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Time for a change.....

3500 eh, how'd you know that? Got a link? That's a lot of exercising, so less input is essential, its easier maybe too.

Tom, Google it. Just search for "calories in a pound" and you will get a wealth of information.
Uh oh, us fat old guys might be loosing testosterone, eh?
What is the Hormone Revolution Weight Loss Plan?
by Karlis Ullis, MD and Joshua Schackman, Ph.D.
The most powerful fat-burning substances known to man are safe, legal and surprise naturally occurring in your own body! Testosterone, growth hormone, insulin, and many other natural hormones are the key to long term effective weight and fat loss. Have you ever wondered why people slowly get fatter as they get older? Or that men have an easier time losing weight than women? The reason why is very simple it’s your hormones. As we get older, our levels of fat-burning hormones slowly decline, thus a slow weight gain with age. Women have a biological disadvantage when it comes to weight loss, as they naturally produce lower levels of key fat-burning hormones for purposes of child bearing. The Hormone Revolution Weight Loss Plan teaches people how to maintain higher levels of fat burning hormones as they age, and also trains women how to overcome their hormonal disadvantage.

The importance of regulating your sex hormones such as estrogen and testosterone is a major emphasis of this book. Most people are familiar with the role of these hormones in promoting male and female characteristics, and their role in sex and reproduction. However, until now the role of these important hormones in weight loss has largely been ignored. Testosterone is a powerful fat-burning hormone, whereas estrogen is a potent fat storage hormone.You might have noticed how women tend to pack on the pounds after going on birth control pills or various estrogen replacement pills. You might have also noticed how testosterone-laden teenage boys can eat enormous amounts of food without gaining a pound. Any sensible fat-loss plan must take into consideration of testosterone and estrogen, otherwise it will be doomed to failure.

Another important hormonal system emphasized in this book is the insulin system. Many low carbohydrate diets such as the Atkins Diet or the Zone Diet dramatically oversimplify the role of insulin in fat loss. Yes, insulin is a hormone that can lead to fat storage when excessive amounts of carbohydrates are eaten. But carbohydrates and insulin are by no means evil and if the right diet and exercise steps are followed, you can harness your insulin system to help you burn fat while preserving muscle. Restricting carbohydrates too much is counterproductive in the long run, leads to loss of muscle mass, lowers your metabolism, causes fatigue and can promote muscle injury.

The first step to harnessing your fat-burning hormones has nothing to do with your eating habits. In fact, under this plan you are instructed to keep your diet exactly the same for the first two weeks. The way to jump start your fat-burning hormones is by simply picking up some weights and doing some simple weight training exercises. Weight training when done correctly can lead to a cascade of powerful fat-burning effects not seen with aerobics including large boosts in testosterone and growth hormone. Aerobics can actually lead to decreased fat-burning hormones, a reason why many people do hours and hours of aerobics without making a dent in their waistlines.Weight training only needs to be done 20-30 minutes per day, three or four days a week for maximum effect.But not all weight training exercises are created equally and the Hormone Revolution plan goes over some of the exercises scientifically proven to be the most effective for burning fat.

Weight training also has another huge advantage over aerobics; it makes it possible for you to eat carbohydrates without the fattening effects of insulin! Weight training has powerful effects on your insulin system and helps dramatically reduce the fattening effects of insulin. After a weight training session, you have a “magic window” of roughly one hour where you can eat a moderate amount of sugary and starchy foods without fattening effects. You can have your cake and eat it too, as long as you eat it right after lifting weights!

Eating starchy carbohydrates right after working out is just one of many fat burning tricks presented with the Hormone Revolution Weight Loss Plan. Did you know that exercising earlier in the day can lead to greater fat loss? Or that carbohydrates are less fattening in the morning than in the evening? Or that fat from fish or olives will actually help you burn fat whereas as fat from beef or butter will lead to fat storage? Effectively harnessing your fat-burning hormones means not only keeping track of the types of foods and exercises you do, but also the timing. If other weight loss plans have failed you, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying the Hormone Revolution Weight Loss Plan.

Karlis Ullis, M.D., is a sports medicine specialist and a faculty member of the UCLA School of Medicine. His current book is “The Hormone Revolution Weight-Loss Plan” (Avery; 2003; $13.95; Dr. Ullis can be reached at [email protected] or at 1807 Wilshire Blvd., #205, Santa Monica CA 90403, (310) 829-1990. For more info, visit: Joshua Shackman, Ph.D. is an assistant professor of management and health sciences at Touro University International.
What's the research there, there's a million diets people try all the time?
I thought the calories burned per hour for various activities was interesting. However, I did not see hiking or hunting with Greenhorn listed. I'm pretty sure Moosie and I can attest to the fact it's got to be somewhere around 5000 calories per hour, or maybe it's per minute. Either way it's way beyond cruel and unusual.:D
Put a 't' in it, dieting, not dieing. I'm thinking keeping up with Greenhorn, is more like without the 't' in it, at least for a flatlander, low elevation, patient wait em out on a trail hunter guy, like me.

