Tip of an iceberg showing in Michigan...bad news.

Agreed. I'm not disagreeing with anything you say. Buttttt you honestly can't tell me people from Detroit wouldn't be flocking up here to get in on the coho/steelhead run.
They did flock for the steelhead March early run, and flock quick at tippy dam, and shut It down quick. Police and CO’s were there the Saturday before the Monday shutdown and the majority of the plates that were ran were from most of the suburbs from Detroit(180-220 miles?) How do I know this? Because I talked to the fisheries biologist who was also there that had to wright one of the reports that needed to be submitted.
This is not a rant. Not a rant. This is however my opinion and actual observations here where I currently live - this needs to be seen by others so that others can be watchful for what may very well develop where they live.

Approximately 15,000 Michigan residents rallied in the states capital today to bring attention to what the governor here has done and is doing. The Ill informed and misinformed have already begun labeling these people as "militia" and trouble makers - and though I was not there, I take issue with that labeling of those people.

Our system of government while not simple, has some clear divisions and lines. One of these hard lines is the constitutional obligation that provides for a legislature for the creation of law on the behalf of the people. In Michigan over the last 3.5 weeks, the governor has taken it upon herself to enact laws from her desk live on camera without a moment's discussion, debate or action of the legislature. The governor has promised and committed to punishing anyone found to be violating her order to stay IN your home and to leave the confines thereof only for the purpose of medicine, necessary food and medical care. All other reasons for being beyond the curtilage of the home are suspect and many are now criminal and punishable by arrest and $1000 fine. At every retail store in this state you will find an abundance of caution tape and barricades preventing you from shopping in particular areas of the store - these areas contain merchandise that the governor has decided that you no longer need - and let's be honest, the government always knows exactly what everyone needs. I went to the Walmart store near my home because I knew if I arrived right at opening time I would be able to get my hands on some badly needed cleaning supplies (I had given much of mine away to others who needed it badly - elderly neighbors). I was amazed at the items in the "banned" areas of the store and the oddity of the things that I could have purchased should I have decided to. I could not purchase a pillow, however I could've purchased an entire stereo system and tv screens for my pickup truck. I got the supplies I needed and found out about the pillow law when I watched the 70 something lady in front of me in line attempting to purchase a pillow and being told by the clerk that she was not allowed to sell it to her because it was "not for sale due to the new law". A Michigan resident can purchase booze (thank God), recreational marijuana (dont care), cigarettes and lottery tickets which are all deemed "necessities". You CANNOT however purchase paint, lumber, lawn care products, landscaping, fasteners, fencing, concrete, tile, flooring, roofing or any other hardware. You can go to a lake (by yourself) with a canoe or a kayak in your truck and paddle til your heart is content but you CANNOT take your 19ft fishing boat to that same lake and operate it for the sake of fishing (even by yourself). You may walk your dog and when doing so you AND your companion may walk your dog together - but you are not allowed to go turkey hunting, hunting is illegal.

Enough of that, you get the point if you even stuck with me this far. I would like to come right out and say that in metro Detoilet the "stay at home" order seemed more appropriate and the illness and death rate here has handsomely made the case for it like it or not (just my opinion). BUT, people who live 350 miles north of that dump where they have 1 or 3 cases in an entire county (all had traveled to Detoilet for work etc or use of the airport there - side note: DTW was one of the last airports still allowing flights from China after the travel ban due to business travel and auto manufacturing) - these people who live 350 miles away in a rural environment where the population is low and the economy is absolutely fragile cannot go to work, they cannot hunt and they cannot fish - even the ones who basically live partially off the land and stock their freezers from those lakes every year. The Coho salmon will be schooled wildly in the perfect shallows of lake Superiors South shore and all of us can sit at home and watch BS on tv...and dream about one day being an American again - a FREE American.

There are problems brewing here...a quiet majority beginning to boil underneath the calm surface. Neighbors and friends have taken to encrypted text messaging apps and begun planning stages of "what-ifs".
Personally, I appreciate my lifestyle and I like to not be a problem to anyone - I will not however walk quietly with my head down.

