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Time to show off 2005...

Great thread. I know this is the "big game" section, but since I had no big game tags in '05 I'll help out your cause with my upland extravaganza of firsts last year...

First chukar (a trophy in AZ) on New Year's Day

First ptarmigans (CO)

First sage grouse (CO)

First valley quail (ID)

First huns (ID)

First pheasant (ID)

Should have had my first sharpie also, but I knocked down and then lost the only one I saw.

The rest of the year was the usual AZ gambles, mearns, and scalies in that order. :)
Oh yeah, almost forgot our first duck - a widgeon (AZ)

And here's a few I'll post for others... :D

JLG's first scalies with some gambles mixed in (AZ)

JLG's first mearns (AZ)

Basser's first mearns (AZ). Hey where's my guide fee, punk!
Should have had my first sharpie also, but I knocked down and then lost the only one I saw.
Guess you need to get yourself a lab. ;) Kidding...great pics of firsts.
Well if I had a lab, I never would have seen most of those birds in the first place. ;) J.K. :D Actually, my shorthair is a pretty decent retreiver. That damn sharptail hit the ground running and I had a chance to finish him off but my dog was near and I thought he was on him. Next thing I know they ran seperate directions and that was that. |oo
Thanks. No, not in Hack Canyon, but it was in that part of the state though. I have spent two days searching for chukar in Hack and have found no trace of them.
Btw, I heard a rumor a few years ago about remnant chukars in the Cottonwood area leftover from long ago releases. You wouldn't happen to know if there's any truth to that, would ya?
BillyGoat said:
Hey where's my guide fee, punk!

Sorry, thought that pretending to be your friend was enough :D

Since we're posting for others. Here is a pic of two turkeys.


Oh yeah, JLG and I are in the picture as well.
BillyGoat, I have seen three chuckars in this area my whole life. One when I was 16-17 out behind my house. I saw two this year after my GSP went on point. I was getting him some exercise and he locked up. I went over to make sure he wasn't pointing a rabbit or something and up flew two chuckars. I went back in there but haven't seen them since.
Since we're posting for others. Here is a pic of two turkeys.
Hey Basser, I see the turkeys, but what are those two birds you're holding? Bwahahahahhahaaaaaaaaa! :D

AZ402, so there may be some truth to it after all, eh? Or are they just escaped training birds running around? I myself let one get away near Cornville late last summer, but not two. If there was a sustainable population in the area, I'd imagine you would have at least heard them a time or two before. But then again maybe with all this rain we've had lately, they've been driven into a new area for you to run into them. :rolleyes: :D :D

If you ever want some company searching for them again, gimme a holler and me and the dogs will be glad to come up.

Btw, I took a mulie buck outta 6B in '04 not too far northeast of Clarkdale. All I saw in those days hunting was quail, javelina, and more mulies, but damn it looked like chukar could find some comfort in that area if only there was some cheatgrass for 'em.
BillyGoat said:
it looked like chukar could find some comfort in that area if only there was some cheatgrass for 'em.
No place needs chukars bad enough to wish for that stuff.;)
It's evil, ain't it? :D
But we Arizonans want so bad a decent huntable chukar population and we can't have it. :)