To build a Camper


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2003
Frigid Ohio
Don't ask me why, but I figure I need to build a camper trailer. OK, I'm bored, need a project to waste time and $$ on. Anyone ever built one?

I've got a pretty good idea of how to start, but would appreciate some input on the quirks that I may not expect.

Basic idea. Mobel Home axel and spring, box plywood base & floor, fold out sleeping bunks, PCV supports, Nylon Tarp for sides, and a hard top. Basic sleeping quarters on wheels.

Yadda think?
OK that is some level of bored you've got going there. It would never occur to me to build a trailer. OF course I'm sure it's a guy thing. :D

Obviously I have no actual helpful input, but please keep us informed on the project and post some pictures during the process. Quite frankly, this I wanna see.
Gunner you serioursly have that much free time???? Hope your cmper turns out well, you have to get soem pictures to share the project with us all.
Quick Draw
I'm thinking a good buy on a used pop-up would be hard to pass up. The engineering and material search on a homemade one might be interesting though. Am anxious to see how it goes for you.
The ones I've seen:
You start with 3/4 inch plywood and 2X4's-build your structure, using trusses for the roof.

Shingle with ceder shake, put beds inside using 4X4's for the uprights, and make sure you have enough room in the whole structure for a nice gas range/oven and fridge.

The finishing touch is a wood stove...

In the 70's I saw a few around the Puget sound, you could tell they were finished products because of how the overloads were being pushed to the limit. :D:D:D
lets see........bored, free time and money to waste. go kill something instead of building some piece of junk eyesore for the driveway...........oh, one more thing tell your neighbors i said "dont mention it"
JB's got it right, that thing will just become an eyesore and PIA to maintain. Get an old Airstream and be done with it.

If you build something light on mobile home axles with a wooden box frame, it will literally disintegrate going down the road. Can you say hard tail Harley?
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I agree with JB. If you just have too much time on your hands there are better ways to spend that time than building a trailer. There's no way that you're going to build a trailer that's half as good as the pros will manufacture one. AND I don't think you can build one as for less than you can buy one at this wholesale sight.

Oh come on guys at least he's getting a hobby and staying out of the trouble he could be getting into. ;)
Please...Come on over to Western Washington and take me on a shopping spree if your that bored :D:D:D:D... You then will have the great opportunity to spend time with me...ain't nothing better then that

Deadeye has built a trailer from Scratch ... I'll Email him this link, I can Take pictures of his Ride and he can fill in the details of the Pro's and Con's. It's a Nice trailer that we've spend several a nights together in .. ;)

Fun, but took him more money and time then he wanted if I remember right....
Gunner46, First buy a router, a 1x10 about 18" long. Router your name into it, stain and nail to an old trailer you bought on E-Bay! One travel trailer :D
Moosie is partly right. I have build and remodeled two or three slide in campers. My main hunting rig Is a small slide in that i Built. However, if i had it to do all over agian I would probebly just have one custom built. It might cost a bit more but they have the tools and parts to do a nicer job. I ended up with about $2000 into my latest slide in and I could have bought a good used one for that.

I will have to say that I had fun with the project and I have a prity solid hunting camper now.
If you build one I would make it a handy dandy swiss army knife model. Weld your basic frame setup then use plywood and diamond plate. Saw one a guy was selling at the sportsmans show and he had everything imaginable folding or pulling out of it. Kind of looked like a Hummer/military stealth trailer. Sounds expensive if you do it strong so a remodel on an old beater might be a better idea.
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