved hundreds.

I've not come up with a good DIY solution for a broadhead target though.
The best thing for a new archer is to go to a shop and get them to set you completely up. Fit is critical.
please, please give me a recombination. willing to travel for a good bow shop. currently, i'm on the road a ton, but home is minneapolis.
please, please give me a recombination. willing to travel for a good bow shop. currently, i'm on the road a ton, but home is minneapolis.

A-1 Archery in Hudson has been my go to shop and for a long time wouldn't go anywhere else. Recently, I have tried Archery Country in Rogers, and they have been great too. I have talked with others, and these two stand out to me.
awesome, i will be going to A-1 soon for the outfitting. random question, but i was looking at cabelas today; does anyone still use aluminum arrows?
awesome, i will be going to A-1 soon for the outfitting. random question, but i was looking at cabelas today; does anyone still use aluminum arrows?

sure, I have some FULL METAL JACKET from Easton and they shoot great.
but I use carbon most of the time. I recommend finding some arrows you like / shoot well and stick with them.