I have served my Nation, my State and my local community as a Marine and as a career police officer, SWAT officer and SWAT team leader - I tell you this ONLY to offer some proof to a reader here that I do know how my government actually operates - I dont hold my opinion out of ignorance but rather out of my 30 years of education from within it. Please dont take that any other way - it's for context. My point is that I am more likely to support my government than most, EVEN when I take issue with its methodology and tact...in this case though I have turned a page. I am not sounding an alarm, but rather raising a concern - I have not been this concerned for the wellbeing of my society in my 30 plus years of service to it.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"
I appreciate you not being passive and expressing your opinion; opinions are being tested these days with any level of government acting “cowardly” during this pandemic. People loosing rights, privileges, and decency. Although I am a proponent of this quarantine for “flattening the curve”, there is a % that isn’t going to make it due to chronic stemming health issues. That shouldn’t stop people from living their lives. Groceries are essential but so are tools to fix things and staples for maintain a ranch, farm, or household. People have to get these items too. Aren’t they essential. I’m not talking about buying polpure and stuff like that. Hammers, tools, wrenches, and essential fixing objects to keep things running.
We have some government officials (and it’s seeming like more and more these days) that want to stop the “give you a fishing pole and see how you survive and/or thrive” life motto. Instead, they believe they know what’s best (providing you with a pile of fish attitude). This isn’t new. It’s happened in Europe, Asia, Russia, and all over the world where people who couldn’t run a business successfully get public power to “make and enact laws”. Crazy! It’s happening here in the U.S. This is why people want to be on their own and if they don’t make it; then that’s on them. “Live free or die trying”. Anyways, people need to be involved in their government at all levels; I think this is tough today when cowardly government officials pass laws behind closed doors without public process or involvement. Yes, that’s right Governor of Virginia. Terrible and shame on you! 🙁
I hope these people in office are renting and don’t buy as Trump has said b/c they will be gone. Liberals that all bought a gun during this crisis figured out that having their own home protection isn’t so bad after all. I hope some change their attitude.
Thanks for sharing and head up, proud, and ready for anything to protect those from people who have intent to be tyrannical. No matter what they “call you”; deraggatory terms that are unnecessary and/or unprofessional. Stay true 👍🏻😃
Si vis pacem, para bellum”.
or history is bound to repeat itself. -God bless
It’s frustrating for sure, trout and walleye opener in a couple weeks. Plus the third wave of steelhead that show up near the walleye opener for my favorite mixed bag. I’ll have to get the 5’er and find some Brookies and browns instead. All Michiganders live within 6 miles of a lake or stream or creek. It's true: In Michigan you're never more than a few minutes away from some kind of water, whether it's a river, a lake, or one of the Great Lakes.

relax, have a craft brew cause we are at the echelon of all craft brew states and this will blow over.
Some of you need to realize that others are permitted to have opinions to and if you dont know how to state your differing opinion without being a duechenozzle then for greater good of the forum use the ignore setting since you cant police yourself well enough.
They did flock for the steelhead March early run, and flock quick at tippy dam, and shut It down quick. Police and CO’s were there the Saturday before the Monday shutdown and the majority of the plates that were ran were from most of the suburbs from Detroit(180-220 miles?) How do I know this? Because I talked to the fisheries biologist who was also there that had to wright one of the reports that needed to be submitted.
Yep! I have first hand knowledge of tippy dam closure and the enforcement of the new EO pertaining to motorized boats ;)
It is an election year in Michigan, unfortunately not for the Governess’s chair. Fact is most of the people protesting in Lansing yesterday weren’t upset about boating rights, they are upset because the half-Whit decided to ignore federal recommendations and guidelines and went for a power grab. Tell me why a high school kid in a county with no cases can’t mow the neighbor’s lawn? Tell me why we can pay for weed to be delivered to our house, but I can’t purchase seeds for my garden? Tell me why greenhouses that sell directly to the public have been forced to shut down operations, but greenhouses that sell to retailers get to remain open? Lawncare, tree service, and painting crews across the state are shutting down as a result of her power grab. She’s not asking the right question of “what is safe” she’s legislating with an ideal of “what can I get away with?” It’s truly absurd.

Our governor is chopping our economy off at the knees in an attempt to create a government that’s big enough to take everything (and maybe give some of if back). No thank you.

For that last 45 years my family has had a cabin on a large chunk of private ground with 15-16 other cabins/families on it. The only trout opener I’ve missed up there in my 40 years on this planet was for my daughter’s ballet recital when she was 5 or 6. This year I’ll miss out again. Tell me how trout fishing with my 9 year old son on 2500 acres is more dangerous than standing in line to buy lotto tickets (deemed essential by the half-Whit). I’m little upset, but I’ll get over it.

Under the original executive order, if we could maintain 6’ social distancing from others we were good to go. I took my son to Lake Michigan and he caught some cohos and a 32” laker and we made some great memories. Now that same activity will cost me $1000. Walleye season opens on a lake near my house soon, but dumping in the boat in the water (no dock in yet- which makes me happy!) and turning the key on my 4-stroke yammie will cost me another $1000.

I friggin’ live for walleye jigging on the Detroit River and trolling cranks on Lake Erie. No way am I even considering making that trip given the issues going on. Even if it were legal, I would choose to stay home. I’ve got a box full of custom-painted crankbaits SCREAMING at me to go to Erie or Saginaw Bay, but it’s not worth the risk. That’s what common sense is, be an adult and make your own decisions. If I lived two miles from Lake Erie Metro Park, you can bet your azz I’d be up in arms and dump the boat in. Lawyers gotta eat too I guess.
There were quite a few folks on the local news last night saying they'd rather die from a virus that live as a slave.

