Tikka T3X free float

Hatchie Dawg

Well-known member
Jan 2, 2011
West TN
I picked up a Tikka T3X Superlite at Cabelas Bowling Green a couple of weeks ago. I have not shot the rifle. I have a question about the free float on these rifles. I forgot my glasses when I picked the rifle up and I couldn't inspect it fully. When I got it home and put my glasses on I noticed something contacting the left side of the barrel just proximal to the fluting. I thought it was a tiny bit of paint and actually removed it with a fine screw driver head. But when I checked the float with a dollar there is a definite block on both sides of the barrel. On my model 70 and a-bolt the float extends all the way to the receiver.

Here is a pic. There is something stopping the dollar at that point.

Untitled by jeff lansdale, on Flickr

Is this normal for a Tikka? Seems counter intuitive but I am not really an expert.

I'm no expert but my Tikka doesn't do that. I would guess that any contact COULD have an impact on accuracy but would probably heavily depend on the amount of pressure that is applied. Just my $0.02.
Pull it apart and sand it down. Then you know for sure it is freefloated and you don't have to worry about it.
I free floated my super lite all the way back. You may should shoot it before to see if it even needs it. Free floating and finding the right factory load took mine from a .75-1 inch rifle to a .3-.5 inch rifle. Not sure if it was the floating or the load. But probably a combination of both. Should be a shooter. Congrats.
IMG_1270.jpgMine stops in the same place when I check the float. It also has the small protrusion on the left side. I noticed it when I bought a T3X last week so I had the person behind the counter show me 2 of the other new Tikka's they had on display and they all had the same thing so I figured it was supposed to be there. Shot mine today and it did fine.
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"This video might help explain what you are seeing. Watch carefully starting around the 4:40 minute mark."

I see that cross stay or rib distal to lug. Is that what you are talking about?

Tikka 06 is that what you sanded down?

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I always take them out of the stock when I get a new rifle. My Weatherbys are all free floated from the action forward. If its a synthetic stock sanding is not an issue. Wood stocks should have the barrel channel sealed to prevent warpage from snow or rain. You would be surprised that some of the factories don't do this. GJ

"This video might help explain what you are seeing. Watch carefully starting around the 4:40 minute mark."

I see that cross stay or rib distal to lug. Is that what you are talking about?

Tikka 06 is that what you sanded down?


Hatchie Dawg, yup those are the areas between the barrel and stock that I believe you are running into.

"This video might help explain what you are seeing. Watch carefully starting around the 4:40 minute mark."

I see that cross stay or rib distal to lug. Is that what you are talking about?

Tikka 06 is that what you sanded down?


Yeah I actually used a dremel and then sanded it all smooth. I reduced the ribs and opened up the barrel channel a little bit also just to ensure a good opening. I think it took about 15 minutes total.
My wifes does the same thing. I was told by a Smith that it's not near as critical if it's touching that close to action end. Not sure if that's correct or not
I have two Tikkas - plastic stock in 7mm Mag and wood stock in 6.5x55. Other than mounting scopes, I have not touched them. They both shoot under an inch at 100 yds. Proof of the pudding is in the eating.

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