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Timing of tag release on Colorado leftovers

I like how the CPW site says the tags will be added to the leftover list “as close to” 11 AM as possible.
That leaves plenty of room for error. 10:20 AM is pretty close in their book I’d imagine. I’m guessing the tag I’m after will be gone well before I can even log on.
It says as close to 11:00 as the system will allow. My guess is they will plan for 11:00 but if they hit a snag, it could be a bit after that. I'd be surprised if they did the release prior to 11:00. I guess we will find out.
Lots of 1's on that list. 'Twill be another fastest finger contest tomorrow.

I've tried to work their system and I've gotten errors both times. This year was better than two years ago, but It's still a joke. This year, I logged in at 8am and wasn't put in the queue until 8:51am. I didn't get access until 9:15 and when I clicked on the purchase tag page it just sent me back to login with no mention of the fact that I was already logged in. It's fantasy game. Technology is joke.
Attempt #4 at getting the tag I had a 92% chance to draw originally ... failed again. I tried to buy it at 11:00:12am but I think it was actually there BEFORE 11am, as the leftover list generated at 10:58am showed it.

I ran 3 other codes through just to see, and none were available.
I literally hit the purchase button right as the clock struck 11:00 MT, immediately got booted out and had to log back in, tried again...tags gone. I could not have physically attempted it any quicker. No hope.
I got as far as getting the deer tag I wanted into my cart at 11:00:12 and it then said it was no longer available. That’s 4 swing and misses for me now lol
I hit proceed at 11:00 on my residency page type the code in and ended with the 1 cow elk muzzleloader tag on my list...buddy sitting right next to me typing a little slower still has 0 elk tags
In case people haven’t figured it out yet, consistently getting a reissue tag from CO requires “scouting”, just like hunting does! Learn the regs/processes, practice using the website, learn how to be better/faster than others that are trying to get the same tag as you, and then for gods sake don’t go tell everyone in the world your secret then complain you can’t succeed anymore!

It’s the same as posting gps coordinates to where you find bulls every year on a CO OTC hunt. Go ahead and do it, get a few likes, and shoot yourself right in the foot.
I think I may have missed something.... Do I need to check the reissue tag list the night before? or the leftover list?

I checked the leftover list last night but did not see anything I wanted. But now I think that I should have checked the reissue list and then those license shift over to the leftover list every Wednesay... right?
I think I may have missed something.... Do I need to check the reissue tag list the night before? or the leftover list?

I checked the leftover list last night but did not see anything I wanted. But now I think that I should have checked the reissue list and then those license shift over to the leftover list every Wednesay... right?