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Ticks in Idaho? Elk Archery Hunt

Hey guys my son and I are going on our first elk archery hunt in Idaho sept 8-20 and was wondering about ticks in Idaho. Does anyone have any experience with hunting central Idaho and dealing with ticks? Here in TN we got eat up with them in Turkey season, which I. some years where we turkey hunt we don’t get in them much, then some years they’re terrible. We will be hunting 7,000-10,000ft in elevation not sure if ticks are up in higher elevation or not..thanks for any feedback
Coming from the East Coast and now living in Idaho, ticks are very rare here. I usually pull dozens if not hundreds off my dogs and myself when hiking or hunting in the east but I've only seen a few in the West.
You can protect yourself with a special ointment from ticks. Consult your doctors. Despite the fact that the main peak of tick activity is coming to an end, the risk of being bitten is still there – and will continue until October.First of all, you need to go to the nearest emergency room or infectious diseases office. Doctors will remove the tick and give you an immunoglobulin. If it is not possible to get to the hospital in a short time, then you need to get the tick yourself. To do this, you need to grab it with tweezers or fingers wrapped in clean gauze as close to the proboscis as possible and turn the body around the axis to remove it from the skin.It is better to remove the tick in some closed container, so that later it can be tested in a virological laboratory. I have never been bitten by this little parasite, but my cat was not spared. He began to feel unwell and we immediately decided to go to the vet. The vet removed the tick for my cat's poor health was directly related to fleas. The doctor advised me not to use cat flea and tick collars and I did not regret that I trusted the knowledge of a specialist.
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We do have ticks but usually at lower levels in the sage they can get bad. Never really see any after aug-sept. Maybe on an elk or deer but I only get them when I am by creeks, lakes and lower elevation. Rifle hunting no ticks. Archery maybe a couple

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