I bought an idiots guide to dieting today, the tracker diet plan. Sounds like a guys type of diet, the diet tracker book. A lady here at work said I should have read the book, before I bought the cookies and donuts I brought in to work for us to snack on this morning. She might have a point there.
I thought the calories burned per hour for various activities was interesting. However, I did not see hiking or hunting with Greenhorn listed. I'm pretty sure Moosie and I can attest to the fact it's got to be somewhere around 5000 calories per hour, or maybe it's per minute. Either way it's way beyond cruel and unusual.:D

Information confirmed !!
Last time I hunted with Greenhorn, he let me ride beotch on his 4 wheeler, dropped me off to start hiking, then puttered around for two days on his fat arse before he shot a nearly Booner animal. Said he didn't need a bipod because his handlebars work so well as a rest. :D
Sitting behind a computer all day doesn't allow me to burn off many calories, I can guarantee you that. Caloric intake depends largely on your lifestyle: sedentary, moderate, active, etc. Basically, take in less calories than your body metabolizes and you lose weight. Intake more and you get Moosie! :D
That is funny right there. :D
Tomorrow starts Week 5 of going to the Gym. I've only gone 2-3 times a week now with playing Basket ball once a week on Tuesday nights. Mostly cartio and minor weights. But I'm feeling better. I haven't lost much weight but Since I started working out again I can't stop eating. I eat like a horse, doubling my portions. And lemme tell ya, thats ALOT :D :D

Tonight I ran on the Treadmill my best and longest run since I restarted. I did 5.1 miles in 50 minutes. Not bad for a Fatty........... Hopefully I can Cut that time. I have run 3 other times about 3 miles in 30 minutes but tonight was the first time I was gonig to try to do the Hour run. Didn't quiet make it. Getting closer. Maybe in another month. Till then, one day at a time.
"Restricting carbohydrates too much is counterproductive in the long run, leads to loss of muscle mass, lowers your metabolism, causes fatigue and can promote muscle injury."

My wife and I started limiting our carb inake last year. I was 5'9'' 178#, she was 5'2" 180ish. She being your typical cajun gal had the potential to go much higher if a change wasn't made. Her mother is 300+. By Nov. she had lost 45# and I had lost 15. We both felt better than we had in years.

If you read the Atkins plan it starts you off at very low carb levels to help break the "addiction" to carbs and then allows you to slowly introduce more carbs until you reach a level that your body is ok with. We no longer look at this as a diet but as a lifestyle change. I know everyone is different, but the biggest change we have made is we replaced the potatos, rice etc. with green veggies/salad. Therefore, I actually eat healthier than ever. On occassion I let my self "cheat" as a reward so that I don't totally go without foods that I love.

Some of the changes we have experienced in addition to the weight loss are:

I am totally off the acid controller meds. Pepcid, Prillosec etc. For a long time these were taken daily.

I don't have a problem staying awake at the office after lunch. No insulin spikes!

I don't crave desert like I used to.

Sex is better because we don't have an extra 60# flopping around any more!!hump :D

It has been a life saver for us, but remember, it's a "low carb" diet not a "no carb" diet.
Sex is better because we don't have an extra 60# flopping around any more!! I was 5'9'' 178#, she was 5'2" 180ish.

you could keep this quote handy.....if that doesnt curb your appetite, nothing will.
Moosie, if you are trying to lose weight and not build endurance you need to add more lifting. That doesn't mean heavy lifting, it simply means for an extended period of time. What I mean by that is start doing some interval training. Spend your first 10 mins in the gym running, then move to the weight room. Spend 30 mins lifting. Sit down and group your lifts. I work out 4 times a week minimum, but a three day plan is very simple. Group it as Chest/triceps and abs. Second day is Legs/lower back. Third Day is Back /Biceps. If you do all of these light you will burn fat because your calorie burn will go up. Close the workout with 10 mins of running or walking. Keeping your heart at a healthy rate, not peak will help you burn fat. If you keep your heart rate at peak for say a 5 mile jog, well you are simply conditioning your heart and not much else. The key to success in this area is a plan, and your number one enemy is carbonated beverages! The High Fructose Corn Syrup is killer!
you could keep this quote handy.....if that doesnt curb your appetite, nothing will.

LOL. I guess the mental image wouldn't be too pretty!

Trust me when I say that my lovely bride is looking so much better I hate to leave home.
When ever I am lifting a bunch I start to feel slow and fat. When I run or hike a bunch I start to feel twiggy like a backpack is gonna bend me over. I guess there is there is nothing that replicates putting on a heavy backpack and hiking for days on end. SO I am starting to look at this stuff.

Still on the fence about this crossfit stuff but I did "Fran" on Saturday and it about killed me. It wasn't even the heavy stuff like this guy is doing.
21-15-9 reps of thrusters and pulls ups.

Not worth it for slow internet.
Man I love this time of year. I've gone from 185 to 202 between Nov. to Jan. I do the same chit every year. I bulk up then I loose the weight. I pretty much lift weights until about 2 months before hunting season. Then I start throwing in a little cardio into the mix. I need to start kicking into the cardio thing a little more but I hate RUNNING!!!!!
I'm a fatass again. I've got mad eating skilz. I'll lose it slowly over the spring and summer again. Just one year I'd like to start out in good shape. :rolleyes:
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