PEAX Equipment

Tikka T3

I talked to a gunsmith here in Missoula a while back when I was considering getting a new rifle and he said he stopped carrying them because if/when he had to get parts for one it was a pain in the rear and they were spendy. Otherwise I have heard awesome things performance wise and don't think I would let the parts issue deter me from pulling the trigger on one (no pun intended).
When my brother was working at a gunsmithing shop (factory repair center for Beretta and other major brands here in CA) the Beretta rep came in and offered the staff the opportunity to buy any Beretta firearm at his cost. Being short on money, my brother ordered a couple T3 Lites in .243 for me and our buddy. The darn things shot so well that I had him rush an order fro one in .300 Win. My .243 shoots more half-inch groups than larger ones. The .300 is darn close behind it and is ajoy to carry. I did fit the .300 with a pre-fit Limbsaver pad that helped off teh bench.
So I decided to pull the trigger (so to speak). Tikka T3 stainless 7mm08 should be here in about a week! Thank you all for the responses, they helped alot to make a decision.
good choice on getting the stainless. what glass are you going to put on it? I put an old Burris on mine, its alright. I was being cheap. and now that i have a bow i barely take out my rifle's anymore. i need to though
Due in large part to advice and reviews, I am putting a Redfield 3-9 duplex on it. Got a real good deal, before the last price increase. Should be a fun package to shoot, looking forward to getting to the range!
They are very, very popular in the UK, my friend has the .270
The ONLY issue i have ever heard of was the forend on one rifle was too close to the barrel and when a bipod was used it flexed against the free floating barrel, it was easily rectified.
So that is the only bad report i have ever heard of, so you have made a good choice.
I have the same B&C stock as MnHntr and they did a very nice job with it. Mine is in 338 win mag and is a very accurate nice handling rifle.

For years I told everyone that they were crap hoping to keep the price down. Fact is, they are one of the finest shooting rifles I've ever owned and I either own or have owned a stack of rifles. They are or were equivalent in quality to the old Sakos. THey certainly do shoot well and are nicely designed...and everyone knows that life is too short to shoot an ugly gun!
I finally got to the range, nice shooting gun! 3 holes touching at 100 yards with fusion ammo. On to Wyoming for antelope!
I dont know if this is a good price but i found a 30-06 blued barrel for $496 and a stainless for $626 are these good prices i havent got to shop around much.
Hi all I'm a newb from MN
My son has the T3 7mm-08
He's 13 and shoots lights out with it.
Another in our camp shoots the same Cal, knocks big MN bucks over!
You made a great choice IMO
Earlier this year I bought a T3 in 6.5x55 to use for silhouette shooting. While working up loads (it did not take long) my first group of 5 shots at 100 yds resulted in 3 holes in the paper. This is more or less typical for this rifle. Way more accurate than me. Excellent trigger, too. I think my next rifle (probably a 270) will also be a Tikka.
I dont know if this is a good price but i found a 30-06 blued barrel for $496 and a stainless for $626 are these good prices i havent got to shop around much.

I think that's pretty standard. I've looked at the T3 and T3 Lite in a variety of calibers--and I think one was $500, one $550 (blued). I'll probably settle for a 30.06 because it's a caliber I've shot since I was a kid. I am curious about both the .270 WSM and 7mm-.08 because I've heard good things about them but I really don't know much about rifles, other than which end is for pointing.
I have been eyeing the T3 for awhile, but ever since I graduated college I have had my heart set on a Sako 85 Hunter though. Pretty much the same gun but with better stock (walnut w/ very nice checkering), no PLASTIC and since I am looking at either a 270wsm or 300wsm its nice to get the short action. The T3 is still a great gun but I might spend the a little more since this will be the one hunting rifle I use for the rest of my life. (plus I have A LOT of points on my Cabelas card to use up!! haha)
I dont know if this is a good price but i found a 30-06 blued barrel for $496 and a stainless for $626 are these good prices i havent got to shop around much.

Sounds about right (Ableammo IIRC has em a bit higher) Good platforms for the dough IMO.
I own a T3 in SS. It is a 270wsm and I love it. Topped it with a Leupold VX-3 CDS and its groups great. I don't reload yet, but am happy shooting it with Federal Premium 140 Accubonds.

My wife has a 7mm-08 (Marlin) and shot my gun last year at a buck from 300 yds. She didnt even notice the recoil. She loved the gun and now says it will be her long range gun for shots at 300 yds+

An option you might check that would also be a good deal is a Sako A7. Cabelas had these on sale for $600. Good luck and I don't think you would regret a T3.
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