PEAX Equipment

To all the new guys

Krusty,I'd continue to apologize,if I knew what else to apologize for ? Can't be too many boards that people have left because of me,I've only belonged to 4 in all,and left one.Anyhow,I'm sorry they left,and sorry I was the cause of it.Sorry I couldn't help you either.
TBone,you and your cousin Turd Packer should know the answer to that better than anybody
I don't know what your fantasy is with trying to put Turd and me in bed together, but I don't know the guy.

My only cousin is a chick, and we don't pack each other's fudge.

If someone chews your butt long enough it gets hurt... so does it when someone tears you a new ass****, and most of all when someone hands you your ass in a handbag.

Please don't anyone go into a homophobic rage and write the moderators/admin... butthurt has nothing to do with homosexual anal sex... (oh gawd, I think MtO just fell outta his chair??? He freaked out over a doobie joke... I hope this one doesn't kill him)


P.S. I hope this keeps my rating at one star, I'd like to thank the anonymous chickenshits who voted me a one... when I was a member of the largest climbing BB in the world, I had the record for the most votes of perfect ten... I took great pride in that, I think here I am going to take just as much pride in working for the record for the most votes of one... is there anyway you guys could make it so I could be voted a ZERO??? LOL
Member ratings don't mean squat to me... popularity contest are for beauty Queens!!!
Hey, Krusty, I don't get it:
In your statement:
P.S. I hope this keeps my rating at one star, I'd like to thank the anonymous chickenshits who voted me a one... when I was a member of the largest climbing BB in the world, I had the record for the most votes of perfect ten... I took great pride in that, I think here I am going to take just as much pride in working for the record for the most votes of one... is there anyway you guys could make it so I could be voted a ZERO??? LOL Member ratings don't mean squat to me... popularity contest are for beauty Queens!!!
you mention how you took great pride in your rating on, and you seem bitter by your rating here, yet you close by saying that memmber ratings mean nothing to you. Which part of that paragraph is sarcasm?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Which part of that paragraph is sarcasm? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The part where I seem bitter...

I really don't give a rat' ass how people who disagree with me vote... I don't even use those ratings anymore... as they only show who's in the "old boys" club.

If it did matter I would campaign all my friends here, create a couple of dozen clones, and have them all vote me a 5... I could easliy outnumber the four bad votes I heve recieved. LOL

Thanks for addressing me as Krusty, what's with the klinger, klunger stuff? Klammerer, or kletterer I get, but not your stuff?

Good hinting!

Been watching this for awhile and I have to say Calif. Hunter you are right.

as for all the smart ... they will never leave this tread now.

I don,t post in here only when I have something to say. or to add to something. I think some need to take a long hard look at there self. If you can't take a joke there is something the matter. H... I took a joke 23 years ago and still have it around the house.
Krusty, I will give you a little back ground info. I spent 6 year working narcotics in New York. I have had quite a few fellow officers die in the line of duty while assigned to the narcotics task force. So it is a issue that strikes home. Sept 11,2001 is another issue that strikes home. I lost 32 close friends that day. Somehow by the grace of God I made it. So all of my brothers that have fallen, it is something that I will never get over.

I remember how I brought in 2000 I was detailed to Seatle. Because of the bomb makeing material the was found in the vehicle in the ferry in the San Juan de Fucco islands. While most you we toasting in the new year I was looking for a bomb.

What is your problem with wishing someone a good day. At any time you could post there and you will also be wish a good day. Get over it.

As far as being up early some of us work rotateing shifts and are up at all times of the day and night. Get over it.

I am sorry to hear of your loss... I lost a few friends at the other end of that battle myself... one to the bullet from a cop's gun.

So I understand how it can personally affect us each in different ways.
Very few wars have casualties on only one side (those are called massacres)... would you be happy if only the other side suffered casualties?

I doubt any of your friends or mine perished over a doobie, or any amount of marijuana. It is the "big business drugs" that have blood on them, and it's our own governemt that perpetuates that issue... Iran/Contra cocaine sales in SoCal are a good example of that.

I fail to see the domino effect in the drug war, just like I didn't buy it in Vietnam. All journeys whether good or bad begin with a first step, each traveller knows his destination before he leaves, for the most part... I have yet to know a junkie who got hooked, because someone else continued to inject drugs into their system against their will!
And I have known a few who didn't ever do any of the stepping stone drugs.

