Tips for CO bear in Grand Mesa


Aug 5, 2015
Hey All,

Well, good news and bad news.
Bad News: Didn't get the leftover bear tag for Steamboat Springs.
Good News: DID get a leftover tag for Grand Mesa area!

I know there are lots of bears in the area, but my tage covers 6 GMUs, soooo...
Any tips to narrow it down would be greatly appreciated.
Since I live on the Front Range (east side of the mountains), and I work for a living, on the ground scouting will be difficult ahead of time, probably impossible.

Anybody have any general pointers to help me from wandering around aimlessly for a few days?
Not looking for gps coordinates, just general info you are willing to share.
I've only ever driven through this area before a few times on my way to/from Grand Junction. Never had the occasion to get out of the truck and roam around.

Thanks in advance.

Thanks to you both for the tips.
I will jump on the computer and start e-plotting my trip.