I can definitely see the need for some restrictions to be put in place, but saying that a kayak is safe and an 18' Lund isn't is just stupid. She tried to pawn it off as, "well, it's cold outside so nobody is really needing to use a boat or garden right now."

Two things got that woman and her clown posse elected: weed was on the ballot and the candidate on the right was a career politician w/ some questionable decisions in his archives.

If there's a silver lining to this, it will be that she'll only serve one term.
Its sad to see whats going on in Michigan. Partly the reason for me moving. All of these "Laws" being implemented to react to this virus, they don't just go away when the virus eventually goes away. The more restrictions they place on the american people restricting their freedoms as Americans the more un-american we become. Whats next, laws made to restrict what people eat? laws against how much you can weigh? Laws against how many children you can have?

Here is a novel idea, if the government wants people to stay home and not work to provide for themselves and go enjoy being an american, provide some incentive.

Don't take this as i'm not taking this virus seriously. My wife works in the ER, and we are being very careful everyday. I don't need some government official to tell me what to do everyday and that ill be in trouble if I go outside. Thankfully Montana has not gotten as bad as other states. But we gotta be careful with all these laws being spread around. They don't just disappear and we are likely stuck with them.
Coming to Wisconsin next, I’m afraid.

I have purposely avoided this discussion on here, and will leave my thoughts at this: this whole thing has now jumped the shark, they’ve lost me.
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I'm sure the way this stuff spreads that nobody is safe. My SIL is a nurse in M'waukee. One of the doctors in her team got it. She splits time between Urology and ICU. She was set to cover ICU w/ overtime this week, but thankfully the forecasted numbers haven't materialized and they took her off the schedule. That's not to say it won't continue to progress, it's just not moving at the rate it had been forecasted.
I'm sure the way this stuff spreads that nobody is safe. My SIL is a nurse in M'waukee. One of the doctors in her team got it. She splits time between Urology and ICU. She was set to cover ICU w/ overtime this week, but thankfully the forecasted numbers haven't materialized and they took her off the schedule. That's not to say it won't continue to progress, it's just not moving at the rate it had been forecasted.

The reason is,,,,,,we have altered our behavior. If we hadn't, there would be several times more cases. If we think we can go about as business as usual,,,we better hope there is a strong seasonality to the virus. Consider how many cases we had in late February. We have many more virus clusters today than then waiting to take off.
Its sad to see whats going on in Michigan. Partly the reason for me moving. All of these "Laws" being implemented to react to this virus, they don't just go away when the virus eventually goes away. The more restrictions they place on the american people restricting their freedoms as Americans the more un-american we become. Whats next, laws made to restrict what people eat? laws against how much you can weigh? Laws against how many children you can have?

Here is a novel idea, if the government wants people to stay home and not work to provide for themselves and go enjoy being an american, provide some incentive.

Don't take this as i'm not taking this virus seriously. My wife works in the ER, and we are being very careful everyday. I don't need some government official to tell me what to do everyday and that ill be in trouble if I go outside. Thankfully Montana has not gotten as bad as other states. But we gotta be careful with all these laws being spread around. They don't just disappear and we are likely stuck with them.

I'm sorry but that argument is deeply flawed. We had and then repealed a sedition act during WWI. Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus during the Civil War. We outlawed then made legal the consumption of aclohol.

We have never been on a one way only street.
It is completely lost on most that stay home orders, arrests and fines for not wearing face coverings in public, closures of recreation, bans on public gatherings, etc were in place during the 1918 pandemic too. When that pandemic was over, we went right back to enjoying all those freedoms for the last 100 years or so.

A little historical perspective. But conspiracy theories and victim hood are so much more fun. Carry on.
It is completely lost on most that stay home orders, arrests and fines for not wearing face coverings in public, closures of recreation, bans on public gatherings, etc were in place during the 1918 pandemic too. When that pandemic was over, we went right back to enjoying all those freedoms for the last 100 years or so.

A little historical perspective. But conspiracy theories and victim hood are so much more fun. Carry on.

and you can read up on gunnison, colorado, which stayed flu free* in 1918. the sheriff/local police were throwing anyone in jail that crossed their road block into town... i haven't read up on if there were certain emergency orders in place that allowed that, but it seemed extreme and certainly wouldn't fly during this. actually it's not flying during this, texas is suing them.

it seems to me that local law enforcement up there didn't remain so authoritarian after 1918 passed

*i think they technically did get a few cases after regional lockdowns were lifted and the town lifted it's quarantines. but during the pandemic they stayed flu free from what i read

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