I appreciate the efforts you and you compatriots made, when that car was abondoned at the customs terminal, and the efforts all law enforcement make to insure a safe place in which to live... but that has little or nothing to do with this site, or this issue.

As far as wishing everyone a Good Morning, I find it a kind and courteous thing to do... but it needs to be done in the proper place, we have the Fireside Forum for that type of thing...
I didn't mean to single you out, or make it seem I didn't approve of what you do but where you do it...

As a former Moderator on a site one of my biggest duties was to move threads and posts to the proper place.

I thought it was funny that suddenly Sly was worried about what posts belonged in what forums, when he invited his superior (mods work for the administration) to leave this one, for discussing what I do feel is about Varmints... after he had not only allowed yours to exist but, I think he participated in them.

The real reason I have a problem with these good morning threads is on the climbing site I participated in, the East coasters would get up four hours before the rest of us, and sometimes the thread had 100+ posts by the time my lunch break allowed me to participate... it's real easy for a lot of us to end up feeling left out, on a site that is supposed to be for all of us.
It turned into an east coast clique, much like the one we seem to be developing now...

I just didn't like the look of where that might go.

And that is why I don't participate in the good morning threads here, not because I feel I wouldn't be welcomed there... even though I personally doubt I am.

I will put you on the same "Handle with kidd gloves" list I have Sly and Seldom Ever (and a few others here) on, and I will try not to offend you, make jokes with you, or in any other way ruffle your feathers.

Let's just agree to disagree huh?

You handle Kids with gloves ?!?!

that type of talk has no place here either

HEY, Am I on the Don't joke with list ? Because I don't like jokes and Take everything serious too... Incase you hadn't (Or Haven't I guess you typing proper I should use that
) noticed...

PS, Ever wonder what Birds would do if Worms had guns ?!?!
my guess is they'd chit on the worms,then eat them while they were blinded by the chit.This is where the term "chit eating bird" first originated.True story,no kidding,I wouldn't chit you guys...
Krusty, as to your doubt I will set it aside. One fellow officer was shot over a buy gone bad. The perp. also died and had less than a gram. Another officer was shot over a buy gone bad. This time those two young kids lost their father, and a wife her husband over a half smoked joint.

What you should under stand is that on these buys the narcotics are rarely on the perp. Both of these fine upstanding citizens were criminals. They were going to do serious time as you so elequently put it, for a dubbie. When you have career criminals who commit crime while out on parol, even a misdormeaner means jail time.

As far as treating me with kid gloves do as you wish what I say won't change your mind.

What you did at another site. Not my problem. I don't care. Now why would I go to another forum and wish people that I don't know a good day? My friends are here, and if I wish to ask how their day is or wish a good day I will. Yet again I don't care what you think. If it bothers you so badly don't read it,get over it, move on. What are they going to ban me?

As far as an east coast clique. You are just to parinoid. For your info of everone that post on the good morning posts, I am the only one on the east coast. Yet again move on.

I never tried to justify anyone having or using drugs.
And those guys you mentioned were parole violators, if they had been in federal prison they were felons for that violation.
Possesion of marijuana (in most states, and small quatities) is not a felony. These are very different shades of grey in my opinion.

Either way I am sorry for the loss or injury of these officers.

As far as what you say changing my mind, what is it you would like to change, I am always open to new ideas.
But I will treat you with a little extra care and courtesy either way, as you seem easily offended, and you have afforded me that same kindness and courtesy.

What I did on another site was merely to inform you of my background info, much like your telling me of your history.
Not a problem for me. And I didn't ask or need you to care, I was just relating how bigger sites have had troubles with that exact kind of thing.

I haven't bothered to read any of those threads so I do not know who all is involved... but I see the East as a much bigger place then you do... I don't think you have to be able to smell salt water to be from the east.

These same friends could easily click Fireside to get to your good morning posts... I guess if you said good morning varmint hunters you'd be closr to the right forum.
Do you think you might not be able to find your old friends there, and possibly make some more?

I let this go and tried to move on a while ago... you should do the same.


Enough. now shut the hell up. or it will be open season on you...

Dont even respond to this post I just made

lets not push it.. all of you no matter howmuch you like or dislike someone.....

As far as this topic goes consider it done!
